Chapter 274 Yeluo Express Home Delivery

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Wang Chengzhu did not fly the rotorcraft directly into the small courtyard of the regiment cadres, but landed in the wilderness more than a mile outside the village. The military discipline of the new regiment is not to treat guests to dinner. Even though he is a cadre now, he should leave.

No preparation process should be missing.

He took out a channel speaker from the inventory and prepared to use it to make calls. He casually broke off a branch as thick as his thumb and about waist high, waved it to indicate his presence, and walked towards the village gate.

Generally speaking, when approaching a military-controlled area, you must go through the main entrance or pass the security checkpoint. If you enter the military-controlled area without warning during peacetime, you may easily be detained as a person with malicious intentions, or be handed over to the local public security agency. The World of Bright Sword is here

It was a time of war, and Wang Chengzhu was afraid that he would be shot coldly.

Although my digitalized body cannot be easily injured, the clothes on my body are real products from the world of Liangjian. There are many holes for no reason, which is not beautiful. Besides, Wang Chengzhu is also a member of the New Group, and he has been shot in his own home.

Not to mention wasting precious ammunition reserves, comrades who raise their heads but don't see them will inevitably feel embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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