Chapter 464: Follow and protect at a fixed distance

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After handing over a large sum of money to the Sheka puppet army to "buy the road", Wang Chengzhu got the road pass.

According to the puppet squad leader, this piece of black-framed letter paper with a signature and seal can be exempted from inspection at the checkpoint at the back. Of course, there are ways to use this "exemption certificate". You need to pay the supervisor on duty a polishing fee, and you can use it.

As for passing through the next checkpoint, the restriction is that it can be used on the same day, which means that the group of people who are on duty today will receive a collective extra income.

Wang Chengzhu couldn't help but lean forward to say thank you, and carefully put the road strips into his lapel. In his own opinion, this gesture was decent and polite without losing his appearance. In the eyes of the cart master and others, he only believed that his employer knew how to behave.

However, among the puppet soldiers, they felt that the "Little God of Wealth" was very harmonious, and there were no big gifts such as taking off his hat and bowing, so it was very suitable.

The two puppet army captains and deputy squad leaders, who were wearing leather belts, took off their hats to see them off. The reason was that the man named Wang gave too much. As the saying goes, "Money can speak to the gods", the other party would take more.

To smoothen the relationship, it is more than enough to hire a security team or a garrison. When the time comes, you will not know which bastard is cheaper when the meat is delivered to your mouth.

Yes, Wang Chengzhu didn’t understand the complicated composition of the army under the puppet government, and neither did the hired masters. The transportation station and his superiors lacked verifiable and relevant information, so he had been using some imaginary things to smoothen the relationship.

Complete various tasks assigned by superiors.

After passing one checkpoint after another, every time Wang Chengzhu took out the road sign and handed over a heavy handling fee, the convoy walked smoothly on the highway and headed southeast.

"Mr. Wang, look at the group of people behind you, something seems to be wrong." An escort master stopped by the roadside and told Wang Chengzhu, who took out a water bag to quench his thirst, what he had discovered.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of suspected tailing situation, they will most likely ask the escort master to come forward to negotiate. See if the other party is traveling together or intending to join their own team. Then they can choose to exchange courier flags or offer them a copy.

The gift of peace. When you go out, you should pay attention to "peace and peace, harmony and wealth". Fire is a situation that most people try to avoid.

When fighting a war, it is the last insurance measure. If you win, you will lose your troops and return the spoils of war, but you still have to worry about being taken advantage of; if you lose, you will have to compensate Party A for losing the goods, and you have to appease the masters and servants, no matter what.

It's a loss. In addition, when foreign invaders sometimes invade, the main targets of protection are Japanese soldiers and puppet soldiers who are interested in profit. The protection against poaching compatriots on a piece of land has dropped a lot in the past three or four years.

But this is an ordinary person. Wang Chengzhu, who has the blessing of the system, can understand the true identity of the group behind him in a short time just by increasing the transparency of the satellite positioning skills.

"It turns out to be Captain Ma and the others!" Wang Chengzhu said in his heart, a look of determination appeared on his face, which made the escort master next to him feel at ease.

It was so dangerous, I thought I had to put my head in my belt and work.

Wang Chengzhu looked at the target annotation displayed by the satellite positioning technology in his field of vision and walked to one of the people he brought into the convoy: "Master, hello, please go and contact the back to see what is going on with those people. Why?

Follow us in a stop-and-go manner?"

The latter sentence was meant for the people around me. Only the owner of the carriage shop and the leader of the team knew the details of these new faces. The other masters didn't know each other well. The reason is not complicated. Since the canal transportation has been stopped, there has been no melee.

Most of the people recruited by military leaders to serve as soldiers were turned into local farmers. Those who had jobs would just say hello to Baojiali Chang and join them to do some part-time work. Normally, they were just numbers on the roster of a carriage and horse shop.

This chapter has been completed!
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