Chapter 4162 An opportunity

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 They could think of spreading their operations and speeding up the search, and other teams also thought of it.

Suddenly, the entire forest was filled with teams of two or three people, trying their best to search for the location of Qin Ming and others.

These people were running around in the forest, causing disaster to the source beasts in the forest.

Many intelligent source beasts hid as soon as they realized something was wrong.

But they were still found by these peak True Dragon Realm warriors.

Some warriors at the peak of the True Dragon Realm don't want to cause trouble and don't know how to attack.

However, some warriors at the peak of the True Dragon Realm felt that killing the Origin Beast would be a good source of income, so they took action boldly.

Suddenly, many source beasts were brutally killed, and the sounds of fighting could be heard in the dense forest.

And when they were looking for Qin Ming and others, Qin Ming was also looking for them.

The four of them didn't have any torches, so they moved forward carefully on all fours.

"There is light there, let's go!" Qin Ming looked at the bright light in the distance, raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately ran in that direction.

The others followed closely, Qi Qi was breathing heavily, and he was still very nervous.

Soon, several people approached the light.

"There are two true dragon realm peak warriors, but their strength is not very strong!" Qin Ming said suddenly.

With his sensing ability, he had already discovered the situation here.

Two peak True Dragon Realm warriors, just one for each of Qi Qi and Qi Yi.

"I'll leave these two to you. I'll go observe the surroundings to see if there are any other warriors nearby." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Not all teams will light torches.

In order to give the two of them a chance to break through to the realm of holy beasts, Qin Ming took great pains.

"Okay." Qi Qi nodded seriously.

br> Qin Ming wants to inquire about the surrounding situation, which also means that during the battle, even if he is in danger, Qin Ming will not be able to rush to help.

But now that you have made the decision to face danger, you must be aware of death.

He was very nervous before, but when it came to a life-and-death battle, Qi Qi calmed down and the timidity in his heart disappeared.

"Other warriors who want to improve their strength don't have this opportunity. If I hadn't met Qin Ming and followed him, I might still be struggling to earn a little bit of black stone. How could I be like now, just follow Qin Ming step by step?

Just practice."

"This is an opportunity that other warriors have never thought of. I must seize it."

Qi Qi looked into the distance and gently pulled out the long sword in his hand.

His eyes gradually became firm.

He will try his best, even if he dies, he will kill that true dragon realm peak warrior.

With a firm will, Qi Qi's aura gradually became stronger.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, and in a flash, the person had disappeared from the spot.

Seeing that Qin Ming had left, Qi Qi and Qi Yi looked at each other and immediately took action and rushed towards the two warriors.

Just after Qi Qi and Qi Yi left, Qin Ming suddenly appeared at the same place.

It turns out that the so-called exploration in other places just now was just a lie to Qi Qi and Qi Yi.

With his sensing power, there is no need to worry about other warriors hiding around and suddenly coming out.

Qin Ming has always hidden his strength and his sensing ability.

He didn't want the fact that he was a monster genius to be discovered by others.

It's not that they don't trust Qi Qi and the others, but the more people who know the secret, the more likely it will be leaked. They can think of spreading their operations and speeding up the search, and other teams have also thought of it.

Suddenly, the entire forest was filled with teams of two or three people, trying their best to search for the location of Qin Ming and others.

These people were running around in the forest, causing disaster to the source beasts in the forest.

Many intelligent source beasts hid as soon as they realized something was wrong.

But they were still found by these peak True Dragon Realm warriors.

Some warriors at the peak of the True Dragon Realm don't want to cause trouble and don't know how to attack.

However, some warriors at the peak of the True Dragon Realm felt that killing the Origin Beast would be a good source of income, so they took action boldly.

Suddenly, many source beasts were brutally killed, and the sounds of fighting could be heard in the dense forest.

And when they were looking for Qin Ming and others, Qin Ming was also looking for them.

The four of them did not have torches, so they moved forward cautiously. .??.

"There is light there, let's go!" Qin Ming looked at the bright light in the distance, raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately ran in that direction.

The others followed closely, Qi Qi was breathing heavily, and he was still very nervous.

Soon, several people approached the light.

"There are two true dragon realm peak warriors, but their strength is not very strong!" Qin Ming said suddenly.

With his sensing ability, he had already discovered the situation here.

Two peak True Dragon Realm warriors, just one for each of Qi Qi and Qi Yi.

"I'll leave these two to you. I'll go observe the surroundings to see if there are any other warriors nearby." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Not all teams will light torches.

In order to give the two of them a chance to break through to the realm of holy beasts, Qin Ming took great pains.

"Okay." Qi Qi nodded seriously.

br> Qin Ming wants to inquire about the surrounding situation, which also means that during the battle, even if he is in danger, Qin Ming will not be able to rush to help.

But now that you have made the decision to face danger, you must be aware of death.

He was very nervous before, but when it came to a life-and-death battle, Qi Qi calmed down and the timidity in his heart disappeared.

"Other warriors who want to improve their strength don't have this opportunity. If I hadn't met Qin Ming and followed him, I might still be struggling to earn a little bit of black stone. How could I be like now, just follow Qin Ming step by step?

Just practice."

"This is an opportunity that other warriors have never thought of. I must seize it."

Qi Qi looked into the distance and gently pulled out the long sword in his hand.

His eyes gradually became firm.

He will try his best, even if he dies, he will kill that true dragon realm peak warrior.

With a firm will, Qi Qi's aura gradually became stronger.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, and in a flash, the person had disappeared from the spot.

Seeing that Qin Ming had left, Qi Qi and Qi Yi looked at each other and immediately took action and rushed towards the two warriors.

Just after Qi Qi and Qi Yi left, Qin Ming suddenly appeared at the same place.

It turns out that the so-called exploration in other places just now was just a lie to Qi Qi and Qi Yi.

With his sensing power, there is no need to worry about other warriors hiding around and suddenly coming out.

Qin Ming has always hidden his strength and his sensing ability.

He didn't want the fact that he was a monster genius to be discovered by others.

It's not that they don't trust Qi Qi and others, but the more people who know the secret, the more likely it is that it will be leaked.

This chapter has been completed!
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