Chapter 794 Different meanings

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After eating and drinking, and carrying a large amount of packed food, Yu Zhesen and Jian Yiran were on their way to the parking lot. In the eyes of passers-by, they looked like Burger King's new takeaways.

"You enter the navigation address." Yu Zhesen gestured for her to operate the on-board computer on the center console.

"It's more than a hundred kilometers away. Do you want to drive there directly?" Jane asked after entering the coordinates on the navigation system.

"How else can we get there? Let your people use their powers to pick him up again?" Yu Zhesen asked in return.

"'s not impossible." Jane still scratched her head.

Yu Zhesen teased her while reversing the car out of the parking space: "Why are you so arrogant all of a sudden, little Jane? I remember the look in your eyes on the way here could kill someone."

"Then it's your fault, senior, that you insist on playing the boring prisoner game." Jane still protested with a hum, "Next time you want to treat me to a nice meal, don't go to all the trouble, just say it, I won't refuse."

"When will the next time be?" Yu Zhesen suddenly asked her in a serious tone, "Where will the next meeting be?"

"Good question, I don't know either."

"Ah! How many separations do people have to experience in this life? The person who can cross the mountains and seas to find the smile that appears in his mind must be extremely happy."

At this moment, Yu Zhesen seemed like a romantic poet.

"Uh, don't be sensational all of a sudden..." Jane was still shivering in embarrassment and objected to him with suspicious eyes: "Will my smile appear in senior's mind? I can't see it. Maybe to you I am just a smile.

Just a passer-by, a passer-by not worth remembering. After I leave, you will not even think about crossing mountains and seas and overcoming difficulties to find me."

Yu Zhesen thought for a while and nodded: "You are right."


Jane still wanted to slap herself, why did she talk so much to this bastard? It was the past, and it is now. They were no longer the quasi-master-disciple relationship between the senior and the newcomer.

"But, after this time, I may occasionally think of it in the future." Yu Zhesen suddenly made a turn.

Jane still didn't believe it, thinking he was joking and talking nonsense: "Stop making it up, this meeting is not worth remembering? You don't really think that inviting me to eat is touching, do you?"

"You do not understand."

"I don't understand. I don't understand what the special significance of today is, and I don't understand what changes it has for you." Jane was still straightforward, "To me, everything that has happened so far is like a farce. You are inexplicable."

He plotted against me and then let me go inexplicably after he succeeded."

"So it is difficult for people to understand each other. You are not me, so you think what I do is inexplicable." Yu Zhesen smiled lightly.

"Don't play riddles, explain."

"When we parted ways before, I already felt that we would never meet again. Even if we did meet, we would be enemies of each other. After all, the paths we each chose were completely different."

Yu Zhesen glanced at Jian Yiran with his peripheral vision and found that she was listening seriously, so he continued: "But the development of the situation after today's meeting was something I didn't expect. You and any member of the Adventist sect I have met in the past are very different."

It’s different. I can’t treat you like I treat other Adventists, whom I kill without batting an eye.”

Jane still looked at the road extending ahead indifferently and replied: "I don't think you are as cold-blooded as you describe now. If you could really kill people without blinking an eye, the Ark should have been destroyed by you long ago."

"I'm going too far. I just want to express one thing. In my heart, Jane, you are not a pure Adventist. Even if you don't admit it in every way, the time you spent in the special service team still had an impact on you." Yu Zhesen said at the corner of his mouth.

Raising slightly, "What kind of environment a person has lived in for a period of time will leave traces of that place on his body. What kind of person he has been with will also have his or her shadow. What's more, you are a person who has never given up on your independence.

Thinking people, Friedheim or the dogma of the sect, nothing is your iron law, you are judging the world through your own observations, am I right?"

Jane still did not answer, but asked him in turn: "With any kind of person, there will be a shadow of the other person. What about you? Have you also left a shadow of me? I am not referring to Commissioner Xiao Jian

, but I was the one fighting your life and death that night."

"Of course, I will never forget that rainy night of life and death fight. Your last look in your eyes left a deep impression on me."

"What kind of look? I can't remember it at all." Jane still smiled, "Was it fear? At that moment, I really felt the approach of death. Your eyes were glowing with blazing golden light, as if they could see through that

When my eyes saw a soul burning with anger, I should be very scared at that time, right?"

"Fear? Maybe there is, but I think it's more of sadness."


"Indescribable sadness."

"Really? So you feel pity?" Jane still laughed, "No wonder you had such a reaction when you woke up in the hospital ward. It really shocked me at the time. I had just been...

You strangled me to death once, and when you woke up you almost hugged me to death again."

"Because it made me sad to kill you with my own hands. When everything turned into a dream, I felt extremely lucky. When I woke up and saw that Jane was still alive and not an enemy, it was hard to put into words the feeling of being like an oasis in the desert.


Jane still touched her hair, not knowing how to answer these words.

"Now can you understand how I feel today? Today is also very meaningful to me, because even after we parted ways and went our separate ways, little Jane still did not become my enemy." Yu Zhesen looked at her sideways, "Even after

After I did something that went too far, Jane was able to regain her composure and talk to me. I think this should be due to the trust established in the past."

Jane still did not refute this time, but said in a probing tone: "Don't you think it's strange? I was able to build trust in you under the premise that I had deceived you in the past."

"Doesn't this show that my personality is very charming?"

"It has collapsed now. It has completely collapsed. The image of the senior." Jane still complained, "You are now an out-and-out scumbag, giving a candy to a stick and trying to PUA me. But unfortunately, I

The belief is much stronger than you think. The environment will indeed change people. Having lived in Fuxing City and in the special service team, I believe even more that there is something wrong with your world and your order."

She expected that these words would be strongly refuted, but what Jane still didn't expect was that Yu Zhesen agreed with her easily.

"Yes, I also think that there is something wrong with the order of the Renaissance City and Iron Dome. I had this feeling before when I was living at the bottom of Qidao City, but at that time I only saw the surface. After I experienced many incidents in the Security Bureau

Later, especially after gradually coming into contact with people in high positions, I gradually realized the nature of these problems."

"Then you are still willing to continue to work for them?"

"Protecting ordinary people who need protection is also called working for the Iron Dome Order?" Yu Zhesen shook his head, "I don't believe that Ark has no problems. If Ark's utopia is really perfect, people like Snake Cang should not appear. Your people should not appear either.

You should not have any compassion for the people under the Iron Dome order and be extremely cruel by any means necessary."

Jane was still speechless. She could point out the problems with the Iron Dome order because she had personally experienced life here. Yu Zhesen was right. There were also many problems on the Ark, but he had never lived there, so he couldn't describe it.

Details, but problems always exist.

This chapter has been completed!
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