Chapter 8227 The more the better

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"We must make a successful breakthrough!" Qin Xixuan prayed in her heart.

She took out all the black stones in the space ring and paid attention to the energy concentration in the formation from time to time.

Inside, Qin Ming's face was bulging, and his consciousness was working hard to compress energy around him.

Now his body is starting to get bigger again and start to swell.

The bloodline is lacking energy again.

Even if he has compressed the energy ten times with his spiritual consciousness, and the speed of absorbing energy is now ten times higher than when he did not compress it, it is still not enough.

The speed at which his bloodline absorbs energy is too fast, and it is still improving, as if there is no end.

"What should I do?" Qin Ming panicked.

If this continues, he will inevitably fail to break through, but he doesn't know what to do.

He had tried his best and absorbed energy ten times faster than usual.

If an ordinary human warrior absorbed energy like him, he would probably die long ago.

The energy he has absorbed so far is enough for ten human warriors to break through from the Dragon Realm to the peak of the Divine Beast Realm.

So much energy entered his bloodline, but it didn't even fill up the bloodline.

Qin Ming even felt that this was just the beginning.

If it is really just the beginning, it is almost certain that he will fail to break through this time.

If the breakthrough fails this time, even if he is lucky enough to survive, the next bloodline breakthrough will still have to absorb a lot of energy.

What should he do then?

So there is no way. If he can't break through successfully this time, there is a high probability that he won't be able to break through successfully next time.

If his bloodline cannot break through to the Supreme Realm, he may never be able to reach the Supreme Realm in this life.

Doomed to fail?

Qin Ming was unwilling to accept it.

"Is there really no other way?
"Qin Ming's mind was spinning very fast, thinking of various ways.

It is no longer feasible to use spiritual consciousness to compress energy.

Even if his spiritual consciousness is very strong, it is impossible to improve it further.

Ten times has reached his limit, and he can't hold on even to this limit.

And even if it can be barely improved, it will only be eleven times at most.

The speed at which blood vessels absorb energy is still increasing, and eleven times is just a drop in the bucket.

So unless there are other ways, this breakthrough will inevitably fail.

Qin Ming no longer thinks about compressing energy with spiritual consciousness, and must use other methods.

Suddenly, Qin Ming had a flash of inspiration.

Heroic Spirit Energy!

He has been thinking about how to absorb more energy.

I was thinking about energy in my mind, but for some reason I suddenly thought of heroic spirit energy.

He has no way to use heroic spirit energy to practice.

Both Qin Xixuan and other human warriors can use heroic spirit energy to practice.

But he can't.

Therefore, in his mind, he has always used heroic spirit energy as auxiliary energy.

For example, refining heroic elixirs, cultivating source plants, and treating injuries.

I never thought that I would absorb the energy of heroic spirits.

If he wasn't too lacking in energy now, he wouldn't be thinking in the direction of heroic spirit energy.

"Just because I can't use heroic spirit energy to practice doesn't mean I can't use heroic spirit energy to break through."

"The quality of heroic spirit energy is much higher than ordinary energy. Even if countless black stones are used by the heroic spirits, the accumulated heroic spirit energy now is not too much." Qin Ming realized the space in his mind and looked at the large amount of heroic spirit energy above his mind space.

Although it was a lot, Qin Ming felt that it was far from enough.

The more heroic spirit energy the better! "We must succeed in breaking through!" Qin Xixuan prayed in her heart.

She took out all the black stones in the space ring and paid attention to the energy concentration in the formation from time to time.

Inside, Qin Ming's face was bulging, and his consciousness was working hard to compress energy around him.

Now his body is starting to get bigger again and start to swell.

The bloodline is lacking energy again.

Even if he has compressed the energy ten times with his spiritual consciousness, and the speed of absorbing energy is now ten times higher than when he did not compress it, it is still not enough.

The speed at which his bloodline absorbs energy is too fast, and it is still improving, as if there is no end.

"What should I do?" Qin Ming panicked...

If this continues, he will inevitably fail to break through, but he doesn't know what to do.

He had tried his best and absorbed energy ten times faster than usual.

If an ordinary human warrior absorbed energy like him, he would probably die long ago.

The energy he has absorbed so far is enough for ten human warriors to break through from the Dragon Realm to the peak of the Divine Beast Realm.

So much energy entered his bloodline, but it didn't even fill up the bloodline.

Qin Ming even felt that this was just the beginning.

If it is really just the beginning, it is almost certain that he will fail to break through this time.

If the breakthrough fails this time, even if he is lucky enough to survive, the next bloodline breakthrough will still have to absorb a lot of energy.

What should he do then?

So there is no way. If he can't break through successfully this time, there is a high probability that he won't be able to break through successfully next time.

If his bloodline cannot break through to the Supreme Realm, he may never be able to reach the Supreme Realm in this life.

Doomed to fail?

Qin Ming was unwilling to accept it.

"Is there really no other way?
"Qin Ming's mind was spinning very fast, thinking of various ways.

It is no longer feasible to use spiritual consciousness to compress energy.

Even if his spiritual consciousness is very strong, it is impossible to improve it further.

Ten times has reached his limit, and he can't hold on even to this limit.

And even if it can be barely improved, it will only be eleven times at most.

The speed at which blood vessels absorb energy is still increasing, and eleven times is just a drop in the bucket.

So unless there are other ways, this breakthrough will inevitably fail.

Qin Ming no longer thinks about compressing energy with spiritual consciousness, and must use other methods.

Suddenly, Qin Ming had a flash of inspiration.

Heroic Spirit Energy!

He has been thinking about how to absorb more energy.

I was thinking about energy in my mind, but for some reason I suddenly thought of heroic spirit energy.

He has no way to use heroic spirit energy to practice.

Both Qin Xixuan and other human warriors can use heroic spirit energy to practice.

But he can't.

Therefore, in his mind, he has always used heroic spirit energy as auxiliary energy.

For example, refining heroic elixirs, cultivating source plants, and treating injuries.

I never thought that I would absorb the energy of heroic spirits.

If he wasn't too lacking in energy now, he wouldn't be thinking in the direction of heroic spirit energy.

"Just because I can't use heroic spirit energy to practice doesn't mean I can't use heroic spirit energy to break through."

"The quality of heroic spirit energy is much higher than ordinary energy. Even if countless black stones are used by the heroic spirits, the accumulated heroic spirit energy now is not too much." Qin Ming realized the space in his mind and looked at the large amount of heroic spirit energy above his mind space.

Although it was a lot, Qin Ming felt that it was far from enough.

The more heroic spirit energy the better!

This chapter has been completed!
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