Chapter 875 Where is the script?

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It's a bad movie anyway, and I don't have to worry about the audience scolding it. Black and red are also red. Maybe if it gets scolded more, more people will come to join in the fun and see what's going on.

The film studio made more money. But this kind of black and red promotion method is obviously not suitable for this movie.

The most feared thing about this type of feature film is the collapse of word-of-mouth, because generally speaking, viewers who watch this type of movie will have an expectation of word-of-mouth. If the quality of this type of tear-jerking movie is not good, it will cause a box office disadvantage, and the impact will be fatal.


It can be seen that using actors with absolute box office appeal from the beginning is the first step to expand box office results.

No matter what, Uncle Zhang's box office appeal is much better than the original choice.

Now, this is our own business!

We won’t give up until we take down Uncle Zhang!

Director Xiao Lu never expected that Wu Di would be more attentive than her when it came to contacting the leading actor. He even said two days ago that he was not in a hurry and asked her to be responsible for the contact!

Why did the trend suddenly change?

Although Xiao Lu has doubts, she won't bring it up. Wu Di is willing to sacrifice his life. Isn't this a good thing?

Why refuse?

Of course I gladly accepted it!

Unfortunately, regarding the matter of inviting Uncle Zhang, the crew was interested in the role of Goddess Wuqing. After a phone call, Uncle Zhang rejected the script in one fell swoop.

Why refuse?

Could it be that Director Xiao Lu’s name is not loud enough and he is not well-known, so Uncle Zhang doesn’t like it?

no no.

It's not that complicated.

The reason is very simple, because Uncle Zhang needs to rest and he doesn't want to make new movies.

Wu Di was also convinced. He had seen lazy people, but he had never seen anyone lazier than himself.

Wu Di wants to take a break because he has filmed too many movies this year, and many of his works have not been released yet.

There is no lack of presence.

But for Uncle Zhang, I didn’t see how busy he was last year, so why did he take a break?

But Uncle Zhang has his own reasons.

I'm getting older, so I won't shoot unless there's a particularly good script. My own company's scripts can't even be finished!

Wu Di...

My mother tongue is speechless.

This is true.

Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang, how could you just hang yourself from a tree?

After contacting Xiao Lu, he was naturally very disappointed and quickly found Wu Di. Boss Wu became anxious when he heard this. How could Uncle Zhang do this?

As a well-known actor with a guaranteed box office, how can he be so indulgent to himself?

Where does Uncle Zhang live?

I want to pay you a visit!

One is a well-known director, and the other is a new star in the industry. Even if he suddenly comes to visit, a decent person like Uncle Zhang cannot refuse coldly.

Not only did he not refuse, he was even enthusiastic.

He took out the housekeeper's tea set and personally brewed a pot of Kung Fu tea for the two guests.

"I really didn't expect that you would come here in person. If I had known that, I should have agreed to meet and have a dinner together. It would be better."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Uncle Zhang is a decent man with an open temperament. Even if he doesn't want to cooperate, he will not make the relationship stalemate. Wu Di scanned the furnishings in the room and suddenly had an inspiration.

"Uncle likes collecting very much!"

As soon as Wu Di opened his mouth, Uncle Zhang's eyes lit up.

"You also like collecting?"


"I can't see it, I really can't see it."

"You are so young, you actually have such a hobby."

Uncle Zhang, who was still a little distant just now, changed his face as soon as Wu Di opened his mouth, as if he had found a soulmate.

He didn't care whether Wu Di was interested in collecting or not, so he pulled him to the ancient bookshelf.

"Look at this, this is Yunzi."

“The quality is quite good.”

"Look at this again. This is my most proud statue. This is an absolute treasure from the Northern Qi Dynasty."

Uncle Zhang took Wu Di and talked about money at Bogujia. Director Xiao Lu felt good and got up to follow them to enjoy it.

Uncle Zhang loves collecting. When Wu Di saw these exquisite collections, he was somewhat impressed.

It seems that I did hear such rumors in my previous life.

I heard that Uncle Zhang spent a lot of money on his collection business.

"The ones from the Northern Qi Dynasty are great. Each piece is of fine quality, especially this elegant feeling. It is a style and design that has never been seen in the statues of other dynasties in the past."

"An era of imagination!"


