Chapter 748: The stupid bird flies first

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Directors who are truly responsible for the audience should rack their brains on how to make these ancient stories understandable to modern audiences.

Directors should use the core of modern people's thinking to fully integrate and recreate these classic ancient stories.

Audiences like movies with a high degree of historical restoration, but that doesn't mean that they restore history and that they are completely unable to understand or form empathy.

What modern audiences want to see are, after all, film and television works that are more in line with the ideological and spiritual core of modern people.

Let me give you the simplest example. In ancient times, two peaches killed three people. It was a song of loyalty. Although it was a bit pedantic, it definitely had a positive propaganda meaning.

However, if such a story is placed in front of modern people, they will probably think that there is something wrong with the minds of these three people.

Water got in.

This is a story that is completely inconsistent with the core of modern people's aesthetic tastes and thoughts, and there is absolutely no point in adapting it.

For film directors, they must not only maintain the vision of modern people, but also tell ancient stories well, so that modern audiences can also identify or criticize such ancient stories to a certain extent, or at least let movie audiences

They resonate with the spirit of the story.

Otherwise, it can only be the director's self-admiration and will not be recognized by the audience at all.

When all factors are combined, it can be seen that, in fact, it is very difficult to shoot an excellent costume movie.

But it's obvious that Brother Hai didn't take these difficulties too seriously and didn't think about them deeply at all.

He is a person who lives a poetic life all his life. It doesn't matter how many packs of ink he has in his stomach.

The key is how he, as a director, constructs his own movie.

As we all know, film is the director's art, and this is why. Many times, directors only focus on the expression of their own hearts, and their so-called emotions and moods are often not necessarily blended into the world and can be widely accepted by the world.


But as the creator of the film, the director still has the right to do so. Regardless of whether the audience likes it or not, I will express my own story.

You see, the difference between art films and commercial films can be clearly seen here.

As for commercial films, the main goal of making them is to make money. If you want to express your subjective opinions as a director, that's fine.

But you have to make your work profitable.

If you don't make money, even if you are a film master or film emperor, it is absolutely impossible to attract high investment.

No fool would invest in such a project.

Do you want to express your feelings?


Go out and make a right turn to shoot literary films. Those kinds of films are all about feelings and style. No boss will talk to you about money.

Isn’t it beautiful?

However, Brother Hai...

Obviously, this is not a man who plays his cards according to common sense, and he never cares about other people's feelings.

So what if you are a distinguished investor?

As long as he is dissatisfied, even if the immortal emperor comes, he will still have to follow his arrangements.

For Hai Ge, he can explain everything clearly before the filming starts. After the filming starts, he can shoot according to the previous plan, which is already a great deal of face, whether it is investors or producers.

Everyone should be grateful to this old man.

He should be given three dings.

For a great stream-of-consciousness director like Hai Ge, there are definitely two different states after the shooting starts and before the shooting starts.

When he gets to a serious studio, he always shoots whatever he wants. Many times, he doesn't know which scene to shoot next.

I always take pictures wherever I think. I only have a rough outline in my mind, so I just take pictures wherever I want.

That's how willful it is.

I'm afraid, on the set, the only ones who are proud of themselves are the big stars. Brother Hai is not a director who is good at training actors. No matter you are an experienced actor who has always been famous for your acting skills or a new actor who is just starting out, when you come to my Brother Hai's crew


That is, the master opens the door, and cultivation depends on the individual.

Don't have extravagant expectations. There is no movement to lead you in. There will be no such operation at all. Brother Hai will not give you time slowly and help you polish the show bit by bit!

Whether you can perform well or not is your own business and has nothing to do with me as the director. As for the unsatisfactory effects after filming, that is not my responsibility.

If the audience really doesn't give face and gives bad reviews, then that's okay, just blame it on the actors.

Anyway, I am a well-known director, ranked internationally, so is the problem still here with me?

Since it's not with me, of course it's with you.

If the director has such a mentality, the actors will feel much more relaxed on the set. Anyway, the director will not raise his eyes, frown, and yell at you to perform according to his requirements.

I won't let you try to shoot the same scene over and over again. Brother Hai, if you say he has a good temper, he is really good.

On the set, he has never been called a tyrant, and he has a very harmonious relationship with the actors.

When actors arrive on his set, they generally feel relaxed.

Anyway, whether you act well or not, you can pass the test with the director. As long as you don't have high expectations, you can naturally feel at ease.

As for those veteran drama stars who have strict requirements for themselves?

That's even simpler. After all, people are responsible for themselves. If you have high requirements for yourself, the films you produce will naturally be of higher quality, but that is your own business. As the chief director,

It's impossible for Brother Hai to protect you.

Therefore, although Wu Di did not reject the movie Orphans of Meng, he did not have high hopes for the final effect of the movie.

Brother Hai and Lao Zhang are different.

Although Lao Zhang is stubborn, he can still listen to suggestions in the end. The main reason is that compared to Brother Hai, Lao Zhang's attitude is softer.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He knows that although as an international director, your reputation has reached a certain level, but as long as you continue to make movies, no matter whether you are active or passive,

Eventually you have to face a process of gradually moving closer to commercialization.

After all, the current film market is a mature environment for commercialization. As a human being, of course what you can do is to adapt to the environment. Can you still imagine that the environment will condescend to adapt to you?

You do think so.

Can you succeed?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

As a senior director, Lao Zhang has already understood this point, so his goal is also very clear.

That is to transform as soon as possible, and don't wait until you have made a few bad movies and your creative inspiration has further faded before you try again.

By that time, everything is too late.

As for Brother Hai, of course he also realized that times have changed and the old way no longer works, but even so, he still sticks to his principles.

