Chapter 2273 Coming out of seclusion

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 A month passed in the blink of an eye. Qin Ming and others turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window and practiced with peace of mind.

During this time, their strength has improved, especially their internal organs, which are more than ten times stronger than before.

Since Qin Ming entered the Heavenly Way, the time he spent using Yuzhong increased greatly.

Because of this, the time they spend practicing with Yu Zhong has increased a lot.

Coupled with Qin Ming's perfect elixir to help him practice, his internal organs strengthened at an astonishing speed.

But now the internal organs of the four of them have reached a limit. If they continue to practice now, they will only simply increase their cultivation.

Just to increase your cultivation, you can take the perfect elixir, and there is no need to shut yourself up like this.

Therefore, after practicing for a month, Qin Ming planned to leave seclusion.

The four of them gathered together and drank tea on the table.

This is the last moment I spent here. After staying here for more than a month, I have some feelings for this place.

"I really want to stay here forever." Mibei sighed as he drank the wine on the table.

This is the happiest period since his family was destroyed.

Although it is hard to practice cultivation, it is hard and happy at the same time with everyone.

You can also see that your strength is slowly increasing every day, and Mibe finally realizes the joy of increasing strength.

She used to be in the family and her strength was steadily increasing.

But that's because she took the elixir. Although her strength has increased, how can it be as real as her own training?

"There will be a chance in the future." Lian Yu smiled and said, "When we drive the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World, we can practice and play with peace of mind."

This period of practice made Lian Yu feel very peaceful, and she was a little reluctant to leave here.

"Drive the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World." Qin Ming thought of his family and was immediately full of energy.
Indeed, he wants to drive the poisonous demon out of the world of Tianlong and let his family live in the world of Tianlong without any worries.

Instead of like now, the poisonous demon may cause a war in the entire world at any time.

It can even destroy the world of Tianlong.

Qin Ming has secretly decided in his heart that after driving the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World, he will spend more time with his family.

When he was in the small world, he decided to spend some time with his family before breaking through to Genshi.

But the plan failed to keep up with the change, and he became a Genshi inexplicably, and had no choice but to come to the world of Tianlong in advance.

Although I finally used the source energy to transform into a form and returned to a small world, the source energy transformation always had an illusory feeling and was very unreal.

He wants to stay with his family and watch the sunrise and sunset with them.

A few people sat and drank for a while, saying goodbye to this place.

Finally, Qin Ming picked up the wine glass on the table, drank it all in one gulp, then stood up and said.

"Let's go!"

All the salutes were placed in the space ring. As for the carefully crafted furniture here, Qin Ming left it to future generations.

At this sound, Lian Yuan walked out of the room.

Since they arrived here, Lian Yuan has also come in to protect Lian Yu.

In order not to disturb the lives of several people, Lianyuan seldom came out.

In his words, you are all young people, young people have their own world, and it would be awkward for him to be together.

"It's still the same old rules. When we go out and encounter the Poison Demon, Lian Yu and Mi Bei will take action, while Fang Zhu and I will take action nearby."

Qin Ming said to several people.

Here he and Fang Zhu are the strongest, while Mi Bei and Lian Yu are slightly weaker.

The most important thing is that Qin Ming and Fang Zhu have both experienced battles for a long time, and a life-and-death battle with the Poison Demon will not bring much improvement to them.

But Mi Bei and Lian Yu were different. They rarely experienced life and death battles. A month passed in the blink of an eye. Qin Ming and the others turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside the window and practiced with peace of mind.

During this time, their strength has improved, especially their internal organs, which are more than ten times stronger than before.

Since Qin Ming entered the Heavenly Way, the time he spent using Yuzhong increased greatly.

Because of this, the time they spend practicing with Yu Zhong has increased a lot. .??.

Coupled with Qin Ming's perfect elixir to help him practice, his internal organs strengthened at an astonishing speed.

But now the internal organs of the four of them have reached a limit. If they continue to practice now, they will only simply increase their cultivation.

Just to increase your cultivation, you can take the perfect elixir, and there is no need to shut yourself up like this.

Therefore, after practicing for a month, Qin Ming planned to leave seclusion.

The four of them gathered together and drank tea on the table.

This is the last moment I spent here. After staying here for more than a month, I have some feelings for this place.

"I really want to stay here forever." Mibei sighed as he drank the wine on the table.

This is the happiest period since his family was destroyed.

Although it is hard to practice cultivation, it is hard and happy at the same time with everyone.

You can also see that your strength is slowly increasing every day, and Mibe finally realizes the joy of increasing strength.

She used to be in the family and her strength was steadily increasing.

But that's because she took the elixir. Although her strength has increased, how can it be as real as her own training?

"There will be a chance in the future." Lian Yu smiled and said, "When we drive the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World, we can practice and play with peace of mind."

This period of practice made Lian Yu feel very peaceful, and she was a little reluctant to leave here.

"Drive the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World." Qin Ming thought of his family and was immediately full of energy.
Indeed, he wants to drive the poisonous demon out of the world of Tianlong and let his family live in the world of Tianlong without any worries.

Instead of like now, the poisonous demon may cause a war in the entire world at any time.

It can even destroy the world of Tianlong.

Qin Ming has secretly decided in his heart that after driving the Poison Demon out of the Tianlong World, he will spend more time with his family.

When he was in the small world, he decided to spend some time with his family before breaking through to Genshi.

But the plan failed to keep up with the change, and he became a Genshi inexplicably, and had no choice but to come to the world of Tianlong in advance.

Although I finally used the source energy to transform into a form and returned to a small world, the source energy transformation always had an illusory feeling and was very unreal.

He wants to stay with his family and watch the sunrise and sunset with them.

A few people sat and drank for a while, saying goodbye to this place.

Finally, Qin Ming picked up the wine glass on the table, drank it all in one gulp, then stood up and said.

"Let's go!"

All the salutes were placed in the space ring. As for the carefully crafted furniture here, Qin Ming left it to future generations.

At this sound, Lian Yuan walked out of the room.

Since they arrived here, Lian Yuan has also come in to protect Lian Yu.

In order not to disturb the lives of several people, Lianyuan seldom came out.

In his words, you are all young people, young people have their own world, and it would be awkward for him to be together.

"It's still the same old rules. When we go out and encounter the Poison Demon, Lian Yu and Mi Bei will take action, while Fang Zhu and I will take action nearby."

Qin Ming said to several people.

Here he and Fang Zhu are the strongest, while Mi Bei and Lian Yu are slightly weaker.

The most important thing is that Qin Ming and Fang Zhu have both experienced battles for a long time, and a life-and-death battle with the Poison Demon will not bring much improvement to them.

But Mi Bei and Lian Yu are different, they rarely experience life and death battles.

This chapter has been completed!
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