Chapter 8202 Shameless

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 "Thank you, Alliance Leader!" Humanity's peerless poison demon was overjoyed and kept thanking him non-stop.

Qin Ming nodded in response to him and looked at the other peerless poison demons again.

Every peerless poisonous demon who saw Qin Ming's eyes couldn't help but tremble.

Qin Ming is very strong.

Qin Xixuan's space avenue is even more wonderful. With the two of them working together, no one can escape their sneak attack.

Almost as long as he is targeted by Qin Ming, he will die.

This feeling of waiting to die was very uncomfortable and made them panic.

"Qin Ming, your martial arts strength is beyond peerless. It is a level higher than our martial arts strength. You can be regarded as a top expert."

"What kind of hero do you think you are when you attack the weak like this?"

"Are you still shameless?" A handsome, peerless poisonous demon said angrily.

It can be seen that this peerless poison demon is very talented in martial arts.

The younger and stronger the martial artist is, the naturally higher his martial arts talent will be.

Being able to achieve peerless martial arts strength at such a young age, his talent is definitely the strongest among these peerless poison demons.

However, strong talent does not mean strong martial arts strength. His martial arts strength can only be regarded as average among this group of peerless poison demons.

When he heard someone saying that he was shameless, Qin Ming looked at the person.

"Yes, I'm just shameless!" Qin Ming nodded simply, "If I can kill you all, what does it mean to be shameless?"

"Besides, I'm not a hero, I've never been a hero!"

After saying that, Qin Ming didn't wait for the other party's reaction before he started to kill the young peerless poisonous demon.

Qin Xixuan took Qin Ming and appeared in front of the young peerless poisonous demon.

Once again, Qin Mingzhi
The ground held out a sword.

Seeing Qin Ming coming towards him, the young poisonous demon suppressed the anger in his heart and hurriedly responded to Qin Ming's sneak attack.

Qin Ming's martial arts strength was much higher than his, and Qin Ming's attack was sudden, catching him off guard.

With just one move, he was completely at a disadvantage.

"Du Hongshuang, be careful!" Other peerless poison demons shouted loudly.

It is obvious that this youngest poisonous devil is highly valued by everyone.

Seeing this, Qin Ming strengthened his determination to kill him.

What surprised Qin Ming was that there were actually a few peerless poison demons coming towards this direction regardless of the cost.

One of the older peerless poison demons warned loudly and angrily, "Qin Ming, he is Master Du's only son. Master Du's martial arts strength has already reached half-step to the supreme level."

"If you dare to kill him, Lord Du will never let you go."

Hearing this, Qin Ming was stunned for a moment.

The young peerless person in front of him turned out to be the son of Half-Step Supreme.

You know, the stronger the martial arts strength, the weaker the fertility.

Even though the bloodline of the Poison Demon family is special, unlike other bloodlines, the bloodline does not affect a warrior's fertility.

However, it is an iron rule that the stronger one's strength is, the weaker one's fertility will be, and it is not affected by bloodline.

Therefore, children who can be half-step supreme are very rare. The young poisonous demon in front of him is actually the child of half-step supreme, which surprised Qin Ming.

It's no wonder that at such a young age, his martial arts prowess has reached peerless proportions.

It turns out that he is the child of the Half-Step Supreme, so this is normal.

As long as you inherit some bloodline from the Half-Step Supreme, it is normal for your martial arts talent to be excellent since childhood.

I just don’t know why, but the other party did not follow Banbu Supreme, but was in Yuexuan World. "Thank you, leader!" The human poisonous demon was overjoyed and kept thanking him non-stop.

Qin Ming nodded in response to him and looked at the other peerless poison demons again.

Every peerless poisonous demon who saw Qin Ming's eyes couldn't help but tremble.

Qin Ming is very strong.

Qin Xixuan's space avenue is even more wonderful. With the two of them working together, no one can escape their sneak attack.

Almost as long as he is targeted by Qin Ming, he will die.

This feeling of waiting to die was very uncomfortable and made them panic.

"Qin Ming, your martial arts strength is beyond peerless. It is a level higher than our martial arts strength. You can be regarded as a top expert."

"What kind of hero do you think you are when you attack the weak like this?"

"Are you still shameless?" A handsome, peerless poisonous demon said angrily.

It can be seen that this peerless poison demon is very talented in martial arts.

The younger and stronger the martial artist is, the naturally higher his martial arts talent will be.

Being able to achieve peerless martial arts strength at such a young age, his talent is definitely the strongest among these peerless poison demons.

However, strong talent does not mean strong martial arts strength. His martial arts strength can only be regarded as average among this group of peerless poison demons.

When he heard someone saying that he was shameless, Qin Ming looked at the person.

"Yes, I'm just shameless!" Qin Ming nodded simply, "If I can kill you all, what does it mean to be shameless?"

"Besides, I'm not a hero, I've never been a hero!"

After saying that, Qin Ming didn't wait for the other party's reaction before he started to kill the young peerless poisonous demon.

Qin Xixuan took Qin Ming and appeared in front of the young peerless poisonous demon.

Once again, Qin Mingzhi
The ground held out a sword.

Seeing Qin Ming coming towards him, the young poisonous demon suppressed the anger in his heart and hurriedly responded to Qin Ming's sneak attack.

Qin Ming's martial arts strength was much higher than his, and Qin Ming's attack was sudden, catching him off guard.

With just one move, he was completely at a disadvantage.

"Du Hongshuang, be careful!" Other peerless poison demons shouted loudly.

It is obvious that this youngest poisonous devil is highly valued by everyone.

Seeing this, Qin Ming strengthened his determination to kill him.

What surprised Qin Ming was that there were actually a few peerless poison demons coming towards this direction regardless of the cost.

One of the older peerless poison demons warned loudly and angrily, "Qin Ming, he is Master Du's only son. Master Du's martial arts strength has already reached half-step to the supreme level."

"If you dare to kill him, Lord Du will never let you go."

Hearing this, Qin Ming was stunned for a moment.

The young peerless person in front of him turned out to be the son of Half-Step Supreme.

You know, the stronger the martial arts strength, the weaker the fertility.

Even though the bloodline of the Poison Demon family is special, unlike other bloodlines, the bloodline does not affect a warrior's fertility.

However, it is an iron rule that the stronger one's strength is, the weaker one's fertility will be, and it is not affected by bloodline.

Therefore, children who can be half-step supreme are very rare. The young poisonous demon in front of him is actually the child of half-step supreme, which surprised Qin Ming.

It's no wonder that at such a young age, his martial arts prowess has reached peerless proportions.

It turns out that he is the child of the Half-Step Supreme, so this is normal.

As long as you inherit some bloodline from the Half-Step Supreme, it is normal for your martial arts talent to be excellent since childhood.

I just don’t know why, but the other party is not with Banbu Supreme, but in Yuexuan World.

This chapter has been completed!
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