Chapter 524: Divine Thoughts

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 Faced with Yu Zhesen’s proposal, Yu Qingxue, who had always had a strong desire to win, rarely backed down this time.銊

She left Yu Zhesen and returned to the banquet hall first on the grounds that being away from them for too long would make other people think too much.

Yu Zhesen stayed alone at the end of the corridor to watch the wedding fireworks. He estimated that Jane would still not call again, so he walked back slowly.

There were always two empty seats at the table where the Security Bureau colleagues were sitting. Although Yu Zhesen didn't ask, he guessed that they were probably reserved for An Zhitian and Claire.

But it looks like those two people won’t be coming tonight.

Without those two leaders present, Yuan Yinchuan is the biggest here, but he didn't put on any airs today and blended in with everyone, chatting and laughing.

As for the murderous aura that Fan Minkai felt from Yuan Yinchuan before, Yu Zhesen felt that it was more of a temperament inherent in the soldiers. Even if he dyed his hair with light red hair, he still couldn't cover up the sharp and murderous aura in Yuan Yinchuan's body.


If he weren't wearing the uniform of the Security Bureau, Yu Zhesen would even think that his temperament is more similar to that of a gangster.銊

Everyone was a little drunk, and everyone looked rosy. Yu Zhesen didn't want to go over and join in the fun.

If Sun Minghang was here, he would also like to chat for a few words, but it is a pity that the funny man is not here tonight.

Although Sun Minghang did not follow Team D to participate in the navigation security mission of the Eden Paradise, he is still temporarily named in Team D, so he naturally received the invitation from Han Jinglong.

As for the reason for his absence, Yu Zhesen thought that it probably had nothing to do with the reason of being shameless and not being rewarded for his merits. With Sun Minghang's habits at this time, he was probably staying at home watching some two-dimensional singer's live broadcast.

Due to Sun Minghang's absence, Qihai Shaji did not come, but she sent a message to Yu Zhesen, claiming that she had received the promised reward from Jin Jianshen and had money on hand to leave Qidao City and travel elsewhere.
As soon as the wayward eldest lady solved the problem of being short of money, she immediately forgot about going home. Although Yu Zhesen vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Nanami Saki wandering around like this, he had no good reason to dissuade him.


Maybe it won't be long before "Mr. Nightmare" will become famous in another revitalized city. I just hope that after experiencing this series of adventures in Qidao City, Mr. Nightmare can become more mature and use his abilities better to help others.

On top of solving problems.銊

After all, the case files related to the nightmare are still in the Qidao City Security Bureau. Yu Zhesen does not want to be suddenly sent out by his superiors to track down his old friend one day.

"Why do you feel like you have the mentality of an old father now?" An He teased him, "Miss Qihai is not a child anymore, she has the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

"It just feels a bit sudden. In the past, I thought that the strange pair of masters and servants, Saki and Sakura, would stay in my house indefinitely. I didn't expect that the separation would come so quickly." Yu Zhesen said with emotion.

"Are you sorry for losing two beauties in your family?" An He teased him with a bad smile.

Yu Zhesen's answer was very serious, with a hint of melancholy: "Looking at the tone of the message she sent, it seems that she is not planning to get together with us before leaving. Speaking of which, Sha Ji can be regarded as Qingxue and I's benefactor, too.

I don’t know when we will meet again in the future.”

An He said "hmm" in agreement, but then joked: "Rather than being a benefactor, let's say we are destined to be the two of you, right? It was because of the investigation of Ni's case that you and Qingxue were able to get closer to each other so quickly.

Relationships eliminate barriers, am I right?"

"It makes sense."銊

"This is the so-called friend in need, right? So the relationship between you two is also based on foundation. It's not my unilateral instigation." An He followed the temptation and further said: "Just now, the fireworks outside the window heightened the atmosphere so much.

Okay, it’s so rare for Qingxue to take the initiative to show kindness to you, why don’t you respond to her directly? You don’t have to lie to me, I live in your heart, and of course I know that you don’t have any feelings for her.”

Yu Zhesen replied calmly: "When I saw the fireworks by the window just now, I did feel a heartbeat. But I drank a lot with Boss Han, Miss Luo and the others tonight, so maybe that heartbeat was just an instinctive impulse.

In addition, tonight is the first time I saw her seriously putting on makeup and wearing a dress. She looks much more beautiful than usual..."

"So?" An He asked desperately trying to hold back his laughter.

"I don't want desire to dominate my brain and then drive my body." Yu Zhesen said, "This is disrespectful to Qingxue, you, my heart and myself."

An He was attracted by his statement and asked curiously: "I can understand the disrespect of the first two, but what do you think of Shi Xin and yourself?"

"The combination of me and Shi Xin is the brainchild of Tang Suguang left in this world. As the most unique 'Cyberman' possible, if I still behave like a low-level creature who cannot control my desires, isn't it also a kind of ego?"


An He finally couldn't help but laugh out loud. After laughing for a while, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and said, "Xiao Sen, your thinking now is simply full of divinity. On the other hand, your consciousness is very clear, and the alcohol is not there at all."

It affects your ability to judge, so you don’t have to doubt whether your heart-beating feeling is true or false."銊

What she said was not wrong. The high-speed metabolism brought about by the continuous activation of the blood of God has long since decomposed all the alcohol. Even if he drank more than the amount of drunkenness of an ordinary person, his consciousness is still very clear now.<


"But I agree with your idea. It's good to treat feelings cautiously." An He lowered his head and pressed his heart gently with his hand, "Even I spent a long, long time confirming it through countless tossing and turning.

I have to understand my feelings for you, and then spend several times more courage and determination to decide to face it calmly."

Yu Zhesen relaxed his body and leaned back on the chair, with hazy eyes in response to Luo Meiwu's persuasion to drink.

Only he could see and feel the translucent An He standing with one hand on the back of the chair, looking calmly at Wu Xiaoming and Yu Qingxue sitting opposite.

"Do you think dad and the instructor are together at this time?" she asked suddenly.

Yu Zhesen felt that the image of An He at this moment was separated from Shi Xin again, and overlapped with the "sister" in his distant memory.

Sister, lover, brother, bad friend.鰊

He vaguely remembered Shi Xin once said that she could be whatever he wanted her to be.

"I can do it too." An He noticed his thoughts, "Now I feel more and more that the light spirit body is really convenient. After transcending the external body, I can be so free as I want."

"Then you who are omnipotent, can you know that Lao An and the instructor are together now?" Yu Zhesen threw the question back to her.

"I can try to predict and calculate using the law of cause and effect." An He replied without thinking, "But it may put a little burden on your mind."

"It doesn't matter, forget it." Yu Zhesen said with an indifferent attitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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