Chapter 837: Detachment Ceremony

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The next day, Yu Zhesen got up early, and as soon as he went out, he met his neighbor - the female instructor whose house number said "Shirley".

Unexpectedly, instructor Shirley had an oriental face just like him. He looked to be in his twenties and had pure black ear-length short hair.

Like Shi Yanmo, whom he met at the training ground before, this one seemed to have a background in the National Defense Forces. Yu Zhesen could sense a military style from her behavior.

Compared with the National Defense Force, the Security Bureau is much more relaxed in this regard. Except for some special occasions where important people are present, it does not deliberately require the commissioners to dress, stand and walk, and there are no strict regulations on personal hairstyle and decoration.

Yesterday afternoon at the training ground, Shi Yanmo showed dissatisfaction with his appearance with his hair tied up in pigtails. She didn't slow down until she learned that he was a newly transferred instructor from the Security Bureau.

Yu Zhesen took the initiative to greet his neighbor, who immediately responded proficiently in Chinese.

He asked in a joking tone whether the other party used the language conversion module of the electronic brain, and received a negative answer.

So Yu Zhesen regarded her as a Chinese descendant like himself, but only two minutes later during the introduction of names, he learned that "Instructor Shirley"'s real name is Tachibana Chaoyang, from Kamiya Fuxing City...

While he was shocked, Yu Zhesen was also a little curious. He was born in Kamiya City and was basically a relatively pure Kazu clan, but Tachibana's Chinese was very good, like a naturalized citizen who had been passed down for generations.

However, we don't have a deep friendship with each other at the moment, so it's obviously rude to pry into each other's personal information.

Yu Zhesen thought like this and was about to shut up, but Tachibana acted very talkative and took the initiative to tell him something about her hometown, Kamiya City. She talked about Kamiya City as the latest city to be built so far.

The city is developing rapidly, and there is a sense of pride in the corners of the eyes and brows.

"So why is the name Shirley used here?"

"Ah, actually 'Shirley' is the name of the instructor who lived there before. I moved in recently and the house number has not been changed yet." Tachibana's answer made Yu Zhesen stunned for several seconds.

This is what happened...

He soon heard some gossip about this training base from Tachibana. Instructor Shirley, who used to live next door, had a fierce conflict with the students, and then resigned voluntarily. Tachibana Chaoyang was transferred to replace Shirley.


"What kind of conflict can make an instructor angry?" For Yu Zhesen, this is almost unimaginable. He came out of the Xingzhou City training camp and remembered clearly that during the training period, the students did not dare to contradict any instructor.

, because the training camp under full military management implements "military law" rather than the usual Iron Dome law. Under this premise, the instructors have the power to temporarily deprive the students of their dignity and human rights to a certain extent.

, after all, the highest priority principle of the army is that subordinates obey their superiors.

"You should understand soon." Tachibana showed a look of deep sympathy, "Almost all the students in our squadron are from Warsabak, and many of them have very strong connections and backgrounds. Even here,

Even the bishops can’t do anything to them.”

Hearing what she said, Yu Zhesen understood that his previous vague prediction should be correct and stopped running. As expected, he was assigned to Abraham's squadron.

Almost all the trainees in this squadron are from Warsabak. Yu Zhesen estimates that among them are not only elite personnel from the Public Security Bureau under Abraham, but also many "bastards" from the grassroots departments. As for how these people got here for training.

If they are qualified, I'm afraid they have to ask their parents.

"What are those dandies doing here?"

"Of course, the resume is gold-plated," Tachibana showed disgust in his eyes, "Many people have already written and sealed their promotion letters, and they will be promoted immediately after they successfully graduate here and return."

"Successfully graduated?" Yu Zhesen sneered. Although he did not continue speaking, the meaning was already very obvious.

He will not let these people just hang around and graduate smoothly. No matter what kind of individuality and independence the Warsabak Security Bureau pursues, they cannot let the people under them be so chaotic.

Tachibana immediately understood what he meant from Yu Zhesen's sneer, and said in surprise and anticipation: "Why do you also want to confront them? Aren't you afraid that you will be squeezed away like instructor Shirley?"

"I don't want to let myself be too bored here." Yu Zhesen said with a gentle smile, "Either do nothing or..."

Tachibana interrupted him and made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand: "Either you don't do it or you don't do it?"

"Well, that's not what I thought. You are a bit extreme."

"That is?"

"If you want to do it, do your best and be responsible." Yu Zhesen was a little embarrassed and thought to himself, are all Japanese people's brain circuits so weird?

The training base held a morning meeting in the central square. More than 300 trainees from four squadrons from all over the country were gathered together. Chief Officer Eisberg announced in public that Yu Zhesen had joined as a new instructor and was responsible for the training of Delta Squadron.


There was a grand welcome applause from below. Chu Yuexi and Alicia stood in the front row of Alpha Squadron with smiles on their faces and clapped their hands vigorously. The instructor Shi Yanmo in front of them was observing Yu Zhesen on the stage from a distance.

At this time, Yu Zhesen had already taken the microphone and delivered an inaugural speech at the invitation of Archbishop Eisberg. He was no stranger to the military system, and he could easily express his confidence and determination. Finally, he solemnly addressed everyone below.

The personnel bowed.

"You are so young..." Shi Yanmo looked at this scene and murmured meaningfully.

The students in Delta Squadron were generally indifferent. Only a few applauded seriously, and most of them just casually looked at Yu Zhesen on the stage with suspicion and contempt.

Standing on the side of the formation, Tachibana could clearly feel the strange atmosphere, but there was nothing she could do against these people. Originally, she had planned to protect herself wisely, but Yu Zhesen's arrival gave her a glimmer of hope.

Hearing that this new young man has a good background, I wonder if he can control these dandies, the second generation ancestor, Tachibana, thought to himself, and prepared to wait and see what happens next.

"There is also a new student who has joined temporarily. She will also become a member of the Delta Squadron." After Yu Zhesen stepped down and returned to the queue, the chief officer announced something, which once again aroused the students.


Seeing that the training period is halfway through, a new instructor from Xingzhou City can be understood. What does it mean to temporarily add a transfer student?

Especially since he was assigned to Delta Squadron, which had been involved in an accident before, the students of Delta Squadron could not help but privately speculate whether this new student came with a special mission, such as coming under the guise of joining the class for training.

Investigate why they drove away instructor Shirley.

Yu Zhesen was also a little surprised. When he went through the formalities yesterday, he hadn't heard that Jane would still be in the same squadron with him. Now it seems that they are really destined.

Jane still came to the stage at Eisberg's signal and took the microphone in confusion. She didn't know what she was going to say.

Looking down, seeing Yu Zhesen's look of wanting to see his own joke but trying hard to hold back his laughter, Jane, who was inexplicably angry, still made an arrogant announcement into the microphone: "Listen carefully, I will catch up from behind.

, more than all of you!”

This chapter has been completed!
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