Chapter 187: Going deep into the tiger's den

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 The members of the random band appeared in Jiaxide's memory screen, and Yu Zhesen's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Yu Qingxue's suspicion is right. There is a problem with d and the whole band.

He remembered that when he went up from the elevator just now, Yan seemed to have said similar words.

Slowing down the speed, Yu Zhesen pulled back the screen, intending to take a closer look at the faces of the other members of the band. After all, he was only familiar with D among these people.

The place where the band appeared in Jahid's memory seemed to be a dark underground space, with the background looking like an air raid shelter or an abandoned tunnel?

In addition to the members of the random band, there were also some people who looked like mercenaries at the scene.

These people are old and young, and they should be the pioneering group who are dissatisfied with the Jonard family.

"Yi Guang, save these data."

Time was limited, and he didn't have the patience to read it carefully, so he could only save it for later. These memories of Jahid should be of great help in solving the case.

Wait? This is... Yu Zhesen paused the screen and rewind a few frames.

The light in the scene was very dark, and the figure he was interested in was wearing black and standing in an inconspicuous corner, almost being ignored.

The back view of a tall woman with long legs, wearing a tight black leather jacket.

This woman is standing facing the wall, but there is still a little distance between her and the wall. You can vaguely see half of her head peeking out from the left side.

Blonde hair, with spiral curls at the ends, not tall.

It's a nightmare, Yu Zhesen is very sure.

The person leaning against the wall in the corner, almost blocked by the tall woman in leather clothing, is a nightmare.

He suddenly felt that he had fallen into a trap. The enemies, passers-by and the helpers he thought were all from the same family.

The screen stopped abruptly and was replaced by an emergency switch to an armor damage warning.

There was a sharp touch on the back, and the microcomputer showed that the energy module on the back was severely damaged.

"Don't move." The woman threatened in a cold voice, "I know clearly the weak points of the Silver Flash exoskeleton. You don't want to see the knife pass through your chest, do you?"

Yu Zhesen kept his half-crouching and half-kneeling posture without moving, and said with emotion: "What a good trick. I didn't notice you approaching twice before and after."

"The energy module of the armor has been destroyed. It's useless for you to delay. It's better to start the light particle decomposition as soon as possible."

"There are still about ten seconds before the forced decomposition, which is enough for me to contact the people downstairs."

"But you won't do that," Yan said. "Calling Sun Minghang and the others up would be like giving up on Qingxue."

She knew her thoughts very accurately. Yu Zhesen really had no intention of contacting Sun Minghang and Team D.

Nightmare's motives are once again hidden in the fog, and what kind of supernatural abilities the elusive guards around her have is also a mystery.

Yu Zhesen took the initiative to disarm and at the same time felt the tip of the knife against his back more intuitively.

"The fact that you killed Jahid was beyond my control. It would have been better if you weren't so good at fighting." Ni said regretfully.

"Then why did you ask her to stop at the elevator door? I didn't even have time to activate the armor at that time."

"I don't want to fall out with you too early. If you can trust me more, there may be a better way."

The female guard holding the knife reminded: "Time is tight, this is not the time to talk."

Nightmare nodded: "Let him sleep."

"Wait, how are you going to escape if you knock me out?" Yu Zhesen questioned, "I have promised to assist you, in exchange for ensuring Yu Qingxue's safety."

"This is where our differences lie. My target is Ye Xiao, and you have to assist Ye Xiao's companions in evacuating." Nightmare sighed.

"Ye Xiao is the man who contacted me? Is he your target? Then we should have a common enemy..."

Before he could finish speaking, the female guard behind him knocked him unconscious with the handle of a knife.

"You don't have to explain it to him at all," the female guard said to Yan.

"Yes, you are right." Nightmare turned and left the messy room, "Get rid of the bomb, and then bring him over."

"As commanded."


Yu Zhesen woke up ten minutes later, still feeling a dull pain in the back of his head.

He found that he was tied to a chair. Judging from the layout of the room, he should still be in the Marina Hotel.

I didn't see Yan Yan or anyone else.

Unguarded? This was too strange. He couldn't miss the opportunity. He tried to shake his body and struggle.

As soon as he moved, Yu Zhesen hit a hard object on the back of his head, and severe pain suddenly came from the area where the guard of the nightmare hit him with the handle of the knife.


He heard a slight moan coming from behind him.

"Teacher Yu?" Yu Zhesen was surprised and uncertain.

"Yeah." Yu Qingxue's response was a little frustrated.

He suddenly realized that it was Yu Qingxue who hit the back of his head when he was struggling.

Two chairs were placed back to back, and he and Yu Qingxue were tied together with the same rope.

"What happened after you chased Jachid from the beach?" Yu Zhesen wanted to sort out the clues from her side.

"It makes no sense to say this now."

"Don't be so depressed. Were you controlled by the other party on the phone before?" Yu Zhesen asked tentatively.

"Night Owl has acquired the same abilities as me, you shouldn't have come here." She sighed, "It's too late to say anything now."

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

"Night Owl is a dream power user. He can copy and acquire other powers by defeating other power users in dreams." Yu Qingxue said with some despair, "He is the gunman in my dream before."<


"So he brought you and two personalities together to gain full power?"

"They probably indirectly used me as a springboard to control Congressman Qiao's thoughts. By the way, D is his accomplice, as are the entire random band."

"I already know this." Yu Zhesen responded.

Yu Qingxue then told him that Night Owl and Nightmare are now preparing to fall asleep.

"This time their target is you. Night Owl obtained information about you from my memory, and he took a fancy to your abilities."

"Escape is just a cover?"

"It's just a cover. He has collected all kinds of strange abilities from countless superpowers. The security bureau's regular roundup methods will not work on him." Yu Qingxue smiled bitterly, "He will get your abilities in a while, so

Once he gets there, there's nothing he can do about it."

Perhaps this is the real reason why she is so depressed and desperate at this time.

According to Yu Qingxue, Night Owl is about to get precognition, time stagnation, steel burning and other powerful powers from Yu Zhesen, and the most powerful power user in history may be born.

As a special dispatcher of the Ability Investigation Section, she felt deeply that she had neglected her duty at this moment, and said as if she had given up on herself: "Maybe it would be better if I killed you earlier. Rather than letting Night Owl get your ability to strengthen, it is better for me to kill you.

This hidden danger."

This guy has started talking nonsense. Has he lost his rationality under high pressure? Yu Zhesen shook his head.

"You just said that if Night Owl wants to copy his abilities, he must defeat his opponent in the dream, right? Then don't I still have a chance?" Yu Zhesen tried to let the two find a way out of the predicament.

"Nama will help him, how do you win?"

Really? Yu Zhesen thinks this still needs to be verified.

Nightmare's position has been swinging back and forth, and the conversation just now revealed that she and Ye Xiao are not of the same mind.

He and Yu Qingxue are now arrested cicadas, but it’s hard to say who is the oriole and who is the mantis among the two people who set up the trap.

"Cheer up, teacher, this is not a dead end. If you just want the two of us to escape, I can do it now."

"Stop comforting me..."

"Seriously, I still have a way, but I can't tell you now." He said, "Because Ye Xiao has obtained your ability, you are not the one who can keep it secret now."

Yu Qingxue asked: "What about yourself? Is there any secret in front of telepathy?"

"You may not believe it, but my mental protection is stronger than yours." He smiled.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the room, and Yu Zhesen instantly suppressed his smile, lowered his head and closed his eyes, pretending that he was still awake.

This chapter has been completed!
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