Chapter 350 Caesar: I am really not a tramp, let alone a robber

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Caesar has a part-time job in the administrative department of Kassel College, and there are not many people who know about this.

Although there are quite a few criticisms about the salary of the work-study positions within Kassel College, no matter how little money you have, it is better than none.

In fact, outside of school, there are other higher-paying part-time jobs that are more suitable for Caesar, such as bounty hunter or pianist, but school is about to start, so he can only stay at school.

Strictly speaking, the salary from being a school janitor is not even enough to repay the interest. Even according to the minimum interest rate, relying on this salary, the debt can only be repaid more and more, but Caesar has no intention of relying on this salary to repay the debt.

Although the younger brother never said that he would repay the interest, and he never even urged him to repay the money once, Caesar felt that he could not do such an unscrupulous thing.

His plan was to use the salary of a school worker to support Hukou and save money to get by.

As for the meager living expenses that the family gave him - from the perspective of the Gattuso family, it is probably at the level of experiencing the life of the poor, that is, one hundred thousand dollars a month, which he can save up to pay back.

Well, if you calculate it, you can pay off the principal after ten years of depositing, and the interest will have to be calculated separately.

Caesar didn't have the shamelessness to repay his debt for ten years, so he paid attention to the Bugatti Veyron that he had gambled away.

But who knew that the freedom that had high hopes would be defeated in one day.

Thanks to his sleepless planning and strategy these days, he didn't expect that he would be blamed in the end.

This made Caesar slightly frustrated.

In fact, with the current financial resources of the Gattuso family, as long as he is willing to ask, he can still pay out 10 million US dollars.

However, at this point, Caesar was absolutely unwilling to accept asking him to use the family's money to pay off his debts. Doing so would be tantamount to denying himself.

He wanted to pay off his debts on his own, but he actually knew that strictly speaking, whether it was a Bugatti Veyron or living expenses, the two strategies he relied on were money from the Gattuso family.


Only the money he earns from his part-time job as a school worker belongs to him, but this amount of money is definitely not enough.

Although he had always been prepared to break away from the Gattuso family, it was not until the Gattuso family went bankrupt that he realized how difficult it was to live without money, and realized that making money was not as easy as he imagined.

When he was the eldest son of the Gattuso family, even if he didn't do any work at all, even if he just found a winery to have a glass of good wine, the owner of the winery would give him a box of limited edition wine and directly drink it happily.

He was given various membership cards worth millions of dollars, and every time he sneezed, someone was willing to give him millions to wipe his mouth, and he had to queue up.

But when the Gattuso family went bankrupt, he couldn't even get in the door of the previous winery, let alone have a pleasant conversation with the owner of the winery.

The so-called aristocratic cultivation and etiquette have been devalued so much after losing their strength.

But even so, Caesar did not give up the nobles' persistence because of the temporary adversity. That would be too ungraceful.

Therefore, even though he was working in the school management department with people he had rarely interacted with before, Caesar was still able to show his affinity and insight and quickly became involved with the school workers.

Precisely because of the excellent relationship with them, the school janitor would be willing to warmly remind this down-and-out noble man when he received good news.

This is probably the result of good causes leading to good results.

But if this is really the case, why do you feel embarrassed?

When he was the noble son of the Gattuso family, he had never felt like this before. Even if he was occasionally looked down upon by others, he didn't take it to heart at all.

But at this moment, the school worker brother shared so sincerely that he was at a loss for a moment.

There is a tense feeling of being publicly executed for a zero-score exam.

Seeing the sincere expression on the other person's face, Caesar took a deep breath and then showed the same sincere smile.

"Good brother, no need! I want to treat the lady here to dinner, and I don't want to work overtime for the time being!"

Responding sincerely to friends' sincerity is the basic accomplishment of aristocrats.

He didn't think that a qualified lady would look down on someone because of this. He was very confident in his own eyesight, and Nono was definitely not that type of snobbery.

After hearing what he said, the school administrator realized that he had mistaken the occasion and immediately apologized.

"Oh, sorry, brother, please take your time and talk!"

It is probably the consensus of the whole world that brothers should not cause trouble when trying to pick up girls, regardless of class or race.

"It's okay. Thank you for telling me. I'll buy you a drink then!"

Caesar smiled and bumped fists with the school staff, smiling naturally.

After dismissing his friend, he turned to look at Nono, shrugged and joked.

