Chapter 477: Entering the city to arrange funeral arrangements

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Hearing the system report, the man who accidentally beat the Japanese merchant Zhang Ben to death had been taken away from his residence. After thinking for a moment, Wang Chengzhu left a plan on his notepad to investigate the situation.

This matter seemed to have nothing to do with him, because when it was stumbling on the mission and causing confusion in his thoughts, he really wanted Zhang Ben, the notoriously bad Japanese merchant, to suffer some pain, and even wrote it down in a small notebook to prepare for his request.

However, after writing the note and adding the monitoring sequence, he put the matter aside. If it hadn't been for the system reminder, Wang Chengzhu would not have known that the person who offended him had unexpectedly died in his residence. He couldn't help but secretly laugh, evil

There will be evil retribution, retribution in this life.

Wang Chengzhu saw that the information broadcast by this system was quite comprehensive, but it was fragmented and there was no summary report to read, so it was still not smart enough. However, he ignored that in China in 1940, most official documents were still paper documents, and there were not many radio signals.

For monitoring. Naturally, the system he had only used for a few months seemed rather dull.

After setting a simple to-do list, Wang Chengzhu minimized the notepad and turned to dealing with real things. He first took his feet out of the cooling hot water basin and wiped off the water stains, then pulled up his cloth shoes and picked up the wooden basin.

I poured water for washing my feet near the green plants in the courtyard. Then I put the public tub back to its original place, hung a towel on a long rope in front of the bed, and climbed up to the big bed to get ready to rest.

When it was warm and then cold, the blanket seemed a little thin. Wang Chengzhu followed suit by covering the blanket with his coat buttons, curling up his legs and trying to sleep.

After a while, the temperature in the blanket gradually warmed up, and Wang Chengzhu's slightly trembling body stretched out and slowly fell asleep. In addition to being immune to open wounds, the body that has been digitally managed has also eliminated sleep talking and snoring.

.After all, the character's sleep state in the game only includes "zZ..." and slight and steady sleep breathing sounds, without any personalized sleeping positions such as teeth grinding. This is a hidden benefit for comrades in the same room, which indirectly improves the quality of sleep.


His body was asleep, and Wang Chengzhu's conscious body became active in the system space. After finishing the character's fatigue value as if completing daily tasks, he immersed himself in a pile of books to enrich himself.

Speaking of which, before Wang Chengzhu traveled to the world of Liangjian, he worked and lived in a world shrouded in information networks for a long time. In addition to being busy with work projects, he would read and supplement professional materials. Basically, all his spare time was given to games and videos.

For entertainment content, most of the bookshelves are filled with empty bookcases for decoration.

After traveling into this body, he was quite active in the game in the first few months, but as time went by, he gradually became numb. Perhaps his game character was only a gunner for the time being, both in the game and in Bright Sword World.

, my senses are starting to get a bit boring. In recent weeks, I have devoted all my energy to reading books. In an era of semi-internet disconnection, the only way to spiritual life is the ocean of words.

The next day, early morning.

Wang Chengzhu, who got up one after another with the soldiers in his room and tidied up the housework, finished his exercise and had breakfast, said goodbye to Company Commander Ma and Instructor Luo, and set foot on the road to Jingu City.

This chapter has been completed!
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