Chapter 357 Peach

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Although White Crane Academy is called a sissy academy by Suzuran and other scumbag high schools, in fact, this private academy is also famous for its sports activities - especially the baseball and football teams, both of which are considered powerful. So there are a lot of big guys, crouching tigers, hidden dragons. When it comes to fighting, the boxing club and the karate and judo club have strong guys, and the basketball club has a lot of strong guys, but there is no "dominance school" within Baihe Academy. It’s just a garden atmosphere.

Private schools still take violence very seriously, so although campus bullying is constant, it is basically cold violence. If it gets really big and you beat others all over their bodies, you will probably be expelled. It’s all wasted. Who spent a lot of money to study at Baihe, who wants to be kicked out of school? Bai Lang looked at the gangsters sneaking out of the school gate to see the Baihe students. As a result, they disturbed the students and were chased away by the security guards and the police.

Bailang knew that Suzuran's people were looking for him. After all, he is also the leader of the boxing club now - fists are king, and the seniors don't dare to say anything. The boxing club, the karate club and other martial arts factions The clubs are all connected with various martial arts factions and bad boys outside, so they often spread all kinds of news. An organization in Suzulan is frantically looking for a powerful big man, just to have Suzuran's hegemony.

To dominate Suzuran, this extremely mediocre idea, in this era, there are actually a bunch of idiots who regard this as their goal - Bailang can't say whether these bad guys are naive or stupid, and they are even comparable to Suzuran. The continuous conflicts between Fengxian male high school students, who are considered mortal enemies, are meaningless in Bailang's opinion - they do not involve any protection fees, and they are in the same country and city, so it cannot be said to be a grudge left over from the Warring States Period... ...

It's just a dispute of temper, probably a dispute caused by who is worse. "Oh, how come they can still hire foreign aid when they unify Suzuran?" Bai Lang also finds it interesting. There are probably few women in the daily life of this monk school, so he will All the passion is vented in the fight.

No one in the boxing club knows, so they can only say, "Maybe we can really hire foreign aid?" After Bailang established his status in the boxing club, he also established his status in the class - and for some reason, even in the first grade He also gained a reputation among the six classes and seemed to be one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" in the first grade. Bailang could only laugh at the Japanese's bullshit hobby of getting together three guns of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Otherwise, why would you argue with them seriously? You don’t even know who is talking about it. If you argue with them, wouldn’t it mean that you are on the same level as them? "I don’t understand. I understand that Crane is not a martial arts school but a school for advancement. What’s wrong with doing this? Because what is missing will make you more enthusiastic? That's not right. Suzuran seems to have various faction names, but every faction has things like the Four Heavenly Kings and Three Feathered Birds." It can only be said that it is the bad nature of the Japanese. .

Exaggerated names are their favorite, Bailang thought. On the train back, he unconsciously touched Sakata Akiko's hair. The half-long hair was very soft and the height was just right for Bailang to touch. It was like petting a cat. Same. This would not be shouted out and then arrested, but Sakata's face turned red. Bailang didn't notice, he was thinking about his own thoughts. This matter effectively distracted his mind and prevented him from letting go. He fell into hot hell.

What Bai Lang thinks is that since this world can still accommodate part of his power and he can stir up strong winds, then naturally he cannot be the only one in this world who can do this. There must be such a strong person - but he has not met him yet. Soon the station arrived, he said hello to Sakata and left - completely forgetting that he was petting the cat just now. Not long after he walked out, Bai Lang's thoughts gradually returned, and he started to feel hot again.

"It's really hot in Tokyo!" Bailang muttered. When he walked downstairs to the apartment, he found that the neighbor's wife was throwing away garbage downstairs. Her elastic skirt outlined a big peach. Bailang just glanced at it, and then looked at her face. Turning a blind eye politely was just a peach and was not worth it. He stepped loudly. The lady still looked like the teacher Yu Shinoda in Bailang's memory. Now she heard the figure and straightened up and turned around to see it. Bailang.

Bailang smiled and nodded as a greeting. We didn't know each other very well. Bailang only knew that the couple's surname was Fujita and they had no children. He didn't know anything else. Mrs. Fujita looked a little embarrassed, so Bailang nodded and went straight upstairs. , to save the other party from embarrassment, "What a good peach..." Bailang swallowed a little, and then decided to formulate his own strategy.

After entering his room, Bailang could calmly think about other issues, "The Fujita couple next door... It seems like this lady just goes to a convenience store to work part-time instead of officially going to work - Hey, this It's a Japanese custom. Her husband, Mr. Fujita, is more common. After all, he goes out to catch the train at the same time as me. I didn't expect that guy to have such a wife - I should have seen it more often. But I heard that Mr. Fujita is working at a software company work?"

Bailang thought that guy was not bald, so he was probably a bad programmer. "Such a friend may not be impossible to make..." Bailang thought about this, changed his clothes and prepared to go out. Eat dinner. He didn't need to go to any cram school, so after coming back from the club, he just went out for a walk and then had dinner - there was not much pressure from homework. "I didn't expect that I was also a good student." Bailang didn't see Mrs. Fujita when he went out. After cleaning up and sorting the garbage, I went home.

It's a pity not to see that wonderful peach, but this is a good thing - although Bai Lang practices Nan Dou White Tiger Fist, he has not yet wanted to transform into a beast. The ancestor of the beast, Rep, has an extremely stench. The shopping street is not too bad either. It's far away, and you can just walk there to eat - modern life is so convenient, even if Bailang's original world martial arts masters can travel to the world, the convenience of daily life is still far behind modern society.

Bailang also thought of the situation at the house of Akiko Sakata, the cornbread bag he had booked. This female classmate had already told him everything about her family under his questioning. It was a simple Japanese-style family structure - her father was a member of the commune, so I guess She probably worked her way up to a position like a section leader or something like that. My mother only worked odd jobs every day, and she also had a younger brother who was in elementary school. The whole family lived in a house built by one family and had a car. It was such a simple composition.

It's no wonder that he became the target of bullying. Bai Lang has never seen his classmates from wealthy families being bullied. In his opinion, the Sakata family is fine, but it would be unlucky if they were from a single-parent family - but most single-parent families

People from families can't afford to go to Baihe Academy. Bailang is an exception...

This chapter has been completed!
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