Chapter 560 Capture

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 The sound of gunfire in the small building alarmed nearby residents, and someone called the security bureau’s alarm hotline. Yu Zhesen and Sun Minghang happened to drive their motorcycles to the bridgeheads of the cross-sea bridge at the east and west ends of the old city.

The two of them received instructions from the Security Bureau command center conveyed by Yi Guang at the same time, and they both turned around and returned to the explosion site to investigate the situation.

After witnessing the explosion and fire on the second floor at close range, both Yu Zhesen and Sun Minghang summoned the exoskeleton armor, and then used the armor's hook lock to climb to the balcony on the second floor.

So they saw Ding Si whose whole body had turned into lava form, Mike who was dragging Black Yaksha all over and preparing to escape, and a woman with her hair tied up and covering her face with a big black mask.

After the three parties looked at each other, Yu Zhesen unfolded his lightsaber.

Although he didn't ask clearly about the situation, no matter how he looked at it, Ding Si, who had turned into a lava man, was the most dangerous. Yu Zhesen rushed forward with a lightsaber in hand.

"What are you going to do?" Ding Si dodged Yu Zhesen's tentative lightsaber slash, "Did you hit the wrong person, the police officer?"

There were thumping footsteps from the direction of the stairs, and Mike ran away without looking back.

Yu Zhesen made a gesture, and Sun Minghang from behind saw it and nodded in response: "I'll go after him."

"Why are you chasing me? I didn't see you when I was injured so badly. Why don't you let me see a doctor?" Ding Si shouted dissatisfied.

Sun Minghang ignored him, turned around and jumped from the balcony to the second floor. With the help of the buffer and shock absorption of the silver flash exoskeleton, he quickly regained his balance after landing, and accelerated the armor to a sprint speed of 100 meters in 0.5 seconds.

Yu Zhesen in the room ordered Ding Si: "You have violated the Iron Dome Order's management regulations on dangerous types of abilities. Please remove your abilities immediately. This is your final warning."

Ding Si stepped back and kept a distance from Yu Zhesen, while pointing to Jian Yiran on the other side of the room: "Hey, are you mistaken? I was attacked by an armed gangster in my own home, and I had to use supernatural powers to defend myself. This is also wrong.

?That’s the guy you should deal with over there!”

Jane still wanted to take advantage of the chaos to pick up the Colt pistol she had dropped, but after Ding Si said this, Yu Zhesen's eyes immediately turned to her.

Worried that something was wrong, she reluctantly gave up the pistol she borrowed money to buy, quickly ducked behind the curtains, opened the screen and prepared to run away.

"Stop!" Yu Zhesen shouted sharply, switching the mode of the lightsaber in his hand to a stun gun, leaving Ding Si behind and rushing towards the window.

Jane was still squatting on the edge of the window, turned around and opened the curtains, and said to Yu Zhesen in a voice that had been processed by a voice changer: "The bad guy is in your hands, Sir. You must seize the opportunity."

Yu Zhesen fired an electric shock bomb from a distance of three meters, hitting Jian Yiran's front heart, but the high-voltage current did not cause paralysis as expected.

Jane still put her feet on the window edge and jumped out, assuming the posture of a high jumper and falling in the air.

When Yu Zhesen rushed to the window and looked out, she had already fallen to the ground. To be precise, she was suspended less than 30 centimeters above the ground in a very strange posture, as if she was being supported by an invisible cushion or net.


Jane still looked up at Yu Zhesen from below, and playfully raised her hand to blow him a kiss.

"Catch her!" Ding Si's voice came from behind, "You're not going to let her run away like this, are you? Is this what the Security Bureau is capable of?"

Yu Zhesen looked back and saw that Ding Si's body had returned to normal at some point and his superpower was lifted.

However... it seems that his superpower is the same as the out-of-control Steel Flame, which can also damage his own clothes. His current appearance makes Yu Zhesen a little bit unbearable to look at.

"Don't touch anything at the scene. My armor has recorded the images here, especially the two guns." Yu Zhesen warned coldly.

"No problem." Ding Si raised his hands obediently, "As the person who suffered the most losses, I also hope that the Security Bureau can give me an explanation for what happened tonight."

Yu Zhesen snorted and jumped out of the window as well, landing instantly in front of Jian Yiran who was still posing.

Jian Yiran's pupils suddenly dilated, and she realized that she might have lost it.

"Wait..." As soon as she said one word, she saw the multifunctional baton in Yu Zhesen's hand deformed again, switching from stun gun mode to electric shock baton mode.

