Chapter 3382 Stand up

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 Not to mention, fighting requires a huge amount of resources.

The Cloud City Alliance is supported by the perfect dragon-level elixir, but what about Huan Shizong?

Once a war breaks out, Huan Shizong's foundation will be exhausted in an instant.

Although he is the leader of Huan Shizong, he cannot force the warriors of Huan Shizong to go to war, especially without sufficient supplies.

In fact, Huan Shizong was not qualified to compete with the Yuncheng Alliance for the Tianlong World. Huan Shizong lost from the beginning.

But he was unwilling to do so.

Even if he loses everything, he will still fight.

He put a lot of effort into this, thinking hard and dancing on the tip of the knife. No one knows how hard he worked and how he planned little by little to finally have the World Calling Sect today.

We have been planning for a long time and everything is going smoothly, except for the final touch.

As long as he defeats the poison demon forces, he can steal the secret method of alchemy and countless perfect dragon-level elixirs.

With the support of these perfect dragon-level elixirs, he believed that he could hold back the poison demon's forces for more than a month.

As long as we wait for more than a month and wait until those peak Jiao realm warriors who have taken the Perfect Nirvana Pill break through to the Dragon realm, they can turn defeat into victory and defeat the poisonous demonic forces.

If he wins this battle, then he will be the one to summon the Heavenly Dragon World.

If he loses, then everything will be over, and everything he has done before will be in vain.

"Ahem..." Huantian smiled sadly, his smile getting bigger and bigger. With a ferocious face, he took out a perfect dragon-level healing elixir from the space ring. He looked at Qin Ming with blood-red eyes and said, "Qin Ming

, do you think you can kill me so easily?"


Either my elixir will be used up, or your physical strength will be used up, let’s see who dies in the end!”

Huantian was betting that Qin Ming's physical strength was insufficient, and that the perfect dragon-level elixir in his space ring could drag Qin Ming to death.

Qin Ming is indeed very strong, he is far from his opponent.

But it doesn't matter. It's not that easy for Qin Ming to kill him.

And he had never taken the Perfect Dragon Level Healing Pill before, and his body's resistance to the pill was extremely low.

Even if you take all the perfect dragon-level healing elixirs in the space ring today, you can still exert the full power of the elixirs.

He wants to use the perfect dragon-level healing elixir to drag Qin Ming to death and the Yuncheng Alliance to death.

"Huantian stood up. Although he was seriously injured and looked like he would fall down in the next breath, he stood up again under the influence of the perfect dragon-level healing elixir."

"Yes, the sect master stood up. Although he relied on the perfect dragon-level healing elixir, if the sect master did not have strong willpower, he would not be able to stand up at all."

"I didn't expect that our sect master's inner will is extremely strong. He has given everything he has for this war!"

"We still have a chance. Once we defeat the Cloud City Alliance, we will have countless perfect dragon-level elixirs and the secret method of refining perfect dragon-level elixirs."

"That's right. After we defeat the Cloud City Alliance, we will definitely be able to unify the Tianlong world. Think about how carefree and happy we will be after unifying the Tianlong world..."


Seeing Huan Tianqiang standing up, Huan Shizong, whose morale had been seriously low, regained his vitality.

Huantian is their sect master and their role model. If he falls, no matter how strong their willpower is, they will have no hope of winning the war. Not to mention that a battle requires a huge expenditure of resources.

The Cloud City Alliance is supported by the perfect dragon-level elixir, but what about Huan Shizong?

Once a war breaks out, Huan Shizong's foundation will be exhausted in an instant.

Although he is the leader of Huan Shizong, he cannot force the warriors of Huan Shizong to go to war, especially without sufficient supplies.

In fact, Huan Shizong was not qualified to compete with the Yuncheng Alliance for the Tianlong World. Huan Shizong lost from the beginning.

But he was unwilling to do so.

Even if he loses everything, he will still fight.

He put a lot of effort into this, thinking hard and dancing on the tip of the knife. No one knows how hard he worked and how he planned little by little to finally have the World Calling Sect today.

We have been planning for a long time and everything is going smoothly, except for the final touch.

As long as he defeats the poison demon forces, he can steal the secret method of alchemy and countless perfect dragon-level elixirs.

With the support of these perfect dragon-level elixirs, he believed that he could hold back the poison demon's forces for more than a month.

As long as we wait for more than a month and wait until those peak Jiao realm warriors who have taken the Perfect Nirvana Pill break through to the Dragon realm, they can turn defeat into victory and defeat the poisonous demonic forces.

If he wins this battle, then he will be the one to summon the Heavenly Dragon World.

If he loses, then everything will be over, and everything he has done before will be in vain.

"Ahem..." Huantian smiled sadly, his smile getting bigger and bigger. With a ferocious face, he took out a perfect dragon-level healing elixir from the space ring. He looked at Qin Ming with blood-red eyes and said, "Qin Ming

, do you think you can kill me so easily?"


Either my elixir will be used up, or your physical strength will be used up, let’s see who dies in the end!”

Huantian was betting that Qin Ming's physical strength was insufficient, and that the perfect dragon-level elixir in his space ring could drag Qin Ming to death.

Qin Ming is indeed very strong, he is far from his opponent.

But it doesn't matter. It's not that easy for Qin Ming to kill him.

And he had never taken the Perfect Dragon Level Healing Pill before, and his body's resistance to the pill was extremely low.

Even if you take all the perfect dragon-level healing elixirs in the space ring today, you can still exert the full power of the elixirs.

He wants to use the perfect dragon-level healing elixir to drag Qin Ming to death and the Yuncheng Alliance to death.

"Huantian stood up. Although he was seriously injured and looked like he would fall down in the next breath, he stood up again under the influence of the perfect dragon-level healing elixir."

"Yes, the sect master stood up. Although he relied on the perfect dragon-level healing elixir, if the sect master did not have strong willpower, he would not be able to stand up at all."

"I didn't expect that our sect master's inner will is extremely strong. He has given everything he has for this war!"

"We still have a chance. Once we defeat the Cloud City Alliance, we will have countless perfect dragon-level elixirs and the secret method of refining perfect dragon-level elixirs."

"That's right. After we defeat the Cloud City Alliance, we will definitely be able to unify the Tianlong world. Think about how carefree and happy we will be after unifying the Tianlong world..."


Seeing Huan Tianqiang standing up, Huan Shizong, whose morale had been seriously low, regained his vitality.

Huantian is their sect leader and their role model. If he falls, no matter how strong their willpower is, they will have no hope of winning the war.

This chapter has been completed!
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