Chapter 889 Meet the Parents

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"Increasing money is one thing. Boss Wu has estimated before that you won't object to increasing money. However, he has another plan. He asked me to come here today mainly because he wanted to talk about another matter.



You must have been right!

"Then tell me quickly!"

He Miao neatly put away the signed contract, and only then started to talk about the next topic. Anyway, this matter has not even been written, let alone a written contract.

"Actually, Boss Wu wants to jointly open a company with you."


Look, you can’t hold it any longer!

"Let's open a company together!"

"You heard that right!"

This is the task that Boss Wu specially ordered today. If he hadn't had this task, there would indeed be no need for He Miao to appear.

"Boss Wu means that you can contribute some funds, he can contribute some funds, and the two parties will jointly open a company. Of course, the shares will be calculated according to the proportion of capital contribution. If you want to occupy more shares, you can invest more. We will never stop you."

"what do you think?"

"What kind of company does Boss Wu want to open?"

"Why did you find me?"

"With his current ability, many people should want to join a joint venture with him. How could such a good thing happen to me?"

Han Jing is not someone who is easily coaxed. Not only did he not see Wu Di in person, he actually sent his girlfriend out to lobby.

Before He Miao could speak, Han Jing was already on guard.

It's just that he didn't show it at first.

But now, Han Jing still firmly believes that based on his relationship with Wu Di, if this company could be opened so easily, Wu Di would not approach him at all.

"I knew you didn't believe it."

"What other company could it be?"

"Of course it's a film and television investment company!"

"Boss Wu made this suggestion for your sake. Think about it, your main business now is a variety of investments."

"The projects we do are also quite mixed, but film investment is actually a very professional project, which completely requires the professional operation of a professional team."

"We have sufficient personnel and sufficient funds here. Now, Boss Wu's company is a film and television company and can specialize in the investment and distribution of movies. However, he feels that it is better not to put all the eggs in one basket.


"You invest and he also invests. Wouldn't it be better for the two of them to jointly open a new film and television company that specializes in the publishing and distribution of film and television dramas?"

“It can not only diversify risks, but also allow you to focus on film investment.”

"What do you think?"

He Miao was very good at persuading others. In just a few words, he distorted something that was clearly beneficial to Wu Di into something beneficial to Han Jing.

Of course, Han Jing would not just believe what He Miao said casually.

"In other words, I will get a lot of advantage by opening this company?" Han Jing concluded.

Looking at his look, He Miao knew that in his heart, he basically didn't believe a word he said.

He Miao had also been his secretary for three years. He Miao knew almost everything about this person's temperament.

"It's not necessarily a case of taking advantage."

"However, you may not necessarily suffer a loss."

"What's more, haven't you wanted to invest in movies for a long time? You said you were very interested. In that case, what's the point of opening a company?"

“It’s just a little bit of registered capital, it doesn’t require you to put in too much money.”

"As for subsequent operations, it would be more convenient if there are actual film projects and a dedicated company to invest and operate them."

"How about it?"

"Think about it!"

"Since you have warmly invited me, I am too embarrassed to say no. This is fine. Since it was Boss Wu who suggested it, let him talk to me himself."

"He is the boss and an advocate. To show his sincerity, shouldn't he take the initiative to contact me?"

Ah, this...

Isn’t this talk in vain?

Obviously, faced with such a situation, Han Jingjing was very angry.

"You might as well have said it earlier, causing me to waste so much saliva."

"As long as you are interested, I will tell Boss Wu when I get back."

After saying that, He Miao stood up to leave, but Han Jing grabbed her and said, "I just teased you, are you still angry?"

"I didn't expect that you and Wu Di are of the same mind now."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have allowed you to go to his company. What a mistake!"

"You, it was my decision to leave your company. What does it have to do with Wu Di?"

"You have to work for whomever you get paid. You are the boss, how can you not understand this?"

"Of course I understand, you don't need to use such words to provoke me."

"But can't you be in Cao's camp and your heart be in Han?"

"Compared to your boss, we have a closer relationship after all. At this time, shouldn't you turn to me?"

I don't know why, Han Jing, who has always been cold and stern, actually said such silly words, which was not in line with his style at all.

"Are you being coquettish?"

Boss Han's face suddenly stiffened.

"behave in a spoiled manner?"

"Are you talking about me?"

"How can this be?"

"I have never been such a person, nor do I have this function."


I can't admit it even if I'm beaten to death!


He Miao looked at him with a smile, as if he had already grasped Boss Han.


"Actually, I want to invite you to my home..."

"Want to eat?"

"Okay, it's not like I've never been there before, why are you so cautious?"

"But, I told you before, I don't want to live with you."

"Where did you misunderstand?"

"You've already said you don't agree, but I still don't know if you still ask for it again. I'm not that shameless."

This woman really has a very rich imagination. She actually thought wrong about something good. Could it be that she herself had such an idea!

Han Jing wanted to tease He Miao while the heat was on, but thinking of what was going on at the moment, he held back.

"I want to invite you to my parents' house for dinner."

"May I?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Han Jing was very careful, and he didn’t have the style of a big boss at all.

He Miao, who had been so arrogant just now, turned red in an instant.

"This is not appropriate!"

"Isn't it too early?"

Early, of course, not early at all. The two of them have been officially dating for several months. In addition, they worked together before, so they know each other well enough.

On this basis, once the relationship between two people is clear, there will basically be no more ambiguous stages or mutual testing.

They just open their hearts to each other.

Han Jing is not the kind of romantic and swinger-type person, but He Miao is more sincere, down-to-earth and reliable. It seems that it is natural for these two people to be able to progress to the next step together.

