Chapter 365 White umbrella flowers bloom in the sky

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Wang Chengzhu's thin arms couldn't twist his thick legs, so he had to agree to the brigade commander's request.

Considering that I am at the brigade headquarters, the behavior of some materialized items is inappropriate, so I have to find a way to make it reasonable.

"Well, what the brigade commander just said was that a batch of supplies fell from the sky. In fact, I took it upon myself to retrieve the new group that night and used a rope to drop it. How about I use a parachute to drop some supplies for the brigade commander this time?

It's over." Wang Chengzhu rubbed the plaster with his hands and started brainstorming quickly in his mind, "The gold and silver belongings that were moved from the Jinnan Administrative Office warehouse have not all been handed over to Leader Wang and the others. It just so happens that these yellow and white things cannot be eaten or drank, which is fine.

Those who occupy space should hand it over to the brigade headquarters as part of their due course."

Just do whatever comes to mind. The Bilashelle airship is currently cruising in the sky above the brigade headquarters. Send a text message to Captain Mia and arrange some parachute supply boxes to drop down.

The sling built when lowering supplies was not disassembled from the sail mast, and it was used to hang the parachute rope this time. After receiving the news from Wang Chengzhu, Mia worked hard to select several large boxes of precious metals that met the requirements and add them to it.

Parachute packaging and smoke signal triggering device.

As long as the tireless robot is charged enough, its work efficiency is far superior to that of flesh and blood creatures. Wang Chengzhu and the two brigade leaders were not left waiting for too long. As Mia calculated the wind speed and direction data, she pushed the airdrop box away in the predetermined airspace.

The aft flight deck of the USS Birahel.

"Boom...shua...bang..." A white umbrella flower appeared in the sky. Soon, three round parachutes floated in the clouds, hanging heavy objects and flew towards the direction of the temporary base of the 38th Army Brigade.

At first, the airdrop pod containing precious metals fell very quickly. When the guide chute pulled out the main parachute, the downward trend decreased sharply, and there was even an upward rebound vibration. But this was just an illusion of the moment and center of gravity oscillating. The airdrop

The box is still affected by gravity and continues to fall to the ground. But the overall falling speed is not as fast as when it was just pushed out of the airship, as if it is about to fall to pieces.

The wrist terminal on Wang Chengzhu's left hand vibrated slightly, and he knew that the tasks assigned to him had been completed. For the rest of the time, he just had to wait patiently.

This chapter has been completed!
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