Chapter 390 Bulk cargo terminal stevedores

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Before dawn, Wang Chengzhu rushed to Xingang Pier and gathered outside the fence with many coolie workers wrapped in burlap, lining up to wait to start work.

In the world of Liangjian, the threshold for entry into the profession of stevedores who sell their labor force is low, and the supply of young and middle-aged workers has exceeded demand for years. In the labor market, not only are workers selected by employers, but they also lower the piece-rate labor price. The phenomenon of competition for work is not uncommon.

, as for the workers who have been in a weak position for a long time. The entry of the dock union has controlled the vicious competition of lowering wages to some extent, but it is also an organization of personal dependence and exploitation for labor workers.

Since the opening of Jingu, the scale of the dental industry has not kept up with the rapidly expanding market demand, and has gradually faded into the dust of the times. Imported workers' self-governance products with newer concepts and organizational structures have appeared, and trade unions and tax professionals learned from modern industrialized countries have appeared.

The combination of measures such as dispatching administrators to assist in office work, open accounting and payment of taxes, and union managers receiving subsidies and taking turns to participate in labor are at least a hundred years advanced compared to the Yayi ticket industry that imitates the tax package system.

However, for workers who participate in labor, they will have nothing to eat if they don’t work. The shackles imposed on them, old wine in new bottles, and the burden are real. Every day, the union must deduct 10% of their income as membership dues, and they have to pay more to enter the workplace.

Only by registering as a guarantor can I get this barely subsistence income.

For dock workers, the only way to obey the general environment is to make a living and take it one step at a time. The most important thing is to have food and clothing first. This is the reality that Wang Chengzhu summed up while listening to the chats of nearby workers while waiting to go to work.

This chapter has been completed!
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