Chapter 421: Disaster is imminent?

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 After Shi Xin took over the control center of the institute, he quickly found the location of Jin Guozheng.

To everyone's surprise, Jin Guozheng was still staying in the room behind the big staircase at the end of Gangyuan Prison at the bottom of the research institute, seemingly never leaving.

Is he so confident that he doesn't have the slightest intention of chasing and killing the people who escaped?

Yu Zhesen and others can’t quite understand it.

Before they split up to destroy the four light particle filters, everyone was worried that they would be intercepted by Jin Guozheng on the way. Now it seems that their worries at the time were completely unnecessary.

This is a good thing for them.

"According to the plan, we will set off first." Yu Zhesen and Han Jinglong formed the advance team, said goodbye to the others and took the lead in ascending the ascending and descending platform.

Taking into account Jin Guozheng's special abilities, the result of the discussion at the combat meeting was that Yu Zhesen, who holds the Platinum Age Future Armor, and Han Jinglong, who can activate supernatural atomization, will show up first.

In order to paralyze Jin Guozheng and prevent him from using the ability of the void to escape, Yu Zhesen must summon the armor when the anti-superpower field approaching the Platinum Age can cover Jin Guozheng.

In this way, the first group of people to show up must bear a huge risk - Jin Guozheng may launch a void sneak attack as soon as they meet.

Except for Yu Zhesen and Han Jinglong, everyone else did not have enough ability to protect themselves in the face of the void, so they were arranged as the second echelon to provide support.

After Yu Zhesen and Han Jinglong set off, the other three people staying in the Prism Hall were also ready to leave.

Jin Jianshen and Wu Xiaoming carried various weapons and equipment obtained from the Ninth Security Room. An He did not need these additional weapons, she only needed the black knife.

"What if Jin Guozheng still uses the void to remove the light particles from that area as before?" Wu Xiaoming asked.

"Didn't Mr. Han say that he can briefly absorb light particles to himself in the atomized state? He is now a human-shaped light particle providing device." An He explained.

"So were you distracted again just now?" Jin Jianshen asked Wu Xiaoming.

"Ah... I just think this Uluru AI is too attractive." Wu Xiaoming defended his absent-mindedness.

The holographic projection's Shi Xin corrected her: "It's Ultra artificial intelligence."

"It's all the same... By the way, don't you need to return to Yu Zhesen's body to assist him?"

An He was also curious about this question, and he and Wu Xiaoming looked up at Shi Xin.

Shi Xin has the exact same appearance as her, which makes her always feel a strange sense of discomfort when she looks directly at Shi Xin.

Shi Xin explained: "Of course an advanced AI like me will not be single-threaded. I have always been one and the same with Yu Zhesen."

"I'm so envious..." Wu Xiaoming murmured.

"Is it my ability that you envy or the fact that I can be with Yu Zhesen all the time?" Shi Xin showed a sly smile in the light and shadow projection.

An He looked away in embarrassment. Shi Xin thought she couldn't make such a naughty smile at this time, or... it would be difficult for her to do it without being in a specific environment.

"Yu Zhesen and Han Jinglong have already set off for ten minutes, and we should leave as planned." Jin Jianshen seemed to be the only sober person present, interrupting the gossip of the three women, including AI.

An He and Wu Xiaoming looked at each other, and for the first time there was a tacit understanding in each other's eyes.

They were about to board the lifting platform when they heard Shi Xin's voice above their heads.

"Ms. An, can you please stay for a while? I have a few words that I want to talk to you alone."

An He was stunned for a moment and stopped hesitantly.

Wu Xiaoming yelled: "Hey, do you have anything shameful to say that you can't let me hear? This AI is just as ill-intentioned as the glass ball before!"

"You guys go first, I'll catch up soon." An He nodded to Jin Jianshen and Wu Xiaoming.

Jin Jianshen pulled Wu Xiaoming onto the ascending and descending circular platform, then it sank and disappeared from her sight.

An He raised his head and looked at his projected self.

"Miss An... no, let's call you An He. What I'm going to say next is very important. Please... please remember it carefully."

"Just tell me, I'm ready."


Bottom of the research institute, Gangyuan Prison.

Yu Zhesen and Han Jinglong are heading towards the big staircase at the end of the passage.

Shen Yunqiu, who had been knocked unconscious nearby, disappeared. Yu Zhesen noticed this, but now he had no time to think about where Shen Yunqiu had gone.

I hope Shen Yunqiu will be free from Cheng Heyang's control after waking up...

"Mr. Han, you were unwilling to leave with us before, why do you want to fight now?"

"Just think that I am repaying you." Han Jinglong replied calmly.

Yu Zhesen was not too surprised by this reason. When Yang Fangzhi attacked him and wanted to take his body, Han Jinglong also said that he helped him out of repayment.

"Although my brother and I have the same ability, I am far inferior to him in controlling supernatural powers in combat." Han Jinglong said bluntly to Yu Zhesen, "So don't have too high expectations of me.

What it can do is help you carry some light particles to him."

"This is enough. As long as I can summon the Platinum Age Armor, there will be no suspense about victory or defeat."

"I hope so."

The two of them walked to the grand staircase, looked up, and saw two figures blocking the end of the grand staircase.

Han Jinglong's eyes were confused, he didn't recognize these two people.

Yu Zhesen was a little nervous. He recognized the duo standing at the end of the grand staircase as Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan.

He is not afraid of Cheng Heyang's mind control, but "Night Owl" doesn't know what strange powers he got from Han Jinghu. He has seen him with new powers in dreams before, so he must be careful.

Light particles gather, and the Platinum Age armor is instantly possessed.

Yu Zhesen accelerated, and his figure crossed the hundred steps of the grand staircase like light, rushing towards Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan.

"Wait! Yu Zhesen!"

"We have something to say!"

Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan shouted.

These two bastards had fought with him so many times. Yu Zhesen didn't care, he wanted to deal with them first.

The anti-superpower field enveloped the two of them, depriving Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan of their ability to resist.

The two were forced to have no choice but to activate the chain transmission of light particles and summon armor to protect themselves.

The armors of the two heroic warriors merged together. Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan joined forces to resist Yu Zhesen's fist, and both were knocked away.

"Wait a minute, Yu Zhesen! This place is about to be destroyed! We must have a truce first!" shouted Cheng Heyang, who fell to the ground.

Zhang Wenchuan also raised his hand to stop him: "Jin Guozheng wants to keep us all here and destroy them together! We are all like grasshoppers on a rope now!"

Yu Zhesen stopped in doubt, not because he thought the two men had value in cooperating, but because he wanted to hear what they had to say.

This chapter has been completed!
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