"That's right, Xiao Wu, I didn't expect that you are quite knowledgeable!"

Uncle Zhang was very excited, and Wu Di was also very excited!

Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhang is also a collector of antiques, and he seems to be even more enthusiastic than pancakes.

Very good!

Isn't this just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse?

Wu Di not only has a vast amount of knowledge about antique collection, but also has many techniques to deceive people, especially what collectors like to listen to. He knows them all.

Who told him to convince Pancake?

Now I can only say that I have rich experience.

To be honest, this time, Wu Di really opened his eyes. Like pancakes, he can only be regarded as a collector at best.

In fact, since he has not touched the door at all and his appreciation level is not as good as that of Wu Di, Boss Wu is naturally very good at deceiving people.

But Uncle Zhang is different. He is not just a simple hobby, but also has a lot of professional knowledge, not just for fun.

"Xiao Wu, I plan to open a private collection art gallery by myself in ten years, and take out some of my treasures and share them with everyone."

"Antique collection is also a business that needs to be shared. The best thing is to let more people see it, you say, right?"

"That's right, Uncle Zhang, your idea is great!"

"I think that private collections like this will become very popular in the future, and they may even earn a lot of money."

"I haven't thought about income or anything like that. The key is to find people who share the same interests."

"Good things always have to be shared with everyone, so that they have meaning."

Wu Di was flattering and flattering, and Uncle Zhang became humble. Of course, with his financial resources, fame and character, he really didn't need to worry about this money.

Besides, these collections of his seem to have been purchased at relatively regular prices, and they were not purchased at low prices by those leak-picking maniacs from Tiantian Liulichang.

These antiques are all very expensive. How can you make a little money and recoup the cost by just displaying them in a small museum?

"Xiao Wu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I've gotten older these years and I'm not as energetic as I was when I was young. I make movies mainly to make some money and collect antiques."

"This matter is really expensive."

Wu Di nodded repeatedly, that's not a waste of money, it's simply a waste of money!

Funds are burning!

Uncle Zhang, I understand!

Sure enough, common topics can bring people closer together. Just now, Uncle Zhang's attitude towards Wu Di was particularly distant.

Although it's not like I'm rejecting someone from thousands of miles away, I'm not very close to him either. I just want to warmly welcome him and end the contact.

But now, they are all holding Wu Di affectionately, talking long and short.

"Uncle Zhang, then you have to participate in our play. Really, the script of our play is very good. Moreover, this is director Xiao Lu's hard work and has been prepared for several years!"

At the critical moment, Wu Di still remembered the people who were in the same boat as him, grabbed Director Xiao Lu, and promoted with a smile.

"But the type of your movie doesn't feel like what I'm good at."

"In the past few years, I have mainly acted in action movies. Even when I was young, I mainly acted in comedies, funny and trash-talking ones. I have never made such emotional movies before."

As long as Uncle Zhang can take over, it means that he is interested. Wu Di quickly struck while the iron was hot: "It is precisely because I have never acted before that I can make a breakthrough."

"Uncle Zhang, our sincerity is very high anyway, and we do not shy away from reality. In the past few years, the movies you have starred in have done very well at the box office and have been recognized by the audience, so we also want to take advantage of your popularity.


Although Xiao Lu kept tugging at Wu Di's sleeves to prevent him from speaking too clearly, Wu Di didn't take it seriously at all.

In fact, one of the key points of deception is to exchange sincerity for sincerity. It may not necessarily mean that you really show your heart and soul, but at least let the other party feel that you are sincere.

Attitude is important.

If a popular star like Uncle Zhang can be invited, he will definitely make a lot of money and it will be beneficial to the movie without any harm.

If you don’t work hard at this time, when will you work hard?

Of course I have to come in good time!

Wu Di kept lobbying, and I have to say that Uncle Zhang was indeed very moved by what he said. Uncle Zhang has not been involved in many foreign roles.

He really had to think about whether it was necessary to take on this drama.

Think about it carefully. Of course Uncle Zhang does not come from a small workshop. On the contrary, his brokerage company is large and formal.

However, his development path is similar to Sisi's, both focusing on filming company-led films.

He rarely accepts invitations from other companies. Of course, with the speed at which he shoots films, there is really no need. After all, there is only one film a year, and the company's resources are enough for him to film.

