Chapter 507 Healing

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 This house is not suitable for being in the Gobi desert. Those doors and windows are not able to block the wind and sand. However, as long as Bailang is here, the domain of the interior scene expert shows that even if he is now exhausted and injured, he can stay within a radius of more than ten miles.

The wind and sand. "The twelve main meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians are basically intermittent, and the Dantian, Qi and sea are all damaged. I think this treatment is very troublesome - and the injuries on the flesh, what the hell can I do?

There’s never enough healing medicine?!”

Bailang's complaints are useless. He has to ask himself why there are no golden medicines and other elixirs. If he continues like this, he will kill himself sooner or later. "Forget it, anyway, the magical power of the golden bell can also promote muscle growth and blood circulation, and it can only heal."

The trauma is nothing." He comforted himself, and then walked into the house where the bag jumped out after it broke. "What a pity, the leather of that bag is very good, after all, it is a royal craft of the British Isles. Fortunately, this house

We didn’t let them follow the habits of the magical world..."

Bailang has seen a lot of wizards' houses - it is too painful to say that those things are houses. Those things can only be seen in cartoons. In reality, if it is not a steel structure and is simulated with lightweight materials, simply use

If it were made of bricks, it would have collapsed long ago. Therefore, the house in Bailang is an orthodox Victorian style, and it is a bit stuffy when you walk in - this thing is suitable for the climate in England, and it is no different from an oven in the desert.

Fortunately, Bailang is also a master of interior scenes. It is no problem to control a cloud to float above and block the sun - not to mention that the water vapor can be replenished locally.

The problem now is food. There are some food reserves in the house, but they are definitely not enough. Bailang may still have to go hunting or go to the oasis to buy before his injury improves. "Anyway, it can help me recover a little bit of combat effectiveness first." Bailang knew that he

At this moment, I am afraid that this little bit of martial arts can still kill an innate master - this is completely different in height. The interior master and the innate master are no longer creatures of the same dimension.

Even if Bai Lang doesn't have a trace of Qi in his body, he can kill ordinary innate masters with one finger - not counting special innate masters like him.

The way of healing in the Baboon Style is also different. You don’t need to meditate, adjust your breath, or think philosophically. You just need to box seriously. Nandou White Tiger Boxing is ever-changing, and there are no restrictions of thirty-six or seventy-two. This is something that only creative masters can do.

The privilege he possesses. With Bailang's fists and kicks, the vitality between heaven and earth is sorted out one after another, turning into drops of pure innate true energy in his inner world and flowing through his meridians.

The broken place will be skipped, and then the two ends will be slightly closer, and gradually they will be reconnected, and there will be a little improvement while connecting - after all, Bailang's martial arts cultivation at the moment is enough for him to connect the meridians.

It was slightly "improved" at that time. What's more important about this martial arts are the "inappropriate acupoints" hidden in the muscle marrow and even the skin. Many of these acupoints are not among the eight extraordinary meridians and twelve normal meridians. Bailang

It is also necessary to connect and enrich them.

Twelve days later, Bailang appeared in an oasis. "After completing the inner scene, it was much easier to travel. It was like a change in the magical world." The inner scene in his mind was projected outwards, and the body shape caused by his spiritual thoughts naturally followed him.

"It's okay to go on the road, but I'm afraid it will be unlucky to use this in battle - the inner scene and the inner scene are in conflict with each other. If you use it when the spiritual thoughts are entangled, it might be messed up." Bai Lang thought, in fact, there is another problem.

This thing makes a lot of noise when used.

When Bailang uses it, the wind blows everywhere like a huge typhoon. Now it has become a fact that clouds follow dragons and winds follow tigers. Bailang can reach the area covered by the storm in an instant, but isn't this the same as saying that I will be there soon?

...After all, although this thing is like apparating, it is not instantaneous movement after all. Bailang tried to move to the edge of the area covered by spiritual thoughts - about one hundred and twenty miles away from him.


"It actually takes only ten seconds, which is almost ten seconds..." Bai Lang tried it and thought it was okay.

He came to this oasis for purchasing. Although his martial arts skills have not recovered, he has finished eating. Nothing happened during this purchase, and this oasis is also a relatively "peaceful" one - because it is large in scale and is in the commercial area.

Because it's on the road, several giants manage it together, and horse thieves don't dare to come here to plunder.

By the way, Bai Lang also came to understand the current situation in the world - the sad thing is that he is not more famous. The big guys don't even know that he killed Chai Yumen, and the nickname Qingtian Bai Yuzhu is not that famous. It seems - Bai Lang

When asked, many people actually had to think about it. "Oh, who can let the innate masters be compared to the poor..." Bailang sighed. There are three rankings of heaven, earth and people in every country, and those who can be on the rankings

He has been an innate master since the beginning of the Earth Ranking...

There are half of the interior scene masters on the Heaven Ranking, but the Cave Heaven Masters who are on a higher level are not included in the ranking... There is another real ranking list in this world - now Bailang also knows that it is called Tianting. Therefore, the legend

Ranked by the heavenly official positions in the list, although there are many innate masters on the list, the truly famous official positions are all interior masters. Bai Lang also wondered if he would have the opportunity to go up and take a seat.

What else could it be, Lord White Tiger Star? There must be a place for him among the Four Symbol God Lords - but at this time, Lord White Tiger Star already has someone.

In short, Bailang could only go back with this expectation and carry a large amount of purchased food. "It will take at least three months to recover. I hope I can recover in three months..."

The horse thieves in the desert are quite ferocious, and there are many masters among them. It is not a big deal for a congenital master to be a horse thief. It is even said that the chief horse thief is an interior master. Although there are many small businessmen who follow

A medium-sized caravan formed a large group and walked in large groups, but it was still a shame to meet those horse thieves led by innate experts - especially if the caravan took some "shortcut routes" to save time and cost.

These horse thieves are also extremely cunning. They never plunder all the caravans taking these routes. They always randomly select dates to select their prey. As a result, three to four caravans out of ten caravans will be robbed by them, and other caravans will be robbed by them.

The scene of safety and security - this way there will be an endless supply of prey. Of course, if a caravan is discovered to be carrying any treasure, it will most likely be robbed.

Horse thieves rarely leave alive, but they either kill people for fun, or sell young beauties to other places.

And now a caravan has suffered a disaster...

This chapter has been completed!
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