Chapter 839 Skeleton

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 "Boom!" There was a thunder, and a thunder with purple light hit Jue Wuya who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He staggered immediately. He took a healing elixir and wiped the corners of his mouth.

of blood, sit firmly again.

Qin Ming looked at this scene and nodded, completely relieved.

He gave a total of five perfect heart-replenishing pills to Jue Wuya. As long as he didn't kill Jue Wuya directly, he would never be in danger of being killed by the thunder that attacked his body.

There were four more near-misses of thunder. Jue Wuya took out a perfect heart-repairing pill from the space ring and swallowed it. Immediately, the vitality of the heart-repairing pill began to repair Jue Wuya's damaged body.

"The last thunderbolt is the inner demon calamity that attacks the soul." Qin Ming looked at the dark clouds rolling violently in the sky with a solemn expression. This last thunderbolt was the most difficult one in the entire Wuzun thunder calamity.

If you can get through it, you will succeed. If you can't get through it, you will die. There will be no escape.

It was also because of this last inner demon tribulation that Qin Ming did not dare to try to break through Wu Zun in his previous life, because he knew that he had huge psychological trauma and it was impossible to survive the inner demon tribulation.

"In this life, the inner demon tribulation should be a trivial matter to me!"

Qin Ming smiled faintly. In this life, no one in the Qin family died. He had a perfect soul and had practiced for a whole life. Wu Zun's inner demon calamity was nothing to him.

"Zi..." A strange dark red light flashed out from the dark clouds and reached Juewuya instantly, making no sound.

Qin Ming looked at Juewuya solemnly.

His brows were furrowed, his body was sweating, and his whole clothes were instantly wet.


With a deep breath, Jue Wuya opened his eyes, with a golden light in his dark eyes.

"It's done!" Seeing Jue Wuya's appearance, Qin Ming clenched his fist tightly and waved it fiercely.

Hearing that Qin Ming said it was done and seeing that Jue Wuya was not dead, Qin Yuan's face showed ecstasy. Jue Wuya successfully broke through the Martial Master, which meant that the Huayu Sect had an additional Martial Master master.

His Qin family's position in the mainland has become more stable. The Qin family will have no worries for at least ten thousand years.

Jue Wuya opened his eyes, looked around, smiled on his face, and walked towards Qin Ming.

"Congratulations, congratulations..." Qin Ming cupped his hands and smiled. He was very happy that Jue Wuya could become a Martial Lord.

"Congratulations to Master Jue for reaching the pinnacle of martial arts!"


The surrounding warriors all expressed their excited congratulations. They felt extremely honored to be able to witness Wu Zun's breakthrough with their own eyes. They would have something to talk about in their lifetime.

"Thank you..." Jue Wuya replied with a smile on his face. As for the peak of martial arts, he was still far from reaching it.

This is just the beginning for him. I believe that by following Qin Ming, he will be able to go higher and further in the future.

"Qin Ming, thank you, if it weren't for you..."

"Okay, stop acting like a woman." Looking at Jue Wuya who was about to have tears in his eyes, Qin Ming patted his shoulder bitterly.

The entire Qian Continent respects Wu Zun, and he can understand Jue Wuya's excitement.

"Father, I still have something to discuss with Jue Wuya. We will discuss it later at the celebration party." He turned around and said to Qin Yuan. Qin Ming looked at Jue Wuya again.

"Let's go into the secret realm!" With a thought in his mind, Qin Ming appeared in the training room with Jue Wuya. He couldn't wait anymore and wanted to know whether Jue Wuya had realized the innate magical power and what level he had realized. The innate magical power. "Boom!" There was a thunder, and a thunder with purple light hit Jue Wuya who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He staggered immediately. He took a healing elixir and wiped it. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sat down again.

Qin Ming looked at this scene and nodded, completely relieved.

He gave a total of five perfect heart-replenishing pills to Jue Wuya. As long as he didn't kill Jue Wuya directly, he would never be in danger of being killed by the thunder that attacked his body.

There were four more near-misses of thunder. Jue Wuya took out a perfect heart-repairing pill from the space ring and swallowed it. Immediately, the vitality of the heart-repairing pill began to repair Jue Wuya's damaged body.

"The last thunderbolt is the inner demon calamity that attacks the soul." Qin Ming looked at the dark clouds rolling violently in the sky with a solemn expression. This last thunderbolt was the most difficult one in the entire Wuzun thunder calamity.

If you can get through it, you will succeed. If you can't get through it, you will die. There will be no escape.

It was also because of this last inner demon tribulation that Qin Ming did not dare to try to break through Wu Zun in his previous life, because he knew that he had huge psychological trauma and it was impossible to survive the inner demon tribulation.

"In this life, the inner demon tribulation should be a trivial matter to me!"

Qin Ming smiled faintly. In this life, no one in the Qin family died. He had a perfect soul and had practiced for a whole life. Wu Zun's inner demon calamity was nothing to him.

"Zi..." A strange dark red light flashed out from the dark clouds and reached Juewuya instantly, making no sound.

Qin Ming looked at Juewuya solemnly.

His brows were furrowed, his body was sweating, and his whole clothes were instantly wet.


With a deep breath, Jue Wuya opened his eyes, with a golden light in his dark eyes.

"It's done!" Seeing Jue Wuya's appearance, Qin Ming clenched his fist tightly and waved it fiercely.

Hearing that Qin Ming said it was done and seeing that Jue Wuya was not dead, Qin Yuan's face showed ecstasy. Jue Wuya successfully broke through the Martial Master, which meant that the Huayu Sect had an additional Martial Master master.

His Qin family's position in the mainland has become more stable. The Qin family will have no worries for at least ten thousand years.

Jue Wuya opened his eyes, looked around, smiled on his face, and walked towards Qin Ming.

"Congratulations, congratulations..." Qin Ming cupped his hands and smiled. He was very happy that Jue Wuya could become a Martial Lord.

"Congratulations to Master Jue for reaching the pinnacle of martial arts!"


The surrounding warriors all expressed their excited congratulations. They felt extremely honored to be able to witness Wu Zun's breakthrough with their own eyes. They would have something to talk about in their lifetime.

"Thank you..." Jue Wuya replied with a smile on his face. As for the peak of martial arts, he was still far from reaching it.

This is just the beginning for him. I believe that by following Qin Ming, he will be able to go higher and further in the future.

"Qin Ming, thank you, if it weren't for you..."

"Okay, stop acting like a woman." Looking at Jue Wuya who was about to have tears in his eyes, Qin Ming patted his shoulder bitterly.

The entire Qian Continent respects Wu Zun, and he can understand Jue Wuya's excitement.

"Father, I still have something to discuss with Jue Wuya. We will discuss it later at the celebration party." He turned around and said to Qin Yuan. Qin Ming looked at Jue Wuya again.

"Let's go into the secret realm!" With a thought in his mind, Qin Ming appeared in the training room with Jue Wuya. He couldn't wait anymore and wanted to know whether Jue Wuya had realized the innate magical power and what level he had realized. The gift of supernatural power.

This chapter has been completed!
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