"For Miss Chen, I gave up the opportunity to triple my salary. Can I ask Miss Chen to give me a chance?"

Hearing Caesar's name, Nono frowned deeply.

"Call me Nono, my friends all call me Nono!"

Upon hearing this, Caesar was slightly startled and a little surprised.

Could it be that my performance just now was too good, and the other party saw my noble soul, so he was willing to become friends with me?

No matter where you go, calling someone by a nickname is a sign of intimacy. Did Nono recognize him so quickly?

"Okay, Nono, if that's the case, then we are friends now!"

A smile broke out on Caesar's face.

——No, she just doesn't like being called Miss Chen.

Su Mo and Xia Mi on the side looked at each other, and this complaint flashed through their eyes at the same time.

The reason why Nono decided to give herself a nickname is actually very simple - she didn't want to have too close contact with the Chen family.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she calls her Chen Motong or Motong, but the former is rude and the latter is a bit too intimate, so she needs the nickname Nono.

Obviously, Caesar did not understand this and thought that the other party was showing goodwill.

"If you want to have afternoon tea, I know a few places in Chicago..."

Caesar was immediately ready to name several attractive locations. As a noble prince, he had a lot of information about these places.

Although these places are very expensive, and one meal would cost him one or two months of living expenses, but with a beautiful woman in front of him, it is obviously not respectful enough to ask her to go to a second-class place.

However, Nono didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and shook his head.

"No need, I have no intention of accepting the invitation."

"Is this so? What a pity."

Caesar shook his head, not entangled or asking "why". There is no need to get to the bottom of things when dealing with girls.

"Then is there anything you want to do? School hasn't started yet, so it's necessary to get familiar with the school."

He immediately sent out the next invitation. Since school had not started, it was obviously inappropriate to refuse because of busyness. Of course, if the other party really gave this reason, he would accept it.

"Yes! I like self-study!"

Nono replied seriously.


Caesar was stunned.

“Isn’t the duty of students to study?”

Nono asked naturally.

The first trick in speaking skills taught by Senior Su Mo is to learn to disrupt the opponent's rhythm and avoid falling into passivity.

Seeing Caesar's slightly dazed look, Nono took advantage of the victory and pursued him.

"I'm going back to study on my own now. Caesar, you should go to work quickly. Opportunities like this come only a few times a year, so you can't miss it! Come on, you will definitely get good results if you work hard!"

Nuonuo made a fist with one hand and gave him an encouraging gesture, then immediately pulled Xia Mi and Su Mo to leave.

Senior Su Mo personally taught the second trick of speaking skills. After disrupting the opponent's rhythm, he left the opponent's preset battlefield to avoid fighting at home.

And after she brought the topic to part-time work, she simply planned to run away.

After all, the Gattuso family's bankruptcy was also related to her.

Although she did not feel guilty about this, and even felt that the Gattuso family deserved to close down, she did not expect that Caesar would directly change from the rich second generation to the negative second generation. In order to prevent the other party from making irrational actions after learning the truth, she felt that it was better to

It's better to stay away from each other.

Hearing Nuonuo's words and seeing her heart-warming encouraging eyes, Caesar became even more confused.

As he expected, Nono was not the snobbish type. She did not look down on him at all because of what had happened before, and even showed positive emotions such as sympathy and encouragement.

The girl you like is so kind, this should be a happy thing, at least it proves that you are not in love with the wrong person.

But why do I feel so awkward?

Soon, Caesar recalled that he seemed to have heard these words when he participated in social relief activities before.

When the nun gave bread and other food to the homeless for free, she looked at the homeless with such heart-warming eyes, and then encouraged her softly.

"Come on, hard work will definitely lead to good results! May the Lord protect you!"

Except for not being religious, everything else is right.

After realizing this, the corners of Caesar's eyes suddenly twitched.

So, in Nono's eyes, he is no different from a homeless person?

Before he could recover from this blow, another voice attracted his attention.

It's Xia Mi!

When Nono grabbed Xia Mi with one hand and was about to take her away with him, Xia Mi didn't move and instead grabbed Nono.

"I have a question!"

Miss Xia Mi looked at Caesar with curiosity.

Caesar would naturally not be rude when faced with the beautiful girl's inquiry.

"Excuse me, Miss Xia Mi!"

Judging from appearance, Xia Mi is actually more beautiful than Nono, but she is younger, so most people in the school don't regard her as her peer, and the same goes for Caesar.

