Chapter 2314 Destroy the small world

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 If he wants to make Demon Ancestor take him seriously again, he has only one way to go.

He made up for his fault and killed Qin Ming.

"Qin Ming, it's all you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been reprimanded by Demon Ancestor." Qiu Ji thought of Qin Ming, and his body boiled with murderous aura.

If it weren't for Qin Ming, Xiaoyue Tianlang would still be locked up in the formation.

He wouldn't run away in panic as soon as he saw the Howling Moon Sirius.

His strength is in the dragon realm.

Even much stronger than most dragon realm warriors.

But compared to Xiaoyue Tianlang, it's a lot worse.

Fortunately, the other party had some scruples and allowed him to escape with his life. ??

"Qin Ming, no matter which corner you hide in, I, Qiu Ji, will find you."

Qiu Ji's face twisted when he thought of being chased by Xiaoyue Sirius and fleeing in embarrassment.

"I can't find you now, so I'll vent my anger on your little world first."


Qiu Ji gave an order, and one of his subordinates followed the order and left.

It's just a small world, and one poisonous dragon-level demon can destroy it.

Although he destroyed the small world, he could not gain anything.

But Qin Ming felt unhappy, so he could be more or less happy.

Even if Qin Ming doesn't care about the small world, he can still vent his anger by doing this.

After ordering his subordinates to destroy Qin Ming's small world, Qiu Ji felt much better.

In the huge training room of the Lian family, Qin Ming, who had been in seclusion for three months, opened his eyes.

He has already chosen his favorite way.

During this period of meditation, he had a general understanding of Tao.

The Tao has many branches, which can even be said to be endless.

As long as you understand one branch and understand it to the extreme, you can reach the ultimate level of martial arts.

"On the path of fire, I choose to create."

Qin Ming turned his hand, and a blazing flame appeared.

This flame is very illusory, without any temperature. It is the path of fire.

The way of fire has two main directions, one is destruction and the other is creation.

Destruction, as the name suggests, mainly improves the warrior's attack ability.

Warriors who practice the Tao of Fire often use Tao attacks to be extremely lethal.

Among the dragon realm warriors, those who understand the way of fire are undoubtedly the strongest warriors.

But what Qin Ming chose was creation.

Because his ghost fire is astonishingly powerful, there is no need to add fuel to the fire by destroying it.

He is a warrior and an alchemist. Because of alchemy, Qin Ming chose the creative branch of the Way of Fire.

In this way, when refining alchemy in the future, it will be easier with the help of the Tao of Fire.

After choosing the branch of the path of fire, the next step is the path of wind.

Feng, Qin Ming chose speed without saying anything.

His Taoyuan skills and micro movement are very useful in battle.

When choosing the Way of Wind, after speed branching, nudge movement can play a more powerful role.

And with the assistance of the speed of the Wind, Qin Ming's flying speed will be faster in the future.

Now he doesn't have a deep understanding of Tao, so he can't increase his flying speed much.

But when he reaches the dragon realm, his speed will definitely surpass other warriors.

Next is the way of earth.

"I have learned how to control gravity in the Earth Way. Gravity is extremely useful both in combat and as an auxiliary practice."

Qin Ming chose the Earth Way that matched the Taoyuan Technique.

This is also the experience of other dragon realm warriors.

In the Lian family, there were many books about After the Dragon Realm. During this period, Qin Ming also read some in order to choose the Tao.

Generally, warriors will choose Tao branches that match the Tao source skills, so that the power exerted by the Tao source skills will be stronger.

Of course, if the Principle Source Skill you learned is too poor and you plan to change to Principle Source Skill, then it doesn't matter at all.

And since he was so satisfied with Yu Zhong, he would naturally not change it, so of course he would choose the same Tao branch as Yu Zhong. If he wanted to make Demon Ancestor take him seriously again, he had only one way to go.

He made up for his fault and killed Qin Ming.

"Qin Ming, it's all you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been reprimanded by Demon Ancestor." Qiu Ji thought of Qin Ming, and his body boiled with murderous aura.

If it weren't for Qin Ming, Xiaoyue Tianlang would still be locked up in the formation.

He wouldn't run away in panic as soon as he saw the Howling Moon Sirius.

His strength is in the dragon realm.

Even much stronger than most dragon realm warriors.

But compared to Xiaoyue Tianlang, it's a lot worse.

Fortunately, the other party had some scruples and allowed him to escape with his life.

"Qin Ming, no matter which corner you hide in, I, Qiu Ji, will find you."

Qiu Ji's face twisted when he thought of being chased by Xiaoyue Sirius and fleeing in embarrassment.

"I can't find you now, so I'll vent my anger on your little world first."


Qiu Ji gave an order, and one of his subordinates followed the order and left.

It's just a small world, and one poisonous dragon-level demon can destroy it.

Although he destroyed the small world, he could not gain anything.

But Qin Ming felt unhappy, so he could be more or less happy.

Even if Qin Ming doesn't care about the small world, he can still vent his anger by doing this.

After ordering his subordinates to destroy Qin Ming's small world, Qiu Ji felt much better.

In the huge training room of the Lian family, Qin Ming, who had been in seclusion for three months, opened his eyes.

He has already chosen his favorite way.

During this period of meditation, he had a general understanding of Tao.

The Tao has many branches, which can even be said to be endless.

As long as you understand one branch and understand it to the extreme, you can reach the ultimate level of martial arts.

"On the path of fire, I choose to create."

Qin Ming turned his hand, and a blazing flame appeared.

This flame is very illusory, without any temperature. It is the path of fire.

The way of fire has two main directions, one is destruction and the other is creation.

Destruction, as the name suggests, mainly improves the warrior's attack ability.

Warriors who practice the Tao of Fire often use Tao attacks to be extremely lethal.

Among the dragon realm warriors, those who understand the way of fire are undoubtedly the strongest warriors.

But what Qin Ming chose was creation.

Because his ghost fire is astonishingly powerful, there is no need to add fuel to the fire by destroying it.

He is a warrior and an alchemist. Because of alchemy, Qin Ming chose the creative branch of the Way of Fire.

In this way, when refining alchemy in the future, it will be easier with the help of the Tao of Fire.

After choosing the branch of the path of fire, the next step is the path of wind.

Feng, Qin Ming chose speed without saying anything.

His Taoyuan skills and micro movement are very useful in battle.

When choosing the Way of Wind, after speed branching, nudge movement can play a more powerful role.

And with the assistance of the speed of the Wind, Qin Ming's flying speed will be faster in the future.

Now he doesn't have a deep understanding of Tao, so he can't increase his flying speed much.

But when he reaches the dragon realm, his speed will definitely surpass other warriors.

Next is the way of earth.

"I have learned how to control gravity in the Earth Way. Gravity is extremely useful both in combat and as an auxiliary practice."

Qin Ming chose the Earth Way that matched the Taoyuan Technique.

This is also the experience of other dragon realm warriors.

In the Lian family, there were many books about After the Dragon Realm. During this period, Qin Ming also read some in order to choose the Tao.

Generally, warriors will choose Tao branches that match the Tao source skills, so that the power exerted by the Tao source skills will be stronger.

Of course, if the Principle Source Skill you learned is too poor and you plan to change to Principle Source Skill, then it doesn't matter at all.

And since he is so satisfied with Yu Zhong, he will naturally not change it, so of course he will choose the same Tao branch as Yu Zhong.

This chapter has been completed!
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