Chapter 433: Life and Death Race, Believe in Su Enxi’s Wisdom

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 "With this equipment, I can handle it for half an hour, not to mention fifteen minutes!"

The shocked Mai Shutoku put Nono's mother on the sofa and said this.

The old housekeeper shook his head and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Su Enxi.

"No, they'll only hold out for fifteen minutes and then they'll retreat."

"Why do you say that?"

Mai Jutoku looked puzzled at Su Enxi, who seemed to have remembered something and was rubbing her head.

"This is a contract they signed with me, I mean the Romanov family. Once they encounter an army-level offensive, their mission is limited to holding on for fifteen minutes."

Su Enxi suddenly showed a clean look, as if she had recovered some memory.

"Are they mercenaries?"

Mai Shutoku realized this immediately, and then asked doubtfully.

"Sanwuniu actually hired a bunch of mercenaries to help her with housework?"

"It's the boss who's crazy!"

Su Enxi complained.

"He said that if there is a castle, there should be guards, so he specially arranged for these people. I paid for this project at the time, but it took so long that I forgot about it, and I only remember it now."

She didn't know at the time why Lu Mingze arranged for so many people to be placed here. It cost a lot to hire these people over the years.

Unexpectedly, this time, I actually used it myself.

"No matter what, this is a good thing!"

Mai Jutoku skillfully ignored Su Enxi's distressed look at Qian. Looking at the firearms around her, she felt much more at ease.

"The problem is that it will take at least six hours for Su Mo and the others to arrive, and the mercenaries can only last fifteen minutes."

Su Enxi shook her head, her expression still full of worry.

"Even if they don't take action now, even if they haven't started yet, there's no guarantee they won't take action later."

“Now we don’t shout ‘I am the black golden swan, who dares to kill me’?”

Mai Shutoku teased, and then said in a relaxed tone.

"Didn't Mr. Butler say that they also have connections in the Ministry of National Defense? Maybe when the other side dares to take action, our relationship will be in place."

After all, this is Moscow, if it gets too big, someone should take care of it...right?

"Although the relationship he mentioned is the Ministry of National Defense, you heard clearly that he was the 'former' Deputy Minister of Defense."

Su Enxi highlighted the key points with her tone of voice.

"My predecessors are also in the circle of high-ranking officials. There must be corresponding connections... Wait, looking at your expression, does it mean that 'former' does not refer to the previous deputy minister of defense, but the deputy minister of the previous government?"

Mai Shutoku was a little puzzled at first, but then she was slightly startled and came to her senses.

Wasn’t Russia’s previous dynasty the Soviet Union?


Su Enxi spread her hands helplessly.

"And he's the kind of old man who not only doesn't have any power, but is also under complete surveillance."

How can you kill an official of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty? Even if the Romanov family does have a close personal relationship with the former Deputy Minister of Defense, having a good relationship with a prisoner in custody seems to be of no use.

"We'd better run away!"

Mai Shutoku immediately carried Nono's mother on her back again.

These teammates are reliable, but they are only available for a limited time, so you cannot rely entirely on them.

"There's no need to rush."

Su Enxi shook her head.

"No matter what, they can hold on for fifteen minutes. When the battle officially starts, we will have time to run again."

At the moment, the other side is only releasing tear gas and has not officially invaded. The two sides are in a state of confrontation, and this state does not count as time.

The real fifteen minutes will be counted when the exchange of fire begins. A stingy person like Su Enxi will naturally not let others take advantage of her in a treaty.

At the moment, it seems that the opponent is still waiting for them to come out and will not attack rashly, so they can definitely delay for more than fifteen minutes.

"But you can't last six hours like this, right?"

Mai Shutoku looked outside the palace gate and heard the sound of another tank arriving. This kind of overlord during the Cold War is a very difficult obstacle even now. The weapons they have can at most paralyze it and penetrate the armor.

It's a bit difficult.

I don’t know if it’s possible to use Mingzhao to get through during the melee. Although the opponent already knows about her voice spirit, they shouldn’t take that much into consideration during the melee, right?

"So sit down and think about it slowly! It seems like they are not afraid of me at all. They should be able to hold on for an hour."

Su Enxi simply sat down on the sofa.

"Besides, your speaking spirit has been exposed. The probability of you relying on your speaking spirit to get through is very slim, so don't even think about it!"

The head maid not far away immediately put down the submachine gun in her hand with a wink. After wiping the hand that was still holding the gun clean, she picked up a silver spoon and helped Su Enxi make black tea. It must be said that she made the tea.

Tea technology is quite good.

"Master Hala!"

Su Enxi took a sip of black tea and smiled in greeting.

The head maid looked at Mai Shutoku, as if she wanted to ask her if she wanted a drink too.

Jiude Mai originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, Su Enxi's words seemed to make sense, so she put down Nono's mother and sat down.


After thanking the head maid for the black tea, Jutoku Mai looked at Su Enxi beside her.

"So, is there any way you can hold on longer? You don't seem to have any clue."

Based on her experience, Su Enxi would not be so calm if there was absolutely nothing she could do.

But if there was a complete solution, Su Enxi would definitely be much prouder than she is now, and her current state is somewhere in between.

"I do have a clue. I can delay it for at least another fifteen minutes, but I haven't made up my mind yet."

Su Enxi said with a troubled expression.

Seeing her so confused, Mai Shutoku was a little confused.

"What can I do? Looking at you like this, could it be that you are not just a simple civilian, but have some hidden skills, but you need to consume your life to activate the skills?"

