Chapter 864 Versailles

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"I'm just an emperor, what breakthrough can I make?"

"Besides, he's still an emperor in a woman's play. Wouldn't that be even less interesting?"

"Hey, pancakes, that's a bad word."

"I wrote the script myself, can you still believe it?"

"Besides, no matter how the script is arranged, in the end, if a film or television drama is to be presented to the audience, it still depends on the performance of the actors."

"It depends on the actor's own understanding and whether he can express all his understanding truthfully, Jianbing. I'm not worried at all in this aspect."

"You are definitely capable, and this time, our casting is also very formal. This drama requires many female characters, and they have different personalities. I have worked hard to select the most suitable actors.


"Make sure that we select young people with the most suitable conditions and passable acting skills. We won't embarrass you."

"In this drama, I will completely let go and let you perform according to your own understanding. I believe in your ability. How about it?"

"Stop refusing!"

Having said that, if Jianbing refuses again, it would be too disrespectful. Although he verbally agreed, Jianbing still left himself a backup plan.

I just promised to read the script first and then give a formal reply.

Xiaolong has absolute confidence in his script and his directing ability. As long as he sees the script, there is no chance that Jianbing will not agree!

This matter is settled!

While communicating with Jianbing, Xiaolong did not give up his pursuit of the heroine. In fact, the heroine was chosen earlier than the hero.

These days, to be honest, there are not many young stars who can lead more than fifty episodes of large-scale costume dramas.

Some of them are indeed young, but their acting skills simply cannot hold up.

Let alone fifty episodes, it is already not easy to film twenty episodes smoothly.

And some of them do have acting skills, and they are not afraid of the wide span and large number of episodes in TV series, but from other aspects, they are not very suitable.

Either they are not of the right age, or they do not meet the acting requirements. As for their acting skills, there are definitely some who can meet the standards, but some actresses are not fans of costume dramas in the first place, and their performance methods are also very different from what Xiaolong is pursuing.

For such a long TV series, especially such a TV series with a female protagonist that mainly tells the story of a female legend, Xiaolong must be impressed by her acting skills.

On the other hand, it is very simple. It must at least give people a fresh and pleasant feeling. You must know that in the beginning of this TV series, the heroine was still positioned as a 28-year-old girl.

Regardless of whether the actress is a real girl, the audience should feel that she is a real girl.

You have to reach that level. After all, your scenes are so many and so long. It gives the audience a bad impression and doesn't fit the character at all. How can this be done?

Xiaolong still has requirements for his works. He may be able to play a responsible and ordinary role, but the heroine must definitely meet his vision.

So, in this way, all the actresses who are active in domestic entertainment and can play the leading role were gathered together and took a look. There were not many that were really suitable.

It’s better to have fewer goals!

It is easier to negotiate if there are fewer goals.

It also saves you the trouble of auditioning, and you can go directly to the real person to negotiate.

The candidate for the heroine was quickly determined, and the negotiation went very smoothly, because compared to Jianbing, the heroine is still a little more junior and young, so Xiaolong has an absolute position in front of her and can completely dominate the conversation.


This is indeed a very good script, and the cast is also luxurious. The heroine has no reason to disagree with it.

Of course, Xiaolong didn't tell Jianbing about such a thing. If he were told that the heroine had already been decided, he would use various excuses to explain it away.

You see, I'm still undecided, so why don't you try someone else who can join the group directly, so as not to delay the filming process.

Xiaolong is determined to get pancakes, so he can wait, although he is really anxious about time.

Fortunately, this play requires a large number of actors, including at least thirty for the leading role, and most of these leading actors are women.

For any TV series, such a large number of starring roles is quite explosive. It is necessary for these actresses to have different personalities and have memorable points at the same time, so as not to become a background board, and at the same time, they can be fully utilized in the TV series.

The utilization and performance of the film are quite a big test for the director.

To be honest, this protagonist group is not even a third complete yet.

The main reason is that there are really too few young actresses who meet Xiaolong's requirements.

Different from the heroines, these female supporting roles can have some newcomers, and they can even have no presence in the audience at all.

The heroine is responsible for bringing the audience to the TV, but as for the supporting actress, whether she can attract the attention of the audience depends entirely on herself.

Because there are so many people, only three people have been identified so far.

This is why, although Xiaolong was anxious, he did not rush the pancakes. It is impossible to start filming a movie with only the male lead and the female lead.

Moreover, our drama is originally biased toward group portraits, and the plot of almost every episode unfolds between several women.

In this way, choosing the right actor to play opposite the heroine is the top priority.

This project was so huge that Xiao Long, who was casting every day, actually felt a bit like a draft in Dream of Red Mansions.

Although it is not as sophisticated as the old version of Dream of Red Mansions, in the modern film and television drama shooting environment, such a drama, such a scale, and such a vigorous selection of young actresses are at least 60% similar.

It is almost impossible to hide the news that Xiao Long is going to film a palace drama with many female characters.

Therefore, based on recommendations from past contacts, major companies recommended, and some even got the news themselves and took the initiative to audition.

All kinds of beauties dazzled Xiaolong for a while.

To be honest, there are too many.

It's also too complicated.

Moreover, to be honest, there are some characters whose characteristics are not so obvious. A can do it, but B can do it.

In this way, some roles depend on whether the company behind them is strong. After all, this is Xiaolong's big show. To be honest, it is quite tempting.

Absolutely a big project.

If your own artist can star in it, even a small role can be considered profitable. Especially for many young talents who have not yet made their mark and have no name in the entertainment industry, this TV series is definitely a good one.


Xiao Long's script is guaranteed, and he can definitely make the female characters very distinctive. No matter what, it won't be a bad movie.

