Chapter 213 Exploded

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 Is it possible to bring women into the main world? It is probably possible. However, Bailang feels that it may not be a good thing for these people who are "different" from him to go to that world. Now that this female slave is already an innate master in this world, then

It would be great to dominate this world - if I hadn't met dozens of well-coordinated troops, I would have been fine.

Bailang has already given what should be paid. Otherwise, Huo Qingtong would not be able to become an "innate" even with his own abilities. Moreover, the innate breakthrough with the help of Bailang's skills has a trace of the power of Bailang's world, so it is different from that of Bailang's world.

The "innateness" achieved by oneself here is different - being good at preserving one's appearance and living a long life is just the most basic one.

"If you practice more deeply in the future, you may not be able to break through your origin and rank in the Immortal Class." Bai Lang lied casually. The woman in front of him had no fighting spirit at all, but she had an air of misery. Bai Lang owes someone? Don't be ridiculous.

Yes, how could Bailang be in debt? What he did was a heroic act.

In short, the jade fish on this man's body jumped out, and directly threw out a light door, an olive-shaped light door. Bailang walked in, and the eyes of the green feather and yellow shirt behind him were huge, and he also rushed over, but he could only reach in.

Only one hand. "Oh, you don't have enough skill. You are already better than everyone else in this world. Practice your martial arts well. One day you will be able to penetrate the whole body."

Bailang disappeared from this world, and after just one step, he had returned to his original world, feeling the vitality of heaven and earth rolling in. "It's really a good place to practice." Then Bailang should quickly adjust his mood - because he was about to return to his original world.

I can't beat the boss's dog.

This kind of height adjustment is also conducive to tempering a martial arts mind, but if most people are tempered like this, they may become crazy or die early. Bailang touched the jade fish that was obviously of better quality.

, "It seems that killing some 'big men' can really help recharge this thing. Could this thing just swallow some 'twist point' or something like that to recharge it?" This is an affirmative sentence rather than a question.


Bailang felt that his opinion about Yuyu must be true, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he only stayed for less than half of the time this time. Killing Qianlong would probably be like this, if he could also kill the chief helmsman.

.....I'm afraid I'll be back soon.

The vitality of the heaven and earth here in the mountain temple shook violently. When Bailang came out this time, his martial arts immediately went berserk. Who made this guy realize something when he traveled to the world, and killing those important people also fed the tiger in his heart

He was a little too strong. Originally, the energy and rules of the world did not support Bailang's breakthrough. He also knew that it would explode as soon as he came back - he just didn't expect it to be so fast.

Bailang immediately ran to the valley below the mountain temple - all he had to do was jump down. In the valley, he started to box. The martial arts he practiced was to gain the upper hand with his movements.

Whether it's Nan Dou Sheng Fist or Arhat Niou Fist, both come from the outside in. Naturally, the fists and feet of the outer door are used to regulate the true energy in the body.

This time Bailang had just started, and suddenly a rotating storm circle appeared in the sky above the mountain temple, covering the entire mountain. Bailang's power of controlling the wind of the White Tiger and the Arhat Nioh Fist should have been so powerful, but now it does not have the range.

A huge leap forward, but its power has risen to a whole new level.

The violent turbulence rolled up the vegetation and rocks on the mountain, and a large number of clouds were pulled into the sky, making the whole world suddenly dark. The rotating air flow caused the temperature in the center to drop, which made the rotation of the air flow more powerful.

, bringing in more and more air.

The storm circle did not expand much, but the wind speed was getting faster and faster. The phantom of the white tiger on Bailang's body was completely solidified. The white tiger, which was several feet long and ten feet high, let out a terrifying roar in the wind, and the sharp wind blade also

It couldn't hurt the white tiger at all, but it moved according to the white tiger's roar.

It is no longer easy for the golden bell to imprison White Tiger. White Tiger's western sharp golden energy is not surprising at all, which can be matched with the Southern Dou Holy Fist. Although the golden bell is also a gold element, this heavy defensive counterattack magical power has begun to be "

"Breaked open". An almost physical bell appeared on Bailang's body. This is how the innate magical power should be.

However, there were rust and cracks everywhere on the big clock. The phantom of the white tiger was still beating the big bell with his claws, and the bell sounded hoarse and cracked. Bailang's punches and kicks were so powerful that the ground was lifted up by his fists and kicks.

The wind directly blew away a layer, and Bailang himself had "small explosions" everywhere.

That was the conflict that occurred after the true energy kept going astray, and then was forced back by him. The skin and flesh did not explode, but the skin vibrated when the meridians broke, causing such a popping sound. If it were not for the innate true energy, this would have been

It can cause the meridians to be cut off and lead to a possessed person, but if it were not for the innate Qi, the possessed person would not be that powerful in the first place.

Anyway, while recovering from the explosion, Bailang knew that the real danger had just begun - now the meridians were being exploded, and later it would be the skin, flesh and bones that were being exploded. His martial arts was perfected from the outside to the inside.

Magic skills, once they go crazy, they will never be so cheap as to only damage the meridians.

This kind of damage will also erupt from the inside out. Since the first round is the meridians, then there will be a chain reaction to affect the muscles and bones. How did you practice it back then, and how will it explode now. In this case, it all depends on one breath.

Let's see if Bai Lang can figure out a way out of this, and fully integrate the martial arts he has practiced, sending and receiving from the heart.

Otherwise, it seems that he may not die, but he is definitely injured. If his martial arts does not improve, he will be killed sooner or later because of something. For things like martial arts, one has to hide and practice secretly, but when it comes to innate unknown, it will

Impossible - the celestial phenomena will still change, at least when you achieve innate achievement, they will definitely change when you lose control... So at this point, you can't hide.

It is even more impossible to wash his hands in a golden basin. If he is not innate and only has the status of a Jianghu gang, then it is no problem to wash his hands in a golden basin. If he washes his hands in a golden basin after his innateness? If he washes his hands, it will be in vain. What's more, Bailang is still with the Wei of Dayan Kingdom at the moment.

The Wei Mansion has connections. He just killed an innate master, and there are many forces involved. He may not be able to escape if he wants to.

Bailang himself doesn't want to leave. He still has a lot of things to do, and he still has some people to kill. What's more important is his curiosity - he really wants to experience martial arts and become a god, demon, or Buddha.

What would it be like? So this man gritted his teeth and punched, and immediately regarded himself as his opponent. "I don't believe that I can't beat myself by playing the God of War and listening to the BGM!"

This chapter has been completed!
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