Since the boss is not online, there is no need to think about the gift of blood. We can only consider other means.

"You can probably say that!"

Su Enxi nodded and agreed with Jiude Mai's conjecture.

"What are the specific side effects? If the cost is too high, let's forget it. It's just that fifteen minutes may not be able to reverse the situation. We can think of other ways. There is no need to waste lives."

Mai Shutoku immediately shook her head. She had no habit of sacrificing her teammates to help her escape.

After hearing her words, Su Enxi was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Actually, it's not that expensive, it's just that the cost is a bit high."

Seeing her expression, Mai Shutoku realized something.

She turned around, grabbed Su Enxi's shoulders, and looked at this guy in disbelief with her eyes wide open.

"Don't tell me you care about money!"

Su Enxi lowered her head in embarrassment and said nothing, which was an answer in itself.

"How much will it cost?"

Shutoku Mai forced to ask.

"With so many people and a temporary increase in money, it will take at least several million dollars to get them to agree!"

Su Enxi said distressedly.

The gold content of the U.S. dollar these days is still very high, not as high as in later generations.

", a man with a trillion dollar net worth, are actually reluctant to pay millions. What is more important, money or life?"

Jiu De and Ma Yi were so angry that they laughed.

"It's all important... Okay, don't glare at me. I didn't say I won't spend money, I'm just doing some psychological construction! How can you two guys who spend money like water understand the hard work I have to earn back every penny!"

Su Enxi whispered.

She wasn't so stupid that she wanted money rather than her life. In fact, she thought of this move after remembering that she was a mercenary. It was just because she was too stingy that she took her time.

"If I remember correctly, 90% of your money was stolen from the Gattuso family."

Mai Shutoku complained coldly.

"That's what I worked so hard to get one point at a time!"

Su Enxi was shocked.

Under the supervision of Mai Shutoku, Su Enxi still told everyone about the "adding money" drama, although she was still a little reluctant.

Even though the army in front of them was indeed terrifying, the money and silk were so attractive that under the high reward, the mercenaries agreed to extend the delay for fifteen minutes, but they refused to add any more.

It's true that they want money, but they also cherish their lives.

In front of a regular army with this kind of configuration, if you can resist for half an hour, you are already trying your best. If you add any more time, you will simply die.

By spending money, they managed to extend the fifteen-minute security incident to half an hour.

So the question is, what should we do with the remaining five and a half hours?

Even if the enemy would be so intimidated that they would not dare to take action within an hour or two, it would be impossible to wait for them for five and a half hours.

At the critical moment, Su Enxi's mind was running at high speed.

And when she moved her gaze to Shutoku Mai, she patted Shutoku Mai's long legs and her eyes lit up.


"Do you have any idea?"

Mai Shutoku showed a surprised expression.

It seems that Su Enxi is indeed a brainiac. Although she is very stingy, she is still reliable at critical moments.

"Trust my wisdom!"

Su Enxi showed a confident smile.

Facts have proved that Su Enxi’s inference is basically correct.

Tear gas soon enveloped the entire Yin Lisa White House. Under the command of the old butler, the maids and deacons initially closed the doors and windows, but stopped doing so after the doors and windows were destroyed by bombs.

With the help of gas masks, they were able to easily prevent the attack.

Seeing that the strategy failed, the enemies besieging outside were obviously restless, but they did not dare to attack by force.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for more than two hours, the enemy seemed to have received some order, and finally commanded the tanks to rush in.

The mercenaries each exerted their own abilities, using various cluster bombs and ambushes to hinder the enemy's progress. In the end, they struggled to resist for half an hour, and then they took the old housekeeper who refused to retreat and ran away together.

When these people ran away, they didn't notice that someone was staring at them not far away, but they didn't take action against them.

After everyone was gone, the army began to search the entire Yin Lisa White House.

After walking around, they found nothing.

Their targets, Su Enxi and Jiude Mai, disappeared without a trace, along with the patient they took away.

"What's going on? Isn't there someone screening around? Why did they escape?"

The young officer scolded his men angrily.

"Reporting to the Major General, after cross-screening, it is found that the mercenaries who escaped before did not have high-blooded hybrids. Even if Fang Yanling is Mingzhao, it is impossible to escape the induction of the blood tie Luo!"

A major reported this.

"Then where did the enemy go? He couldn't have flown out, right?"

The major general asked coldly.

His leaden eyes stared at the backs of the fleeing mercenaries, wondering whether to kill them all.

I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go,

At this moment, the major in front of him suggested another possibility.

"We don't know yet, but if they didn't fly out, I suspect they went underground."

"Get into the ground, you mean, the sewer?!"

The major general responded quickly.

He immediately ordered his subordinates to search for nearby sewer entrances.

The sewers in Moscow are not as exaggerated as the Iron Dome in Tokyo, but for the convenience of maintenance, there is room for people to walk. If the opponent really escapes through the sewers, it will be really difficult to find.

After a while, someone found signs that the sewer had been pried open.

"According to trace identification, they left three hours ago. Moreover, one person's footsteps were too heavy and there were signs of dragging. They might be carrying someone else on their backs!"

After receiving this information, the major general's face turned completely gloomy.

Three hours ago, wasn't that when they were still firing tear gas?

"If you're on foot, you shouldn't be able to run very far. You should follow it with military dogs, and remember not to hurt the life of the black and golden swan. Others go to take over the nearby airport, and they must not let the target patient escape!"

As he spoke, he paused, and after remembering the adult's instructions, he added.

"When necessary, you are allowed to kill the target directly!"


Everyone took orders one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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