Chapter 528: Commercial blockbuster?

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"Commercial Film?"

"Director Zhang, do you want to make a commercial film?"

This is really a bit shocking. In the previous life, Wu Di remembered that the time when Lao Zhang shot the commercial film was a little later than 2009.

Of course, there's not much difference.

No way!

It can’t be that movie!

Suddenly, Wu Di had the urge to quit the show.


"Can't I take the photo?" Lao Zhang laughed, rarely not angry.

"Nowadays, it is a trend for major directors to turn to commercial films. I saw this trend in the past two years. However, I was not well prepared at that time, so I did not come up with good ideas."

"Now the time is ripe, and I have a prepared script. It's a good time to start filming, so I want to give it a try."


"Don't you think so?"

Since there is such a doubt, it probably means that he is not optimistic about it. Although Wu Di did not behave like this, Lao Zhang still saw it.

He is a veteran, and he can guess the thoughts that are not expressed clearly, but are hidden in the words and micro-expressions.

How could Wu Di admit it?

Of course he would deny it!

How could you admit it?

Isn’t that just looking for yourself?

"Director Zhang is overthinking it. I don't have such thoughts. It's just that when I saw your movies before, they were mostly literary and artistic, so I didn't think of it at the moment."

Ha ha ha ha ha……

Wu Di was smiling, but his heart was actually beating wildly.

This movie is going to be suspenseful.

Now there is only one question left to determine whether this movie is the one in his memory.

He cleared his throat and gathered up his courage: "Director Zhang, although I can't see the script yet, I'm still quite interested in the subject of the movie."

"Previously, I filmed Skin Changing and The Wife, both of which were costume-themed. In fact, if I have the opportunity, I'm also looking forward to trying to shoot modern films."

"I can only apologize for this."

"This one is also a period film."


Wu Di's heart suddenly fell to the ground.

It's really a period film, isn't it...

"It doesn't matter if it's a costume or it's a movie, it's all good."

all good?

What a ghost!

Are there any regret medicines still available for sale?

Regret medicine is naturally not for sale.

Who could have imagined that Wu Di had been plotting for a long time, and he actually got involved in the scheme.

As someone with experience, the quality of the finished product of Lao Zhang's new film is really not that good. The most frightening thing is that he himself seems to have a soft spot for this kind of film and can't see the problem at all.

Now, Lao Zhang actually wants to stuff him into this movie, which is... very embarrassing.

Male number three, or male number four, who is that?

It's all because Wu Di is young and inexperienced. In his last life, when he paid attention to movies and often went to watch them by himself, this movie had already been released.

By the time he heard about this famous movie in the world, it had already become a legend. Anyway, to put it mildly, the quality was a bit poor.

All in all, it cannot be regarded as a masterpiece. Of course, the quality is incomparable with Zhang's previous films.

Wu Di has always been an impatient person. Since everyone said it was a bad movie, he naturally wouldn't waste time.

Watching movies is a pastime. If you spend your precious time watching bad movies, wouldn’t that be a disservice to your life?

So, to be honest, so far, Wu Di has never seen this upcoming movie by Zhang.

What to do?

In 2009, Lao Zhang had not even filmed yet, so how could he have film sources?

Wu Di knew nothing about the role he was going to play, and he only vaguely remembered who the male lead was.

However, it is obvious that Lao Zhang would not give this role to him.


"come out faster!"

Because the consensus was just reached yesterday, this time, the system did not bother with him too much and jumped out immediately.

"I want to watch the movie "Three Words and Two Pats"."

"Ah, this also requires purchasing a large gift package."

"Is it difficult?"

"This has nothing to do with the task of directing and acting. I just want to watch this movie, okay?" Wu Di said in a bad tone, and the system quickly changed its words: "Of course not, you can buy it."

"How many points?"

Wu Di knew that he still had a lot of points left, and it didn't matter even if there was no new income after the execution of these two recent tasks.

Enough to buy a spree.

When I heard that Wu Di was really going to buy it, the system immediately put on smiling faces.

"Then I need to buy a gift package for watching movies." When business comes, how can you not recommend it enthusiastically?

"We have a gift package for Lao Zhang's movies, and we also have a gift package for individual movies. Which one do you want?"

"you still need to ask?"

“Of course it’s a single piece gift package!”

Why buy so many videos?

Are you waiting for the food and drinks?

However, why is the system still refusing to quote? It looks like some kind of unscrupulous businessman who is about to deceive people into bleeding money.

"How many points are needed?"

Because Wu Di refused to buy the album gift package, the system's tone was already a little cold.

"500 points per chip."


"500 points?"

"are you crazy!"

"Do you have a program schedule in the system industry? I want to take a look. I seriously doubt that you are just raising prices!"

500 points!

If calculated according to the exchange principle that one dollar is equivalent to one point, it is equivalent to five hundred yuan!

Just to watch a famous bad movie!

What a scam!

"Boss Wu, I am innocent! Why did I make a false quotation? Our system world is not a human society. Even if the price is high, those extra points will not be transferred to my account. What does it have to do with me?"

"Do these points for buying big gift packages have nothing to do with you?" This is the first time I heard this.

The system said righteously: "Of course not!"

"I won't lie about this. Although the points you spend on the gift package will be recorded in my account, and we rely on these points to compete in performance, the points certification we can get is also related to the price."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "The price is 500, but I sell it for 1,000, and the system industry will only recognize 500, not 1,000. You understand, right?"

It turns out that this is how the system world works.

Through this explanation, Wu Di gained a deeper understanding of some rules in the system world.

"I see."

"All right!"

"500 is 500!"

Wu Di agreed to the purchase, and the agreement was formed instantly. The points were quickly credited to his account. The system shouted "Thank you for your patronage" and disappeared again.

