Chapter 205: The world is in chaos

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 Bai Lang was as energetic as a dragon. He didn't bring a slave girl this time, so he took on everyone's attacks by himself. "You girl, have I ever killed your father? Then I was probably working for the Tatars."

Yes, it's not an unjust death. But if you come like this, wouldn't your father be the last to die?" Bai Lang had time to talk while dealing with the attack. Qi Jin was no longer a golden bell around him like a turtle beating a slate.

Gang Qi - it can't be released anyway.

The current energy is more like gusts of wind surrounding Bailang, and the attacks thrown at him have just missed him. "This is not good, I prefer the power of counterattack." Bailang knows this.

He still needs to study whether he has a distorted golden bell. He still needs to continue to practice. After he can master several martial arts that day, I'm afraid he won't be like now.

"There's something weird!" More than one person shouted. Their weapons could not hit the person in front of them. Instead, they had to dodge quickly because of Bai Lang's casual attack - they didn't even dare to block, the force was so extraordinary.

One thing Bailang didn't understand was the addition of internal force to strength. Doesn't this strength depend on the thickness of muscle fibers? How does internal force make muscle fibers explode with stronger strength?

There is no way to delve deeper into this matter. Perhaps internal force can spontaneously form endoskeleton power armor in the body? Bailang can deal with these people with ease. Except for the fire-hand judge Zhang Zhaozhong's martial arts and swordsmanship, which is still a bit of a threat, other people's attacks are not

Any threat. "A certain family is invincible, what kind of tricks do you have to kill me?" Bai Lang didn't take it too seriously. He was more aware of the changes in his own internal power.

These people are probably the ones with the highest average martial arts level that Bailang has ever encountered, apart from the leaders of the Red Flower Club. In terms of individual martial arts, Zhang Zhaozhong is even better than the chief helmsman Zhan Wei who has never done anything. But

It was the same in front of Bai Lang. There were already people who could not escape and were caught and torn in half by Bai Lang. The venue was already covered in blood. These people also became more and more heartbroken as they fought. The rebels in front of them were careless but their attacks were extremely terrifying, and their own

The attack so far has not even scratched the opponent's skin.

What's the point of fighting? Even the little girl who had a grudge against Bai Lang for killing her father had lost the courage to die with him - the man in front of him was invulnerable, just like the rumors. This body's horizontal kung fu was the best in the world, otherwise

He was the world's best rebel and the world's most fierce general. In the blink of an eye, Bailang's tiger claws flew and caught the two of them again. Even with the status of a third-class bodyguard, they could not save their lives.

Bai Lang just tightened his claws, and with a cracking sound, the heads of the two men were scratched into pieces. The corpses fell softly to the ground, with their hands and feet still twitching. Bai Lang shook off the blood and brains on his hands, and this action ended

The courage of the remaining people was destroyed, so they all used Qinggong to escape. It didn't matter if others ran away from Bai Lang, but Fire Hand Judge Zhang Zhaozhong would definitely not be able to escape. Bai Lang wouldn't let him go even if everyone else ran away.

So as soon as the Wudang Golden Goose Kung Fu was launched, Bailang turned into the wind and disappeared. Then he suddenly appeared next to Zhang Zhaozhong with the wind and grabbed the man with one claw. Zhang Zhaozhong's is the most orthodox Wudang Kung Fu, among the brothers.

I am afraid that his Wudang Kung Fu is the most profound - Wudang's tenderness is the pinnacle in this world. One circle of swordsmanship is necessary to try to remove the power of Bailang's claws - Zhang Zhaozhong also knows that Bailang's horizontal kung fu can be called a god on earth.

, wherever this claw touches, it will break bones and muscles, so he must not be allowed to grasp it firmly.

Not to mention a solid grip, even the strength from the claws would not allow it to invade, so Bailang's claws had to be isolated by one foot outside the body. When Bailang saw the sword's halo, he smiled and turned his claws into palms.

A palm shot out straight. This time Bai Lang used his real skills, and the palm force struck out like an overwhelming force. The force of the palm splitting the air was like pushing straight through a wall. As long as Zhang Zhaozhong could retreat ten feet in an instant,

This palm power can only be like a breeze.

It's a pity that he couldn't do it, no matter what, so he reached out to his body with the power of his palm. The power of this palm came out of thin air, and a powerful force hit him out of thin air. Zhang Zhaozhong's internal strength was basically the mantis' arm that used it as a chariot, but only slightly

As soon as he resisted, it immediately collapsed. The half of Zhang Zhaozhong's body that was affected by the force was directly sunk in, all the bones and muscles were crushed, and the fragments of internal organs even burst out of the abdominal cavity under the strong pressure and sprayed out...

With just one palm, a master like Zhang Zhaozhong was completely dead. Fortunately, he was still a complete corpse - although it was almost like mud, with a lot of internal organs missing, the corpse was still complete. "Sledgehammer..."

This Nan Dou Sheng Fist combined with Arhat Niou Fist becomes the Sledgehammer of the Wind, which is quite suitable." Bai Lang crossed over the corpses on the ground and returned to the inn - he walked in a grand manner, unless the opponent used an army to block him, otherwise he would not be able to do this.

People always openly live in hotels and kill people.

The rebels were so arrogant that the world was shocked - he went all the way south, and the land of Guangdong and Guangxi became more and more chaotic as he approached. The Manchu Qing's ruling ability here could not be compared with that of the north, and the anti-Qing

The activities of restoring the Ming Dynasty have been going on one after another, but now Bailang simply killed the prefects, governors, chief envoys, governors and the like, which meant that the middle class under the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was almost wiped out.

The Manchu officials ran away directly, and the Han officials ran away for a third. The others faced Bailang's death threat head-on. Just for this alone, some historians in later generations will probably applaud Qing history...

As for the Manchu military attachés and garrison troops, they were worse than civilian officials. It was impossible for them to gather a large army to besiege Bailang, but huddled in the barracks and been beaten was their usual hobby.

Since Bailang didn't have much time and wasn't very interested, these green camp soldiers also learned the clever trick of betraying their superiors. Once Bailang attacked the barracks, they first formed a formation. This means that we are already worthy of the Qing Dynasty for being paid as soldiers.

, and then dispersed before Bai Lang came over, leaving Shangguan to be killed by the rebels. If Shangguan is smart, he wants everyone to run away, but the Qing Dynasty is now so rampant that the rebels are so rampant, I'm afraid they don't have the ability to kill them.

The heads of these officers.

"I think this Qing Dynasty is a pill." This was even said by the Manchus themselves. The Manchu Eight Banners' stationed officers, especially the mid-level officers, ran faster and ran away before they could form formation, so the following

The banner men were also in disarray, except for General Guangzhou who could not escape. General Guangzhou had no choice but to let Bailang kill him, while his own Goshihadu sneaked away. General Guangzhou could not escape, but people like Fuzhou General could not escape.

There are many generals who come up to ask for resignation - that is, they are just begging for their bones.

The Qing government doesn't seem to know how to deal with rebels like Bai Lang now. He sends documents to the sea to capture the enemy and doesn't care at all and doesn't hide it. He kills officials openly and no one can stop him. Seeing that he is almost causing the destruction of half of the south.

This chapter has been completed!
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