And for couples, what’s the next step?

Of course it’s getting married!

Formalize the relationship between two people in a legal way.

"You don't have to take this matter too seriously. In fact, it's nothing. Just follow me and you'll find out."

"My family has a lot of troubles, and I'm worried that I might have wronged you!" Seeing He Miao's hesitation, Han Jing explained to himself.

He could feel that He Miao's hesitation was due to the gap in status. Although as a modern independent woman, He Miao had never thought of relying on Han Jing for a living, let alone such actions.

However, Han Jing is a rich man after all.

Falling in love and getting married are also completely different.

He Miao, who comes from an ordinary middle-class family, had a lot of doubts out of thin air when he actually got to the point of getting married.

Can I?

Can I really do this?

This man, does he really like me sincerely?

There are so many choices around him, almost all of them are better than mine, and he himself was not a monk-tempered person before.

I am also a prodigal girl, but I am the iron-clad boss Han. Can I really be the one who makes the prodigal son come back?

Although Boss Han's situation is a bit different from that of the prodigal son, after all, he doesn't have many emotional entanglements with these women.

It didn't hurt any woman's feelings in particular.

It should be said that before deciding to be with He Miao, Han Jing was a very rational person in the matter of love.

As a man, of course he needs women.

However, let him pursue a certain woman wholeheartedly, spend a lot of energy on her, and maintain a long-term emotional relationship.

And it is impossible to be heartbroken by the change in this relationship.

Boss Han has never been that kind of person.

Of course, he is not a bad guy who cheats on his feelings.

Han Jing's position in relationships is very neutral.

He is neither an innocent man with deep love nor a ruthless villain. He is in the middle.

Since he has such a criminal record and has reached this point, He Miao is inevitably a little worried.

This is second, and the most important thing is that He Miao herself is not rich. Of course, this is no wonder for her. At her age, it is basically impossible to make a fortune from scratch.

Boss Han can become the boss at a young age because his parents have money and resources. Based on their foundation, Han Jing's development is not considered humiliating.

As for He Miao, there is no such advantage.

Therefore, whether it is a comparison of personal economic conditions or the economic conditions of the parents of the previous generation, He Miao is far behind.

Not a good candidate for a wife.

Because she doesn't seem to be able to provide much help to Han Jing's career.

As for what kind of people Han Jing's parents were, He Miao was really not sure at all.

As for He Miao's own parents, you can almost rest assured that they are just like ordinary parents.

Their financial resources are enough to ensure that their children have a relatively happy and satisfying life, with no worries about food and clothing, but they are not too wealthy.

They often rely on small families to live, and when treating their children, they place their hopes and all their emotions on this one child.

They treat their children with respect and love.

Such parents would probably not be too opposed to Han Jing if they didn't understand his romantic history.

If he is worried, it is probably because he is worried that Boss Han is too rich and his daughter will not be able to stand him, which will only make him more sad.

As for Han Jing's parents, their situation is much more complicated.

You can see the shadow of his parents in Han Jing's character. Boss Han has always been decisive and ruthless when doing business.

Don't be deceived by his attitude towards He Miao. Our boss Han is a ruthless person in the mall!

What would his parents be like for such a ruthless person?

Is he more powerful than Han Jing?

Faced with a girl who has neither money nor status, claiming to be the girlfriend of his eldest son!

How would Han Jing's parents react to such a strange visitor?

"To be honest, I'm really a little scared."

"My relationship with you is absolutely sincere, but at the same time, I am not blind. I can clearly see the gap between you and me."

"Do you really want me to meet your parents?"

For He Miao, the period of dating Han Jing was like a dream, so sweet that it was ridiculous, but at the same time, she also had a vague hunch that maybe this was really just a dream.

The two people interacted silently, and only their closest friends knew about their relationship.

So, it seems that this relationship can still be maintained.

And meet your parents?

Once it progresses to this point, the dream ends, and what He Miao will face is the bloody reality!

He Miao was taking care of himself here, facing a powerful enemy, but Han Jing was laughing.

"You, why didn't I see before that your mind is so complicated?"

"It's so interesting."

"Since you don't want to marry me, then just go with me and make it this weekend."

"As for you, prepare to spend more time. I think you will be quite busy on weekends."

"What does it mean?"

Han Jing's tone always made people feel that there was something hidden, but then, no matter what He Miao said, Han Jing just kept his mouth shut and did not say a word.


You just teased me!

Can't I do the reverse?

Even if Han Jing wanted to tell her, he couldn't let go right now. What's more, he regarded this as a big show and wanted to tease He Miao!

How is it possible to say hello in advance?

As a result, He Miao was nervous and waited for a long time, and finally the trouble really came...


Boss Wu is bored because the script for his new movie has not yet been written, while the trio of little sisters are complacent because their conspiracy has taken shape.

With great difficulty, they gathered together and rushed towards the goal.

After re-editing, Zhang Feng's new film is finally declared complete and can be officially submitted for review.

The two old enemies were preparing for a new round of peak showdown, and before the start of this showdown, although they did not ventilate in advance, they had already reached a consensus.

Wu Di can never escape the dispute.

In addition to the main characters, the plots of some marginal characters will also take center stage. Although not necessarily so many people will pay attention to it, it doesn't matter.

Supporting actors also have the life of a supporting actor!

Ever since He Miao got in the car, Han Jing had been suppressing laughter. He Miao had given up hope. This man would never change his mind as long as he made up his mind.

"This is...your mother?"

This chapter has been completed!
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