Chapter 35

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 But at this time, other people's swords had also arrived. Bai Lang rolled up and used this person as his own human shield in a flash. Flesh and blood flew everywhere immediately, and the unlucky guy was stabbed by Bai Lang's sword before he could do it.

To die, he was cut into pieces by his ruthless companions. Among the corpses that flew out, some even turned black and smelled of putridity. There was no doubt that they were cut by poisoned weapons.


Bailang's body was naturally spattered with blood, and this attack made Bailang's body break out with a layer of white hair and sweat - this was indeed the first time he had to fight in close quarters with multiple enemies, or martial arts warriors with cold weapons. Life or death was a matter of life and death.

At that moment, he felt hot all over, and the desire to fight suddenly turned cold. He felt as if he clearly knew the current position of each opponent, the length and weight of their weapons, and the contact with them.

Speed ​​and slowness, the flow of power on the weapon...

This is a breakthrough before the battle, and this may be Bailang's real "hang" hidden in his heart - this is the battle hang-up. The virtual character who had a similar hang-up in the past was probably named Xiao Feng... But Bailang also has it

It might be an illusion, or the pressure that caused him to hallucinate. Anyway, whether it was an hallucination or a breakthrough of a new type of person, you can know in just a moment - because the other party's attack is like chopping the fillings of a dumpling.

These martial arts people are about the same level as Bai Lang. They have internal strength but they are not too strong, and they have no ability to leave the body. It is just that their internal strength can make them strong and light, and they can also exert some of their internal strength. When they have no internal strength, they would be considered to be showy.

The real lethality of the moves. For Bailang, this is already a very difficult opponent to deal with. He may not be afraid of anyone one on one, but now there are five or six people surrounding him, which will squeeze all his potential.


Such a battle ignited Bai Lang's fighting spirit. As soon as he sprang out from under the broken "bunker", his body suddenly grew longer - this was another ability of his tiger-shaped true meaning.

It can be released. When it is put away, it is like a ball. When it is released, it is like a spring being stretched. When the arm is extended again, the dagger in his hand is directly inserted into the chest and abdomen of a certain warrior. For a moment, Bailang does not take it back.

The dagger, the dagger stuck in the human bones was released as soon as the hand was loosened, the spine was flicked, and the body was thrown back.

Although the internal force of the golden bell cannot block the sword with the internal force attached to it, the effect of reducing the damage is unquestionable, and the place where the internal force of the golden bell is condensed is quite similar to gold and iron. Bailang's double claws have already been trained

With the tiger's claws in his hand, and now with the inner strength of the golden bell, it is like a weapon. The person he pounces on has a long sword in his hand. The sword technique is smooth and smooth, like a string, and the soft silk will suddenly stab out.

A little bit, hurting people's ears and eyes, hitting their hearts and throats, may actually be considered a good swordsmanship.

However, Bailang didn't have that much time to struggle with this man. He just protected his eyes with one hand and jumped directly into the swordsman's circle. The sword tore through his clothes and stabbed his body, even if it was a golden bell.

His internal strength could not be blocked, and he was left with many wounds. Bailang was ready to exchange his wounds for his life. He rushed into the middle palace, Bailang roared and tore out his claws, and at the same time lowered his head slightly to protect it with his forehead.

Eyes - Who knows if these sounds will heal their injuries after the mission is over, not all Infinite streamers have such good treatment.

The frontal bone is the hardest part of the human skull. In some cases, it can even deflect or block small-caliber pistol bullets. With the internal force of the golden bell, the hardness will be even higher. Bai Lang estimates

That sword might not be able to break through the skull. And time could not wait for the swordsman's movements. Bailang's striking claws carried a fishy wind, and it touched his body faster than the blink of an eye...


The force of this slap and capture was probably thousands of kilograms. It slapped the swordsman on the body. Before he could fly out under the force, he immediately turned his palm into a claw and grabbed it. With the force of flying out, the swordsman's

The entire ribs on the chest were torn off directly. In Bailang's hand, there was a handful of bloody flesh and a pair of ribs... Bailang quickly smashed the ribs sideways and threw them out to block other people's eyes.

He himself used this momentum to pounce out again.

In close combat, there is no weapon more brutal than fists, feet, and tiger claws. With Bailang's strength at this time, his bones would be broken wherever he touched, and wherever he caught, he would immediately be a bloody gourd. But the opponent was not in vain.

Yes, in such a fight, Bailang can also be injured - this guy only needs to be careful not to be hit by the poison-feeding weapon. As for other places, he can use the thick skin and flesh strengthened by the internal force of the golden bell.

Use thick places to block - it's better to be injured than dead.

And his next target was the guy with the poison sword. To deal with this man, Bai Lang also grabbed the dead man he had just killed as a shield, broke the man's neck in the shortest time, and twisted his body into a

The price for buying Mahua was to be slashed three times in the back, two swords on the butt, and a soft whip on one shoulder...

When Bai Lang finally used his "perception" to finally kill all these people, he sat on a corpse tiredly and feebly. "I didn't expect that I actually made a breakthrough. There really is such a 'God of War'.

But this injury on my body... I'm not sure I'll really bleed to death if I'm unlucky. I still need to wrap it up." From the beginning to the end of the fight, Bai Lang calculated that it took less than two minutes. Such high intensity

The killings left no time for those people to fear or escape, and everyone fought to the end.

"Why bother? They shouted as soon as they came out, and then came up to besiege them. I don't know what kind of force they are... But if they call you the hall master, are they the subordinates of that target? What is the name of that guy?

?" Bai Lang bandaged himself a little unfamiliarly. Unfortunately, he had a lot of stab wounds and sword wounds, and some of them had bones visible. But fortunately, the internal force of the golden bell was effective in reducing injuries, and it controlled the muscles to contract tightly to stop bleeding, so the bandaging effect was still good.

It's okay.

Anyway, just wash the left and right parts with water, and then wrap them up layer by layer with cloth - this cloth is quite hard to find, so you can only pick off the clean-looking ones from the dead body, tear them up and wrap them up. "It will definitely be infected.

..." Bai Lang cursed, but it was only twelve hours, and his physical fitness should be able to sustain it - after that, he would either be wiped out, or he could go back, so there is no need to worry.

Now that everyone was dead, it was impossible to ask for directions, and after the bloody battle, Bai Lang felt quite thirsty. Fortunately, there was a stream around him. He washed his body and had a good drink at the same time - Guan

Does he have parasites or something like that? Anyway, it only takes one day. Since I can't tell the direction, I can only think carefully about what I saw when I just came out. Maybe I can deduce the right direction - after all

Those dead ghosts looked like they were guarding at first, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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