Even if her true fighting skills were not enough to be instantly killed by Yu Zhesen in just three or two moves, how could the power of the exoskeleton armor be resisted by ordinary people? Jane was still so nervous that she broke into a cold sweat.

Alitanova and Min Yuan, who were hiding in the dark, also felt suffocated at this time. Although they could save Jian Yiran by activating their powers now, it would mean that they would re-enter Yu Zhesen's attention.

They all still remembered the harsh words that Yu Zhesen said on the Ark. Yu Zhesen's attitude towards any Adventist who dared to sneak into the Renaissance city was never tolerant.

"What should we do? What should we do now?" Alitanova panicked, "If we just ignore Jane and run away, what will happen to her?"

"She will definitely not surrender. Otherwise it will be very miserable." Min Yuan looked solemn. He held the dagger with a high concentration of supernatural activator hidden in the handle in his hand, and seemed to be ready to fight.


When Alitanova saw Min Yuan's action, she understood that he wanted to use the supernatural activator to strengthen his abilities, and then take everyone with him at once for ultra-long distance teleportation, or even teleportation into different spaces.

When they went to the prison under the research institute in the other world to lobby Han Jinglong, Min Yuan was able to successfully teleport after using the superpower activator, but the price was that he was weak for a long time after coming back from there.<


So this is a measure that should only be used as a last resort.

"High priest, hold on for half a minute. I will take you out in half a minute." Min Yuan conveyed the message to Jian Yiran's earphone.

"No, don't do that. Don't expose me. I will find a way to retreat myself." Jian Yiran immediately rejected Min Yuan's countermeasures.

She has already dodged two attacks from Yu Zhesen with her excellent reflexes, but it is still difficult to escape from the exoskeleton armor.

Yu Zhesen didn't take it seriously. He was still trying to figure out the identity of the person in front of him, and was preoccupied with Ding Si or his enemies from the Boat Fire Gang.

The enemy of Ding Si and the Boat and Fire Gang, Yu Zhesen’s first thought was that group of unlucky St. Newman City stowaways.

Although Ding Si only admitted to letting one boy run away, is it possible that he lied to save face? Maybe there was more than one boy who ran away, or maybe the boy they thought was actually a girl with a relatively neutral appearance?

The reason why Yu Zhesen thought this way was because he was disturbed by the two guns left in the living room. He now suspected that the guy in front of him was one of the stowaways who escaped from the imprisonment of the Boat Fire Gang and stole the gun and now came back for revenge.


"Your physical strength is very good, but no matter how good you are, can you beat the machine? If you catch him early, you will suffer less." Yu Zhesen pressed forward step by step while launching psychological warfare against the opponent.

"I'm not tired because I'm doing what I like. How about you, Sir? How does it feel to be ordered by a gang leader to do things?" Jane countered still eloquently.

The initial nervousness has subsided, and now she is very excited, her adrenaline secretion has increased, and her body's reaction and athletic ability have reached their optimal state.

Fighting Yu Zhesen in a disguised identity gave her an unprecedented pleasure, and it was an excellent way to vent the depression caused by pretending to be a person these days.

This is the real me, Jane still thought to herself. I am neither the innocent and cute new member of the special service team who transferred from a civilian job, nor the high-ranking priest who pretended to be a God and kept silent.

"How do you think you are better than the gang leader? You also use illegal violence outside the framework of order to solve problems." Yu Zhesen turned the multifunctional baton in his hand, switching back and forth between the gun and the stick, letting him

The opponent cannot accurately judge its next offensive intention.

The current situation did not make him feel pressured yet, so he neither used the law of causality prediction nor considered asking An He to activate time stasis, but fought in a conventional way.

"Because the order framework you are guarding has its own problems, otherwise how could someone like Ding Si live freely in the old city?" Jane still refuted Yu Zhesen's words tit for tat.

"What does this have to do with what you personally do? Do you want to say that you are an extrajudicial law enforcer? Assassination and lynching can never be a guarantee of justice."

Yu Zhesen suddenly activated the martial arts module of the armor, and instantly accelerated the distance to close the distance. At the same time, he transformed the baton into a grappling mode with a chain cuff on it.

Jian Yiran's left wrist was successfully cuffed by him, and he suddenly fell into extreme passivity.

"Okay, Sir, you are right, can you give me a chance this time?" Jane still begged for mercy while desperately tugging on her left hand, not wanting to be dragged over by Yu Zhesen.

But how could her strength be compared to the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor? Yu Zhesen pulled her in front of him without using much force.

"Of course there is a chance, please come to the detention center."

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