Chapter 9666 Unable to clear

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The place Qin Xixuan chose was very good.

Underneath is a ninth-grade black stone vein. The energy here is extremely rich, and practicing here will get twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, they want to mine black stone veins and be able to mine them on the spot.

A city will be built here to allow them to settle down temporarily.

Even if it is just temporary stability, a lot of houses will need to be built.

Fortunately, this place is on the outskirts of the Supreme Realm and is very rich in resources. There are countless ordinary woods that warriors can cut down at will.

Coupled with the outstanding strength of the warriors, a simple matter like building a house is a piece of cake for them.

In a few days, there will be a place for the entire alliance's warriors to live.

The most difficult thing is the formation.

Because many warriors in the alliance are not even in the realm of holy beasts, it is necessary to build a formation that can transform the mixed energy in the space.

Fortunately, Qin Xixuan has outstanding formation strength and a large number of energy-absorbing stones, so building some formations is not enough.

Energy-absorbing stones cannot be placed in the space ring, but they can be placed in the mind space, so Qin Ming carries a lot of energy-absorbing stones.

With energy-absorbing stones and Qin Xixuan's superb formation strength, it is very easy to build a transformation formation.

In addition to transforming the formation, you also need to build the Qiankun Imperial Formation.

Although the outer reaches of the Supreme Realm are very large, it is not easy for the Poison Demon Family to find it.

But you can’t pin everything on luck.

What if the Poisonous Demon Family comes looking for us?

Without a defensive formation, if they attack in an instant, all the warriors in the entire human alliance will die.

With the Qiankun Imperial Formation here, even if the Poison Demon Family discovers it, there is still room for maneuver.

Moreover, Qin Ming feels that it is not safe to stay here.

, because one more cross-border teleportation array is built.

We have killed many Poison Demons before. Although each Poison Demon Space Ring does not contain many formation materials, with so many Poison Demons, we finally managed to collect the materials for a cross-border teleportation array.

Qin Xixuan also wants to go to other places to build another cross-border teleportation array.

In this way, even if the Poison Demon comes, he can still teleport away through the cross-border teleportation array.

There is Qin Xixuan guarding the Qiankun Imperial Formation, plus many human formation mages and heroic spirits.

No matter how many poison demons attack, they can persist for a period of time, long enough for all the warriors to leave.

Therefore, as long as there are enough formation materials and enough cross-border teleportation formations can be deployed, the Human Alliance can hide in Tibet and remain invincible.

Warriors practice hard, mine black stone veins, and improve their strength.

In the alliance center, inside the room, Qin Ming sat on the ground.

Looking at Qin Xixuan who cared about him, Qin Ming waved his hand, "I'm fine. I just used my spiritual sense to detect my soul and saw the soul mark that Jin Wei left on my soul."

"I tried to touch the mark of the soul, trying to eliminate it, but it disturbed my soul, so I felt very uncomfortable."

"Now I won't move my soul. If I rest for a while, nothing will happen."

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Qin Xixuan relaxed.

He also thought that Qin Ming had used some forbidden technique, which made him feel weak. It turned out that his soul had been touched.

Thinking of the soul, Qin Xixuan searched for the memories in her mind.

There are many memories in her mind, which are the knowledge passed down to her by her parents.

She needs to take the initiative to absorb this knowledge.

Because there are many memories, it takes a very long time to absorb them, and even if you read the memories once, without practical application, you will soon forget them.

This chapter has been completed!
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