Chapter 338: An ideological mobilization class

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"Okay, okay, calm down, don't let the comrades here see the joke." Comrade Commander walked up to the soldier who nodded and lowered his eyebrows, and tried to liven up the atmosphere, "We are all from China, so we are no longer home.

Zhang Wei, I remember that you were recruited into the army in southern Gansu. Tell me, do you want to go home now?"

"Report to the commander, I want to go home." The soldier whose name was called expressed his inner thoughts without hesitation, "It's just that in this situation, I can't say how many relatives in my hometown remember me."

The chief took over the conversation and enlightened: "In times of peace at home, it would not be difficult to ask someone to stop by and take a look. It is also possible to take leave to visit relatives. But what is happening now, comrades all know that our country is being invaded.

"Our war with the Japanese pirates has lasted for three years. Our compatriots in the north of Recha Province have been oppressed by the Japanese for almost ten years. Ten years is enough for the children born to help their families work in the fields. We still need to continue our efforts to

The Japanese are rushing back to their hometown." Wang Chengzhu.

This chapter has been completed!
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