Wu Di no longer cares about how many points are left.

Anyway, it is enough, and even if it is not enough, there is still a system to protect him. Wu Di now has this kind of confidence, and this dog-legged system is reluctant to let him go back to his previous life.

Wu Di nestled on the sofa and found a comfortable position.

Although it is a bad movie, you still have to bite the bullet and watch it!

I also need to find a better position to watch comfortably so as not to be irritated by bad movies and make me vomit.

100 minutes have passed...

But Wu Di seems to have had a bleak autumn!

Why is it so long?

Obviously it is just a short 100-minute movie! It is neither Gone with the Wind nor Cleopatra!

You know, when watching those old movies, Wu Di would not feel restless, as if he would despair if he watched them for one more second.

However, this movie is really...

It can only be said that humorous cells are really a rare resource that not everyone can possess, and those who are not humorous to begin with should not embarrass themselves anymore.

The most important thing is that it also embarrasses the audience.

Is this thing funny?

Is it really funny?

From Lao Zhang's point of view, he must think that it is very funny, very funny, very humorous, and it can also add suspense elements to the humor.

Humorous, suspenseful and gripping, what a wonderful experience!

Of course, this is just Lao Zhang's imagination, and the actual finished product is not so beautiful, at least, it cannot be considered amazing.

And the feedback from the market is the same, because after filming this movie, for a few years, Lao Zhang's reputation took a sharp turn, which was very embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lao Zhang has thick blood. If it had been anyone else, he would have been photographed stupidly.

So, are the subsequent evaluations of this movie appropriate? Is there any suspicion of deliberate evil?

If Wu Di in his previous life only heard such rumors and didn't take them to heart, now, he really has a personal experience.

This movie is really incredible.

It is really difficult to shoot a comedy movie, not to mention that it is even more difficult to combine comedy with suspense elements.

Don't always be confused by some film critics, who think that making comedies has no style and no future. If you want to show style, you have to make feature films, so-called dramas.

In fact, it's not that comedies are low-key, it's that many directors are pretentious and always feel that comedies have the lowest entry barrier in the directing industry, so they always harm comedies.

It's their low level that makes comedies boring and challenges the audience's nerves.

In fact, it is very difficult to shoot an excellent comedy film. First of all, to shoot an excellent comedy film, you must first have a heart full of humor and knowledge.

Many people think that comedies only need to make people laugh, but that is a one-sided view.

Many comedy movies have dense lines, and the style elements of comedy are also reflected in these lines.

How to write humorous lines requires, of course, whether the director or screenwriter has good personal qualities, which is called having a good mind.

Only then can those interesting lines be skillfully placed in the movie and presented in a good way.

It can be said that making comedy is a talent, and not just anyone can do it.

Even if you are a famous director with a great reputation, you still can't do it when you should.

Furthermore, comedy movies also have an underlying tendency.

It can be roughly divided into two categories. One category is what we often see, the so-called vulgar comedy with shit and urine as its core.

This kind of comedy is effortless to shoot, and sometimes it can cater to people's vulgar needs. By chance, it does well at the box office.

The most important thing is that this kind of shit comedy usually requires very little investment and is set in a modern city.

Since the investment is small, the possibility of getting back the money is higher, so a little bit of box office is enough to make the next movie.

Whether they are directors or investors, there are some short-sighted people who often value immediate interests.

If shit-and-pee comedy makes money, then we will continue to invest in the next one. The selection of materials for the next one will not be much different, and we will still follow this dirty route.

A snowballing vicious cycle begins.

Many people think that comedy movies are not high-end and have no unusual origins. They are just this kind of comedy.

What about the second type of comedy?

Needless to say, it is of course the kind of comedy that is both humorous and stylish, purely relying on human wit and inspiration.

In such an excellent movie, you can't find any vulgar elements. It is elegant, humorous and lighthearted.

Like a feather, it gently stirs people's itches, making them laugh or feel happy.

This is the realm that high-end comedy movies should reach.

After all, Lao Zhang is no longer a newbie in movies.

After so many years of filming, everyone already knows how good he is.

The only person who doesn't know is maybe himself.

After all, if he had his heart set on it, he wouldn't want to shoot such a subject that he's not good at at all.

There are specializations in the arts, and this principle certainly applies to filmmaking as well.

Judging from past achievements, what Lao Zhang is good at are the kind of pure dramas with a very simple core story.

And now, look at this new script in front of you.

One side is suspense, the other side is comedy.

Tsk tsk...

There are many outstanding films in the history of film that combine suspense and comedy, and the leader among them is Billy Sr.'s "Witness for the Prosecution."

Although it has been more than fifty years since this movie was shot, and it is still a black and white movie with no gorgeous makeup or dazzling special effects, it is still a classic that cannot be ignored in the comedy and suspense genre.

In terms of film categories, Old Billy is a director who is good at shooting comedy films. Before this movie, he was already very experienced in the field of comedy films.

So, for him, it is not difficult to intersperse light-hearted comedy sequences in the movie. He is quite good at it.

Then, the only difficulty may be how to fully connect the suspense elements with the comedy style.

Judging from the many praises the finished product has received, the effect is naturally good.

Of course, the credit for achieving such success is not limited to Old Billy alone. The film Witness for the Prosecution is adapted from the short story of the suspense master Agatha Christie.

Although it is only a short story, the quality of Agatha's work is still guaranteed, which ensures that the plot of the movie at least does not feel lacking.

This is actually a very important point. After all, while being full of comedy elements, Witness for the Prosecution is a classic suspense film.

Therefore, the suspense flavor must be sufficient, the logic must be smooth and smooth, and the reversal must be powerful and unconventional. Old Billy may not be able to do these things, but Agatha's novels must be able to do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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