Chapter 231 Untitled

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 The Shiba Inu store manager gave a twisted and wild smile, which was completely unlike what this little body should look like. Bailang's answer to this laughter was to smash the counter with his fist... So the store manager

Collect the skin immediately. There are clothes in the equipment store, but they are used for adventuring and fighting in the wilderness, so the Shiba Inu store manager is also curious, "Guest, why don't you go to a store that sells daily clothes to buy clothes?"

There really is a shop for daily necessities, but Bailang was in a hurry to find something to cover up. The result of the big loss was the money he put on his body, and the damn scavenger even chewed it up - who let it happen?

Is there blood on the money? Only the money stuffed in the soft brim of the hat escaped the damage. The money stuffed in the hat was a large amount of money, and the Shiba Inu store manager also advised, "Guests, you must trust the bank."


Bai Lang just smiled bitterly, and he didn't explain that he ended up like this purely by accident. In short, he acted as usual, and then he just pretended that nothing happened and walked out. Onlookers outside the store

The fans have long since dispersed. Everyone’s life is under great pressure. How could they keep watching?

Bailang once again stepped into the cat weapon shop. Without saying a word, he punched the cat's head, vowing to blow the cat's skull. "I just want to pack it up." Bailang didn't intend to kill, but he could not escape the death penalty.

That's all. But it seems that the cat can become a weapons shop owner and clerk, and he really has a few brushes in his hands. The fat body "floated" completely incompatible with its appearance, twisting freely in the air, and easily avoiding the white waves.

A fingerpick of.

"Hey, is this a dance in the air or bullet time? You're really awesome as a cat!" As an innate master, Bai Lang has such sharp eyesight that he can tell at a glance that this is the cat's own ability. When the cat spins in the air,

He also launched a counterattack. The cat's claws flashed with cold light, bringing out four electric lights and swung them out. "Meow!" With the scream, the four cat claws were broken directly, and Bailang was caught.

His body was shattered by the strong energy of the golden bell.

"I'll hit!" Bailang turned his wrist, popped out his middle finger and hit the cat's head decisively. Immediately, big bumps began to float on the cat's head. The store manager cat also moved, and his fat body was as fast as thunder, directly

He picked up a stabbing sword on the counter and turned it into a stream of light, stabbing towards Bai Lang. Bai Lang put his hand to his chest, pinched his index finger and thumb, and directly pinched the tip of the sword. The cat was only thirty pounds, and the momentum was

In addition, its own skill cannot break through Bailang's two fingers.

Faced with this situation, Bailang solved the problem with one sentence, "Buy something!"

The two cats didn't have any toughness, "I just won't sell it to you!" The cat didn't say anything like this, but quickly retreated to the counter, "Hey, what kind of weapons does the customer want to buy? We have a full range of them here.

"Bailang was already looking at the weapons hanging on the walls and shelves with his hands behind his back. First of all, there were guns. There were all kinds of guns, from pistols to rifles - basically they all used black powder bullets. "The price is not high.

It’s expensive.” Bai Lang muttered.

There are more than ten kinds of long guns, divided into three types according to different calibers. Pistols are almost all revolvers or stick-handled single-shot pistols, with the same calibers ranging from large to small. "They look pretty good." This world has a lot of respect for guns.

Especially for pistols, it seems that engraving decorations on them is the mainstream. These guns are not expensive, and Bailang can buy three or four of them with his remaining money. Bailang is well aware of the power of black powder weapons.

It can be said that it is useless to deal with him, so it is probably not very useful to deal with large creatures in the wilderness that may have a defense that is not much worse than his, and it is even less useful to deal with steam trucks and the like. To deal with those things, Bai Lang looked to the other side

The shelf - there is a series of zeros on the label under this shelf. The weapon on it is rather strange - it looks like a gun, and the butt and barrel can prove this.

The tube of this gun is very thick, compared to its size - the gun body is one meter long, and the caliber is actually 15 centimeters. There are many small metal tubes on the gun body, which are welded to the gun body.

There is a seemingly very complicated machine on the butt of the gun, with a large number of gears, pipes and the like outside. "Steam gun?" Bailang thinks high-pressure steam can be used to launch ammunition? It seems powerful...

However, if the air gun is powerful, it is no worse than black powder.

There are only three such extremely complex-looking steam guns, and all three look different. The only thing they have in common is that they are all ridiculously expensive.

Bailang turned to the other side. There were a large number of cold weapons hanging there, ranging from daggers to machetes. Of course, the most expensive ones hanging at the top were still swords or spears propelled by gunpowder - what Bailang was interested in was

The following striking weapons. "There is no iron mace or iron whip, but there is a morning star and a scepter. Oh, and there is also a swinging stick - this is good, but it is too light." Bai Shaobao, who likes to use heavy weapons, is a bit regretful.

Then you can only use a sword, "A sword with a thick back and a wide body, see if you have one." No matter how high the average physical level of people in this world is, they will never be like Bai Lang - Bai Lang has never seen this before.

It's hard to say what the world's martial arts masters are like. The other four people can talk about this situation for a long time. After all, they are still being hunted.

Many strange things sprang up in the entire city of Guangzhou to hunt down these four people, and some things were simply impossible to resist - such as those strange incorporeal things that Bai Lang had encountered before. Things that Bai Lang had never seen before

It also appeared that the mere sight of each of these things can effectively drive people crazy, and each of them is a blow to people's sanity. However, the threat level is not as good as that of the steam giant. The four people sneered at these things, and their sanity was completely

Not subject to any blow.

But it's just all kinds of weird and amorphous things, just pretend you don't see them and they can't hurt these four people. The steam giant and the invisible things, plus the fast approaching outer sect qigong masters and the steam toilet - these are the

A formidable enemy. Now they have escaped from the city, but are still being chased and gradually running towards the wilderness.

Bailang finally found a suitable weapon - a long and thick knife. Since there were no other additional equipment, it was not expensive, and it also came with a revolver. This pistol was purely his own desire to collect. Now Bailang

I can't say his mood is good or bad. The good thing is that he got rid of the ghost, and maybe he can escape from the Adventure Hall. The bad thing is, can he rely on Yuyu to escape from this world?

The distortion of this world may become more and more serious - at least in the city and when he first arrived at this stronghold, Bailang did not see animals acting like people...

This chapter has been completed!
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