Chapter 349 Applying for field service and transportation

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Wang Chengzhu noticed the sullen look on the leader's face and stopped talking.

Captain Ma wanted to say a few words to Wang Chengzhu, but he hesitated and hesitated. He opened his mouth and murmured for a long time, but did not make a sound. The latter was passing by and added to his team. He spoke out of affection and remained silent.

Points. When faced with an obvious displeasure for the chief, it is human nature to protect oneself and avoid danger, so it is good enough not to add insult to injury.

No one spoke for more than ten seconds at the meeting. It was the team leader who finally broke the silence: "Comrade Wang has his own ideas and can speak them out. Organizing and arranging work is humane. If there are any difficulties, put them on the table and share them."

There’s not so much pressure anymore.”

The leader's face softened a little, and he walked down the steps: "Comrade Wang, if you have any ideas about the organization and arrangements, please tell your comrades clearly. Let's discuss the matter and talk about it. Don't leave any ideological baggage behind."

Wang Chengzhu calmed down. This is not the workplace he worked in before time travel. If you have trouble with the leader, you don’t have to worry about your job being ruined. This is the war era in the world of bright swords, and the military is the place where discipline and obedience are most important.

This chapter has been completed!
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