Chapter 187: Number one in the world

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Bai Lang doesn't care at all whether he will be resented for this. He just killed a scholar who was a thief. His status as Shaobao, the Prince of the Ming Dynasty, can definitely bear this small resentment. "Slave Chief

Just send your head and wait until you have time to pick it up someday!" Bailang said this while going down the river. After all, this is just a world that Yuyu takes him through, and a world without any tasks is more suitable.

Let him practice.

The speed of going down the river was very fast, but Bailang could not avoid Yingzhao Sun's pursuit. On this day, when his boat was sailing on the river, several small boats quickly approached him, and the boats of the Yangtze River Navy also

It was gradually approaching. Bailang's boat boss was so frightened that he didn't know that he, the boat passenger, was actually a big rebel. Speaking of which, he was still thinking about where to treat this single boat passenger to plate noodles or wonton noodles.

Being single and showing off one's wealth is indeed very dangerous for such guests. There are not many good people who use boats, especially small boats like this. The captain is just over three feet long, and together with the boss of the boat, there are four boatmen to deal with one boat passenger.

They are still sure of it. The problem is that the boat passengers are unpredictable to them. They are tall and fierce in appearance and are not easy to mess with, so until now they have not dared to take action. Fortunately, now, the Yangtze River Navy ships are starting to get closer.

A shout came from the boat that was the first to approach, "Rebel! Where to go!" Someone was very good at self-restraint, and jumped up from the boat after a few feet. This man was full of energy, and he looked like a master in Ouchi.

The man stretched out his arms like an eagle and was about to land on the small boat where Bai Lang was. Bai Lang laughed loudly, "Are you in such a hurry to reincarnate?" After saying that, the canopy of the boat broke open, and Bai Lang kicked him, "Nandou's bones are all broken."


This kick was good, and it completely knocked away the opponent's fighting skills like an eagle, and the person fell into pieces like a blooming firework. Bailang's flying kick of Nan Dou Prison Slaughter Fist was still rising.

Draw an arc, and when it finally closes, it naturally falls into the opponent's boat. As soon as the white waves fall, it feels like a ten thousand kilogram copper bell falling, and the boat directly pierces through.

Amidst the screams of the people inside, the white waves lifted up directly, turned in the air, and rushed towards the second ship with strong winds. This man turned into a horizontal tornado, directly from the bow to the stern, and the entire ship was

It was completely minced, and the people inside were turned into flesh and blood and spread on the river. If there was any master in Ouchi, he would have spread it on the river by now. And Bailang tipped his toes to the broken ship plank, and took advantage of the situation to use the method of traveling alone for thousands of miles.

Using the light lifting technique, he jumped directly across a space of three to four feet and jumped onto the navy ship.

This kind of light kung fu was already astonishing, and this kind of kung fu has not been passed down in this world for a long time. Bai Lang jumped on the navy's ship and started killing people directly. Many sailors on the deck were thrown directly into the river by him.

When he grabbed hold of these people, their bodies had been torn to pieces by the internal force that penetrated their bodies. Either their heads were broken or their chests and abdomen were opened. Bailang's killing speed was so fast that the opponent didn't even have time to timidly collapse.

Bai Lang felt quite happy that he could still do this unconventional thing of killing little Zhou Tian with his own hands, even though he was an innate master. The opponent's swords and guns were ineffective against him, and at this distance, the gunfire would be avoided and killed by him before he had time to aim.

Gunslinger. It takes less than a minute to kill all the people on this boat. During the Qianlong period, the military preparedness was weakened. The border army was okay, but the Yangtze River Navy was basically rotten. Bailang killed the unlucky people on the boat, and they even

There was no time to jump into the river. Then he just put down the sampan on the boat, took off the awning on the sampan and left.

Due to the obstruction of the ship's hull, other naval vessels and small boats did not know what had happened, but they just caught the ship hired by Bailang.

Bailang ran away, and no one dared to chase him. However, the boss of the boat and the three boatmen were beheaded afterwards... It can be considered that they were implicated by Bailang. Three of the Ouchi masters died, and they all died without intact bodies.

, now Bailang's name is quite famous even on the road - because he has been accused of killing officials along the way, and he is ranked as the number one rebel in the world. Whether it is the Tiandihui or the Honghuahui, who can

So reckless?

They also have rules when it comes to rebelling against the Qing Dynasty. They have to be slow and gentle, and it is best to make the brothers rich - Chen Jinnan said it well back then, but Bai Lang didn't want to repeat his words. Because they were using small boats and Bai Lang was an innate master.

The need for food, drink and rest could be kept to a minimum, so he moved very quickly. He avoided being rounded up and arrived near the mouth of the Yangtze River. He settled here and started training hard.

own martial arts.

"This is actually the hometown of Nandou and Beidou." Bailang tried hard to hold back his laughter when he said this. With his mood relaxed, the progress of martial arts training seemed to be a little faster. The golden bell shield magic skill may be able to try to hit the first place in this world.

Level 5 - Originally, he was supposed to have passed Level 5 before achieving Xiantian, but Bailang Biyouqiyu reversed it. Now the advantage is that he has the sharp internal power of Nan Dou Sheng Fist.

Let’s just say this is the Nandou Holy Fist. Anyway, it’s whatever the boss says. The sharp internal power of the Nandou Holy Fist is combined very well with the sharp killing intention of the White Tiger Phantom Tiger-shaped Fist.

The level of impacting the Golden Bell may also have a miraculous effect. The Magic of the Golden Bell is now difficult to create an illusion, but when Bailang is lucky, there will be a bulge on the flesh that rotates with the airflow, which looks quite magical and terrifying.

The South Dou Holy Fist devoured the Arhat Nioh Fist faster. The internal force of the Arhat Nioh Fist strengthened the skin and allowed the body to grow. However, what Bailang practiced did not do this. Instead, it strengthened the control of his tiger-shaped true meaning.

The ability of the wind. And after this fist technique is swallowed up by the Nandou Holy Fist, the Nandou Holy Fist can bring up a sharp vacuum wind blade in the palm power of the fist - in a sense, isn't this the Nandou Waterbird Fist?

What Bai Lang has practiced is not the Water Bird Fist. His vacuum wind blade is an axe, a spear, a siege cone, and a war hammer, but it cannot be regarded as a thin and sharp blade. And Bai Lang's attacks are not just his hands and feet.

The whole body can launch attacks, and of course it can also use the entangled wind blades. The elbows and knees are siege cones.

Bailang trains hard on this island and has almost no contact with outsiders. Want rice, grain, oil and salt? This is too easy, just rob the water transport ship in the river. Clothes are not important. Bailang is not afraid of cold and heat.

His whole body is like gold and iron, and he is naturally not afraid of insects, ants, poisons, and it doesn't matter if he is practicing naked - anyway, there is no one for miles around where he is.

On this day, Bailang channeled Nandou's internal energy. The result of his training was that the Nandou Holy Fist gradually assimilated the internal energy of the Golden Bell. The martial arts he is practicing now cannot simply be said to be the Golden Bell.

.Bailang's internal energy is like a long river full of blades flowing through his meridians, "This feeling of pain and pleasure... I love practicing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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