Chapter 125 Competition

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 Of course, you can ask for them all, because these six recruitment lists for martial arts tutors add up to a total of twelve hours a week, and for college students, time is the least valuable thing. Now Bailang will collect all these lists and make arrangements.

, he can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month casually. These are actually tutors hired by people from relatively well-off families. Really wealthy families can directly seek career guidance.

And Bai Lang felt that there might be something else going on in this - after teaching students a few times, everyone has a good relationship. If parents or students ask the teacher to use their inner strength to help them unblock their meridians and are willing to pay a sum of money, most of the shy college students will do it.

If you are willing, even if the inner strength of college students has not yet penetrated the twelve serious sutras, the effect is not very great. Isn't this just a way of making money? Frequently mastering it will be helpful for understanding the sense of energy and cultivating the inner strength - those who are really rich have

This is not how rights holders raise their children.

Bailang is very poor now, he needs money...

The people in the student union will help contact the employer, and Bai Lang has arranged the time. Anyway, it will be removed on the weekend. As soon as he went out, he received a call from the martial arts club, "Comrade Bai Lang, come quickly. We need to conduct internal tests and arrange league matches."

The team list is here.”

Since joining the martial arts club, I am afraid that unless I particularly like reading, I will basically not go to professional classes again - lack of time is the best excuse. Bailang had to go back to the dormitory as soon as possible.

I put my things away and rushed to the second floor of the martial arts club.

When he went in, he saw that three or four people, headed by President Qian Ruohai, were already there. Then people came one after another. After the thirteenth person entered the dojo, Yan Xiaoyan closed the door of the dojo. Bailang said to the people here

He didn't know anyone well, so he didn't chat, but waited quietly by himself. "Okay, everyone is here. We are all warriors, warriors who have cultivated internal strength, so there is no need to talk nonsense.

Just make a list of those who will participate in the league team competition." President Qian Ruohai said.

Yan Xiaoyan is not an internal force warrior, but she is in charge of meeting records. This kind of meeting does not use modern recording methods. It still uses paper and pen to appoint a special secretary to record. "First of all, according to tradition, our seniors only

Participate in the individual competition but not the team competition. There are currently nine non-senior members, and the team competition only requires three regular members and one substitute member, so you should discuss it among yourself first."

Bai Lang didn't understand. He quietly asked Yan Xiaoyan what the regulations were. Yan Xiaoyan was happy to explain, "Well, you know that the University Martial Arts League is divided into individual groups and group groups. The school pays more attention to the group group.

, but the president and the martial artists from other schools all prefer the individual group - to become famous. The prize money is the same on average for both groups. The school's subsidies are more for those who compete in the team competition, but for the individual

After the group becomes famous, the future will be bright. Do you understand what I’m saying?"

Bailang nodded, "Oh, I understand very well. The reason for this is entirely because everyone wants to compete in the individual competition, and the individual competition should conflict with the group competition in terms of energy involved. Once you participate in the team competition, the individual competition

Don't even think about making any breakthroughs - unless you are a genius!" Bai Lang added in his heart, "That's me!"

He also spoke directly, "Everyone, I am a new member, but I want to say that you here don't need to talk so much! Just fight, and the loser will participate in the team competition.

That's it. If we want to be fair, let's play a round robin, and the last four players in points will go to the group."

"So arrogant!", "It's just a first-year student..." When he said this, the voice of the speaker suddenly became softer. The others who were also noisy at first suddenly became depressed at this time.

As they continued - they thought that this first-year student was also a warrior who had developed internal strength. He had already developed internal strength not long after he entered school, so he should be considered a relatively strong person - they were all sophomores at least.


Qian Ruohai and the three seniors also laughed and made the final decision, "Then we will play a round-robin match. Win three points and draw one point. After the game, we will see the scores. The last four will play in the team competition."

"That's right. Of course we, the warriors, have to see the truth with our fists and kicks, and it's useless to talk about it." Bai Lang applauded. So Yan Xiaoyan immediately started to draw lots, and Bai Lang directly drew his opponent-it was a woman.

"Hello, classmate Bai Lang, I am Wang Yali, a junior." The woman in front of her was tall and tall, but her appearance was average - there is no rule that female warriors must be beautiful. Bai Lang's sharp eyes immediately saw several male ones.

The animal stared at him - but the eyes were full of contradictions.

Just thinking about it, Bai Lang figured out what they were thinking - he should not be allowed to hit this female warrior, but she seems to be easily injured if she participates in the individual competition. These people are worried... The warrior league does not distinguish between men and women.

There is no level limit, and usually warriors always find warriors to marry. And in this world, there are also several percent more male warriors than female warriors...

Bailang didn't bother to care about the mentality of those animals. After he casually announced their names, he directly killed them with a tiger. At the same time, the competition of several other pairs also started. One of them had a bye and stared at Bailang. Bailang directly

So he used the Black Tiger Fist and simply defeated the female warrior in front of him. It was best for her. Besides, Bai Lang didn't want to lose at all - he had a legal status in this world and there was martial arts in this world. There was no need to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.


Against an unarmored opponent, if agility and strength are the overwhelming advantages, there will be no solution. So Bailang just pounced, grabbed and pulled, and Wang Yali lost. Pounced and approached the middle palace, grabbed the shoulder, and pulled.

This completely caused the female warrior to lose her balance, and internal energy could flow unimpeded under physical contact. Therefore, with just one touch of Bailang's internal energy, Wang Yali lost control of half of her body.

She circled a few times, her eyes darkened, and she looked as if she was about to cry, and she did shed tears. Wang Yali was also prepared to lose, but she didn't expect that the Bailang junior in front of her would lose all face.

No, she came up with one move to defeat the enemy. She was initially preparing to use her swimming palm to start a swimming fight, but who would have thought that it seemed like a tiger was rushing towards her...

The moment her mind was shocked, she was subdued - this was also the result of Bai Lang restraining his power. Only a trace of her breath leaked for a moment, otherwise the female warrior in front of her might be scared to death...

I am afraid that no one here except Bailang has experienced a life-and-death fight.

This chapter has been completed!
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