The lively casting process is still in progress, and Brother Jianbing finally got the script.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, this script is indeed unique.

Chic is a very appropriate adjective.

To be honest, compared to the previous costume dramas starring Jianbing, the format of this drama is indeed not very big.

Moreover, because it is a palace drama, there are too many love and romance parts, and there is also a lot of intrigue between women.

Not wide enough to open and close.

However, the plot arrangement should be one sentence after another, with climaxes coming one after another. Moreover, the characters' personalities are distinct and not stereotyped.

What an exquisite script!

After closing the script, Jianbing let out a long sigh. He could even imagine how excited the female viewers who follow this type of TV series would be when they see the finished film!

Tsk tsk!

It's actually better than the one I starred in!

It’s really unreasonable!

Although he felt a little ashamed, Jianbing couldn't help but seek truth from facts. His previous TV series was also in period costumes, and the original work was even more famous and of first-class quality. What was the result?

In terms of the logic and structure of the script, it is definitely not comparable to the one directed by Xiao Long.

This is simply funny.

You know, I heard that this TV series also has an original work, but the original work is just a third-rate novel and cannot be put on the table at all.

As for this standard male protagonist TV series starring Jianbing, it is based on a historical masterpiece and is an absolute adaptation.

With such exquisite masterpieces on display, even if they were copied, it would be enough to make an eight-point TV series.

The results of it?

Eight points?


To be honest, six points would be pretty good.


It would be a shame to miss such a good script.


What a pity!

If you have such a good opportunity, shouldn't you call me a good brother?

In an instant, Wu Di's figure appeared in front of Jianbing's eyes. The last time, I wanted to get him to join the crew, but everything went smoothly. Who knew that it would be postponed and replaced, and it would be a second collaboration.

It didn't work either.

In the past, Jianbing could be considered a good resource in wooing Wu Di. Being able to play the leading role in such a large-scale TV series was still a good choice for Wu Di at that time.

And now, Wu Di, who has returned, has won the Grand Prize at the Water City Film Festival, has become famous, and has endless good scripts in hand.

What's more, for Wu Di now, I'm afraid his next choice should be movies and TV series. I'm afraid he doesn't like them.

It doesn’t matter how good the team is.

Wu Di is different from Jianbing and others. He has been in the film industry from the beginning and has never acted in a TV series. The current film market is also different from that of ten years ago.

The number of types of movies has increased significantly. Many newcomers, once they have established themselves in the film industry, do not need to act in TV series to fill the gap.

What's more, Wu Di is now a hot star. In the film industry, he not only wins at the box office, but also wins awards.

Would such a character still be willing to act in a TV series?

Although Wu Di seemed quite interested before, but now, Jianbing is really not sure.


"Brother, long time no see. How are you doing?"

Wu Di's voice was still so clear and sweet, and also full of kindness. Hearing his voice, Jianbing felt a little relieved.

That's good. It seems that the relationship between friends has not changed, and some things can be said.

"I'm okay. I've always been sorry. I promised to introduce the character to you last time, but I didn't expect it. So many twists and turns happened in the end."

"Now that you have become famous, I'm afraid you won't be able to watch TV series. You should have many good movie scripts in your hands."

"I'm almost too busy just to shoot those scripts!"

Although Jianbing said it tactfully, and his tone didn't sound wrong, and he was very cheerful, Wu Di still felt a faint sense of loss.

Jianbing is also a man who aspires to be in the film industry!

Making TV series is not his ideal. Like many actors who already have some fame and status, in Jianbing, the concept that the film industry is higher than the TV series industry is also deeply rooted.

If there is a good script on the film side, even if it is Xiao Long's script, he can still reject it without feeling any distress.

Especially being able to take charge of the director's chair and be a director is Jianbing's ideal. Only in this way can he prove his strength and value!

it is necessary!

However, all this good luck has now been taken up by Wu Di. Whether it is box office performance as an actor or awards as a director, he has won them all by himself!

The scariest thing is that he is still so young!

What does this mean?

This is equivalent to gaining fame and fortune at a young age!

To be honest, Jianbing is also a human being. It is impossible to say that he is not jealous or envious at all.

What's more, Jianbing almost watched Wu Di rise from obscurity to fame. He was the one who experienced it firsthand. Just a year ago, he was a poor guy working as a sidekick in Hengdian.

At that time, on the set, Wu Di was very happy to be able to pick up a supporting role with a slightly larger role.

He has a very humble attitude and keeps flattering and singing praises to Jianbing.

Although Wu Di's attitude is quite good now, he doesn't have any airs and is not vain, but what has changed is Jianbing's mentality.

I think back when Wu Di was broke, his humility was seen more as being a lowly person and deliberately trying to please him.

Now, although Wu Di's way of dealing with people has hardly changed, it has become more calm.

It's like a person with both fame and fortune is showing his kindness to you, especially calmly.

"Brother, you are joking. To be honest, there are indeed several scripts sent to me now, but I haven't decided yet which one I will film next!"

"It doesn't feel like it will be a breakthrough. Moreover, I haven't decided whether to star or direct the next film. Of course, I won't be able to write the script myself. The enthusiasm is not enough."

"I'm going to find some new people and collect some scripts to see if they can be adapted. This is also a way."

Wu Di just honestly said what was in his heart, but there was a smell of Versailles everywhere.



For others, if they can just pick out one script among the many and can barely read it, it is considered good. What's more, as long as they have a script, no matter whether it is good or bad, they will film it very hard to make themselves alive.


Looking at our boss Wu, not only do we have a lot of books to choose from, but we, boss Wu, are also very selective!

I don’t like this, I don’t like that, and they talk about development routes.

If there is a road in front of others, it is considered a good one, but can they still pick and choose?

This chapter has been completed!
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