063 Cerberus

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It is summer, and the sun should not have set at this time, but due to a slight change in the weather and a little rain, the sky is gray.

Su Mo held Xia Mi's little flower umbrella and walked on the way back to the guest house.

As mentioned before, when Su Mo returns to the guest house, he has to go through the forest park that he brought with him during the preliminary training.

To be precise, it is the back hill of Forest Park.

The back mountain is already inaccessible, and even under the rainy weather, there was not even a trace of people.

The light rain was falling, making the world seem extraordinarily quiet, and the birds could not be heard. They were probably taking shelter from the rain.

Su Mo, who had long been accustomed to this stretch of road, did not feel scared.

However, when he reached the middle of the road, he suddenly stopped.

"Isn't it a little too quiet?"

Although it's usually quiet here, it's different from now.

Compared with the silence in the past, today's silence seems a little more depressing, as depressing as -

A sign of an explosion!


A thunderous roar suddenly broke out.

A lightning-like figure launched a pounce upward from the bottom of the hillside on one side.

The hideous and terrifying figure was carrying a bloody storm. In Mo Hu's field of vision, Su Mo saw the scales wrapped around the monster's body.


Su Mo retreated like lightning.

The monster attacks very quickly, but it attacks from bottom to top, so the movement will be slower. And with Su Mo's current body control, he will naturally not freeze in place.

After seeing the monster's physical advantage, he retreated directly into the dense forest.

The monster missed a hit, and instead of waiting and watching, it pounced again.

There was a tree as thick as a bowl between the two of them. Su Mo originally hoped that this tree would block the opponent's attack.

Unexpectedly, the monster ignored him, slapped him with his claws, and bit him with his ferocious teeth.

With a "Kacha" sound, the small tree fell down.

Seeing this scene, cold sweat broke out on Su Mo's forehead.

What level of strange power is this? A lion, a tiger, something like that wouldn't be able to achieve such an exaggeration if it were doubled several times, right?

With this power, if he was slapped with a paw or bitten, he would really be dead.

Why does this monster appear in this city?

Are all the local mixed-race families free of charge?

If it were really just a ferocious beast like a lion or a tiger, it would not be an insurmountable target for Su Mo now.

But this kind of dragon-blooded monster covered in dragon scales would probably be considered an A-level crusade target in Kassel Academy. He, an ordinary person, is really powerless.

Not to mention that the ancient boxing technique has just begun to be truly learned. Even if the ancient boxing technique reaches LV3, it will be difficult for him to launch an attack in front of this monster with his current physical fitness.

The speed and strength are both too far apart.

The situation is outmatched. At this time, according to Teacher Xia Mi's teachings, the first thing to consider is to escape.



He watched as the monster, much more agile than him, jumped directly behind him, completely blocking his escape route.

Su Mo suddenly wanted to ask Teacher Xia Mi.

What should you do when you can't run away?

However, the situation at this time no longer allowed him to consider these things.

Because it was in the forest, the previous small tree did not completely fall down. After the treetops touched the branches of other trees, the tree trunks lay horizontally in place.

This dragon-blooded monster used this as a stepping stone to demonstrate its amazing jumping ability and agility.

With the monster's speed and agility, Su Mo would never be able to outrun it even in the forest.

The monster was approaching little by little, and Su Mo retreated little by little.

His eyes met the golden boy of the dragon-blooded monster, and he finally had time to carefully observe the other person's whole appearance.

This is a veritable monster.

It is covered with dragon scales, and its ferocious fangs are mixed with red blood. Its overall size is slightly worse than that of a lion, but it is comparable to some large and fierce dogs.

The one in front of me was indeed a canine. As it kept approaching, it opened its mouth and exposed its tongue.

It is most likely a dog mixed with dragon blood.

Before, it was a surprise attack from below, so Su Mo didn't smell any blood. If it were from above, Su Mo would definitely notice it.

He remembered that this kind of creature was mentioned in the original work.

It should be a legacy of the former Soviet Union and an accumulation of Babel technology. It has appeared in City 023 and the Nibelungs where Lu Mingfei's parents are. Its scales are impenetrable to most firearms. It is said that one was lost.

It's enough to destroy a village.

Although the one in front of me is a little smaller, it should be the same creature.

The name of this creature is -


Rather than why the technology of the former Soviet Union appeared here, Su Mo was more concerned about how to deal with this monster.

According to the original work, the scales of the Cerberus are too difficult to break through, so in order to facilitate control, those who breed it will cover its chest with a layer of metal. Scales will not grow in areas covered with metal.

For humans, the metal piece on the chest is probably similar to a "brass guard" and is a tool to protect the human body from harm.

But for the Cerberus, the metal piece on the chest is the "Achilles' heel", the execution window. Its protective power is nothing compared to its original scales, and a sharp dagger can kill it.

Pierce through.

If this weakness can be found, there may be a chance.

Otherwise, according to the record in the original work, only a rich woman like Giovanni, who could bombard him with precious Philosopher's Stone warheads, could kill him.

Well, after scanning it with dim light.

Su Mo thought——


The monster in front of me does not have an execution window on its chest, and the scales all over its body are intact.

I don’t know if it’s because the makers were so confident that they didn’t give this hell dog any weaknesses.

In other words, what he has to deal with is an A-level dragon blood subspecies with no weaknesses.

The good news is that this thing is a canine and has no habit of playing with its prey.

The bad news is, looking at it's eager eyes, it's probably planning to kill you right now.


Su Mo, who was retreating, felt a hard object behind him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that it was the tree trunk that had been bitten off before.

It turns out that the purpose of this hell dog is to force himself here.

Blocked by the tree trunk, it was very time-consuming to go around from above or drill from below, and he had no way to escape.

At this moment, the hell dog suddenly broke out and pounced on the prey. In this situation, the prey had no way to avoid it!

The dragon-blooded monster's eyes were fixed on Su Mo. No matter whether Su Mo was turning to the left or right, it could turn around in time.

However, what he didn't expect was that Su Mo didn't run away, but rushed towards it!

The hell dog was not afraid. It opened its fangs to the limit and jumped up, ready to bite off the prey's neck.

Then, it hit a flower umbrella head-on.

Of course, the umbrella is no obstacle to it, it can tear it apart with one claw.

But the problem is that the prey that should be under the umbrella is missing.

It turned back warily, but it was too late.

Su Mo, who had been well prepared, used his hiding skills to hide behind an umbrella, used a sliding shovel to avoid the attack, and came behind the Cerberus.


With one kick, the still-castrated Cerberus was kicked away.

Although there is no means of damage, if it is just kicked away, human weight will be more advantageous.

The Cerberus rolled down directly, but the crisis was not resolved. Considering its physical condition, this injury was nothing, and it would be able to crawl back in less than ten seconds.

And how far can you run in these ten seconds?

While Su Mo was calmly thinking about countermeasures.

"Come up! Climb the tree!"

A slightly familiar girl's voice sounded from above her head.

Without time to think, before the hell dog came back, Su Mo picked a tree as thick as a bucket and climbed up directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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