He has an excellent relationship with the company, he is a veteran, and he can guarantee the box office. With a good script, the company will think of him immediately, and all resources will be tilted towards him.

Uncle Zhang's company is completely different from Sisi's company. They are really large and powerful.

There are plenty of good scripts and the ability to create good movies and TV dramas, so we can’t be considered a grassroots team.

It is understandable that Uncle Zhang is loyal.

But as a veteran of the company, if he wants to take on foreign roles, the company will certainly not stop him, especially for a director like Xiao Lu, who came from the same major and is very familiar with each other, which will give him more face.

As long as Uncle Zhang nods, he can make the decision.

This is one of the reasons why Wu Di works so hard, because he can really win it.

"Okay, you can show me the script, half of it is fine, and I'll take a look at the details."


"Very good!"


Wu Di was overjoyed, his eyes were bright and his mouth was filled with joy. If he could persuade Uncle Zhang to star, the minimum box office of this drama could be guaranteed to be at least 50 million!

Fifty million!

This is 2.5 times that of 20 million!

Why do you look down on these 50 million?

And why do you think 20 million is almost the same as 50 million?

The starting point is different!

Great progress!

"Director Xiao Lu, quickly take out the script and show it to your uncle."

Wu Di was extremely excited, but he saw that Director Xiao Lu had a difficult look on his face and had no intention of taking the script.

"Quick, director!"

"Han Yu, I don't have the script with me, and I don't have the final draft yet. Can you wait a few more days?"


"No draft?"

"How can this be!"

Wu Di jumped up and looked even more excited than Director Xiao Lu, as if he was the director and the script writer.

What a joke!


"It's not finished yet. That doesn't matter. Just ask your assistant to send it to me next time. As long as you're not in a hurry, I won't be in a hurry."

"It just so happens that I don't have a book that I can read recently, so I have time."

Uncle Zhang smiled slightly, which resolved the embarrassment, but did not make the atmosphere worse. Wu Di finally realized that he should not get angry in front of Uncle Zhang.

He quickly calmed down and realized that Uncle Zhang didn't mean to be quarrelsome. In fact, he really didn't care. Movies are an art form, that's what he was about.

It can be formal, it can be official, it can be informal, it can be anything.

What's more, even though the filming of the movie has already started, there is still no script available, so the script manager is asked to come to the house early in the morning to pick it up.

Compared to Wu Di, who had not seen much of the world, Uncle Zhang had already adapted to this situation. Although he also felt that Xiao Lu's expression was a bit strange, he didn't think much about it.

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t finished writing it. As long as you have a sound idea, you can actually shoot it.

Filmmaking is very random. Sometimes, even if everything is in place, chaos will happen even if everything needs to be messed up.

Uncertainty and contingency are too strong, and it is subject to various modifications at any time.

However, Wu Di could not accept the fact that Uncle Zhang had long accepted.

"Director Xiao Lu, what a great opportunity this is. If you come with a great script, if Uncle Zhang likes it after reading it, maybe it can be finalized just now!"

"In this case, there will be variables again."

Wu Di was groaning angrily, and his words were almost accusatory. Director Xiao Lu also understood his mood.

After all, he actively recommended it and paid a lot. These things were not within the scope of his business.

But as a newcomer, Wu Di still worked very hard to help her convince Uncle Zhang.

Director Xiao Lu personally pulled him in. Originally, Wu Di was not prepared to come. As a result, people who had no obligations were very active, while those who had obligations resisted.

Don't blame others for being dissatisfied.

"Xiao Wu, you don't have to take it too seriously. If it's yours, it must be yours. If it's not yours, even if you agree now, you will still change your mind in the future."

"No need to be so nervous."

Director Xiao Lu didn't look nervous at all, but who knows if she was just faking it?

Wu Di suddenly remembered that when she came to the company to meet him, she was empty-handed and had no script in hand.

At that time, I also felt that it might be a temporary decision and I had indeed forgotten it.

Now it seems absolutely impossible.

If there is a script in hand, Wu Di can ignore it, but how can Uncle Zhang deal with it?

Isn’t carrying a script a basic operation?

Can you forget this?

This is definitely intentional!

This chapter has been completed!
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