Chapter 342: A prairie fire under heavy pressure

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The team leader pointed to the enemy stronghold in the distance and spoke firmly: "These Japanese devils are carrying out armed aggression against China, and they are economically colonizing the occupied areas by sending garrison troops and traitors who surrender to the enemy. Our people are struggling on the line of life and death every day.


"Comrade leader, I have been on several missions here. Except for the night attack where I only saw the enemy, the streets are quite lively during the day." Wang Chengzhu talked about what he had seen these past few days, thought for a moment and added, "

The security checkpoints with live ammunition passed by quite quickly, and there were many farmers doing farm work in the fields on the roadside, but I never saw those people struggling on the line of life and death."

The team leader was choked by Wang Chengzhu's vernacular, and patiently explained: "That's because what you see is the result. The exploitative behavior of the invaders and their lackeys against the people in the jurisdiction has made the lives of the people at the bottom hopeless."

"Comrade leader, what you said makes sense. I see things superficially and don't think deeply about the inner situation." Wang Chengzhu responded without thinking, with a tone that asked you to continue. He followed him out of the ideological education class.

While walking, no matter how slow he was, he realized that the comrade leading the team was going to give him a small start. This was an opportunity. Handling interpersonal relationships well within the same military command system is sometimes more important than the ability to complete tasks assigned by superiors, not to mention that the superior leader is now

Offer an olive branch.

The team leader was quite satisfied with Wang Chengzhu's performance, so he continued: "Comrade Wang, don't be too harsh on yourself. Your technical and tactical skills are proficient and relaxed. This is obvious to all the commanders and soldiers. The instructors often teach us that we are not perfect."

Man, your combat skills are so outstanding, and there must be a lot of room for improvement in your thinking and understanding.

"I have a general understanding of your situation. As a combat hero acting as a platoon leader, a commander always thinks more about things than a combatant. Of course, military training cannot be left behind. You lack some systematic military education and need to perform better than ordinary soldiers.

Only by being more prominent can the comrades be convinced heart and soul."

"Comrade leader, I understand." Wang Chengzhu was overjoyed by the praise and quickly expressed his position.

This chapter has been completed!
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