Sticking to his own artistic aesthetic, of course, in order to cater to the market, Brother Hai cannot remain unchanged. In that case, how can he attract investment?

The vest of this set still needs to be put on. As for the core, it is still the one that Brother Hai is good at.

As a result, under Brother Hai's careful operation, a series of commercial masterpieces appeared one after another.

For a long time, Hai Ge's works have always given people a hazy feeling. From a distance, they are large-scale commercial films with all the elements. Every one of them is aiming to win the annual box office championship.

Looking closer, the spiritual core still has an ethereal flavor.

No matter what, let's make peace with it.

In Hai Ge's case, Xiao Didi can only take advantage, and there is absolutely no way he will suffer. After all, regardless of his reputation or his status in the industry, Hai Ge's position is far higher than his.

It's always good to give it a try.

Maybe it just happened?

The more he thought about it, the more comfortable Wu Di felt, which was simply great. You see, what is a child of luck? Just look at Boss Wu and you will know.

If you look at the entire entertainment industry, besides Xiao Wu, who else can shoulder the responsibility of the two major directors?

Tell me loudly!

Who else?

Isn't this enough proof of his ability?

However, what kind of role is Brother Hai going to arrange for him?

It's definitely not the kind with a very good character, although Brother Hai has never revealed a single clue to him.

She even always patted her chest and promised him that she would make good arrangements for him. However, even so, Wu Di was ready.

There is a good character. How could Brother Hai think of him?


Absolutely impossible!

But, how can a bad character be a bad actor? Wu Di is really curious, because he has watched all the movies of Mengshi Orphans!

This is even more advanced than Brother Hai. In his opinion, the male characters in this movie are not too bad.

Some characters do have certain gray attributes, but generally speaking, they are not maliciously vilified or deliberately described as evil.

Wu Di can't change gender, so his character is pretty much the same and won't be too bad in the end.

Wu Di is really curious about what kind of role Hai Ge will arrange for himself.

Mr. Tan, who was striding ahead, was in the same mood as Wu Di at the moment.

"Brother Hai, I think this guy still has a few brushes. It doesn't hurt to make full use of them."

"Yeah, I think so too."

That's what Brother Hai said, but his expression didn't mean it at all.

Of course, we have to make good use of it. Otherwise, what is the purpose of bringing this kid to the crew? Do you really want to train him?

Not to mention Brother Hai, not even Wu Di dared to think this way.

How can you be so virtuous!

After Haige's drastic reforms, the reserved open land in Xiangshan has undergone rapid transformation as a whole.

Various buildings, pavilions and pavilions, especially the magnificent ancient palaces, are all rising from the ground, and progress is rapid.

Where there is demand, there will be output. With Brother Hai's masterpiece urging him from the front, the progress of the project can be said to be extremely fast.

And right in front of Wu Di and the others, a huge palace with double eaves suddenly appeared in front of them.


Wu Di couldn't help but marvel.

"How about it?"

“It’s more stylish than the one at Hengdian!”

Compared with Hengdian, it is naturally incomparable.

The main reason is that the early planning has limited the development of Xiangshan. Building a film and television city is the same as filming TV dramas and movies, and cannot be developed in a homogeneous manner.

For example, there is a large-scale party, when everyone else is performing modern songs, dances, and dancing.

If you suddenly put on an ancient song and dance performance, it will definitely be a bright spot for the audience.

Even if the quality of your work is not that outstanding, there may still be many areas for improvement, but it doesn't matter, the audience will still be infinitely tolerant of you, because you let them see a different side of things.

The same is true for the construction of the film and television city. From the beginning, the target of Xiangshan Film and Television City was Hengdian. However, Hengdian started early and had an inherent advantage in terms of Ming and Qing architectural complexes. Many Ming and Qing palace complexes are located here.

Hengdian settled early.

The scale of the construction is quite huge, and the buildings are relatively exquisite and gorgeous. Although as long as you see the real objects, you can immediately see the flaws, and they cannot be compared with real historical relics at all.

However, through the use of various light and shadow techniques and the skillful editing of great directors, it is still possible to look real and fake.

What about this side of Xiangshan?

The foundation was different from the beginning.

The film and television city here was built to provide filming locations for Meng's orphans. And what era is the story of Meng's orphans?

It's from the pre-Qin period.

As we all know, my country’s ancient architecture reached its peak period at least after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

In the pre-Qin period, although there were huge palace complexes, their size was not at all the same order of magnitude as those after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Therefore, it can be seen that the various buildings in Xiangshan Film and Television City are still mainly low, which loses a lot in terms of momentum.

It can be concluded that at least within five years, Xiangshan will still be unable to shake the status of Hengdian. As for the future, it will depend on the development routes chosen by the major film and television cities.

Of course, this is also closely related to the development scale of the film and television drama market. If the film and television drama market is still in the wild growth period and booming, then both Hengdian and Xiangshan will have great development opportunities.

The stage they carefully built with various scenery has also been put to use. If there is more porridge, there will naturally be no need to worry about too many monks.

Everyone can get a piece of the pie.

"Brother Hai, what role do you plan to let me play? I am young and inexperienced. If you could tell me earlier, I would be able to prepare earlier."

"All the leading actors are big stars, with rich experience, and they can get into the role quickly. As a newcomer, don't I have to let the stupid bird fly first?"

Mr. Tan glanced at Wu Di sideways: Young man, your mouth is too sweet, you shouldn't be like this!

Besides, this set of sugar-coated tactics is somewhat useful against the stubborn ass Lao Zhang, but it is almost useless against a stream-of-consciousness master like Brother Hai.

At this time, Brother Hai was inspecting the candlestick decorations in the palace. Movies are the art of dreaming. In other words, film and television dramas that restore real historical scenes are still produced using modern shooting techniques.

This chapter has been completed!
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