“If you can control the damage caused by the student union on a free day, and those losses have to be paid for by the school, isn’t it possible to get paid by alleviating the debt?”

Xia Mi asked curiously.

"What's the meaning?"

Caesar was slightly startled and asked.

"That is, can you get paid by cooperating with Professor Manstein?"

Xia Mi immediately explained. Seeing that the other party still didn't understand clearly, she had no choice but to clear her throat and demonstrate.

"Ahem! Professor Manstein, on this year's Freedom Day, our student union could have caused a million dollars in losses, but in the end I only caused a hundred thousand U.S. dollars in losses. Should I use half of the reduction amount, which is four dollars?"

One hundred and fifty thousand dollars as a reward? Professor Manstein, you don’t want to see me blow up the school bell tower next year, do you?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was shocked.

"Are you sure this is cooperation and not a threat?"

Nono couldn't help but complain.


Caesar was also speechless for a moment.

Very good, after being regarded as a tramp by Nono, he is now regarded as a robber.

"Hey! What do you think of my proposal? Of course, if you are willing to adopt it, remember to pay me 10% of the copyright fee when the time comes!"

Xia Mi said with shining golden eyes.

No wonder she took the initiative to propose this method. It turned out that she wanted to make a fortune as an intermediary.

Seeing her like this, Su Mo sighed slightly and pinched her face.

"Idiot, turn your head!"

"What's wrong?"

Xia Mi tilted his head and looked towards Su Mo, his soft cheeks slightly deformed.

She thinks her method is fine!

Apart from the small drawback of possibly breaking the law, she is obviously very useful, so why call her a fool?

"It's not my side, it's the other side."

Su Mo shook his head and said.

Xia Mi immediately looked to the other side.

Then, she saw Professor Manstein one meter away, his face as black as a pot lid.

The target of Professor Manstein's glare this time was no longer Caesar, but Chami.

The student who asked this question was more bold than Caesar!


Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed immediately.

"Ahaha, I was just kidding... Speaking of which, the principal has something to do with us. Let's go now. Goodbye, Professor Manstein!"

A series of words without any pause.

Miss Xia Mi picked up Su Mo and ran away, but Nuonuo almost didn't catch up.

Only Professor Manstein and Caesar were left with dark faces.

After Chami, the chief culprit, left, Manstein set his sights on Caesar.

"You don't want to do this, do you?"

"of course not!"

Caesar, who had suffered an unreasonable disaster, shook his head helplessly.

"Even if you want to do this, I will report it to the principal. Don't think that I will compromise for money. Discipline is more important than money!"

Manstein was still a little skeptical, so he still gave a warning.

In his eyes, Caesar was the kind of disobedient student, so he might not be able to do this.

"Understood, Professor! I'm not that depressed yet."

Caesar helplessly spread his hands.

"If I really want to break the law, I'll go to the casino!"

After hearing this, Manstein's face looked much better. In addition, after hearing the school guard's words just now, he realized that Caesar was actually working as a part-time student. After thinking about it, he tried his best to put on a kind expression.

Encouragement to Caesar.

"It's good to stick to your principles. Come on, hard work will definitely work! The Lord will protect you!"


Caesar thanked him stiffly.

Why is he speaking to a homeless man again? This time, he added the term "believer". Should he praise the professor for being careful?

Manstein looked at him with a frightening look as if he was expecting Caesar's prodigal son to turn around, and then left.

After he left, Caesar sighed and approached the school steward.

"What? No appointment?"

The school janitor said embarrassedly.

"Did I hold you back just now? I'm sorry, brother, it's my fault!"


Caesar shook his head.

"You have to be patient when chasing girls. One mistake is nothing. Speaking of which, is there still a spot for three times the salary?"

"Also, I have reserved a special spot for you!"

The school administrator nodded immediately and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother, don't be depressed, isn't it just a woman? There are no women with two legs. I will introduce my sister to you tomorrow!"


Taking one look at the school janitor's muscles that were comparable to those of a bodybuilding champion, Caesar couldn't imagine what his sister would look like.

"No more trouble, let's talk about moving bricks first!"

Although he failed to make an appointment for afternoon tea, Caesar was not discouraged.

At least I know her nickname, and there is a high probability that she will be immediately regarded as a friend. This is the proverbial Tianhu gambit, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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