Chapter 524: Defeat the Huns

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 Bailang swept through Xihe County. Xihe County was originally half occupied by the Qiang Hu and the Black Mountain Army. Although the county was still in the hands of court officials, it was still in danger. Bai Lang sent 400 troops to defeat many camps of the Black Mountain Army and plundered tens of thousands of people. This

Although the Black Mountain Army is called thieves, they are nothing more than the people who could not survive the Yellow Turban Rebellion who hid in the mountains and coerced them.

If they occupied unowned land, they would still work hard to farm - they would never be able to survive just by looting. And now that there is a severe drought and cold in the north, the weather is not right. Bailang vaguely seems to remember this possibility.

It was the Little Ice Age. After he defeated the Montenegrin Army's camp, there were many old, weak, women and children farming.

Bailang did not intend to kill indiscriminately. He recognized the ownership of the land occupied by these people and planned irrigation canals for them. Bailang was not a person who was good at water conservancy. There were quite capable people among the people in this area. He only needed to be in the middle.

Just mediate. Bailang drove the Qiang and Hu to the west. More than 400 people first attacked Lishi, the governor of Xihe County. The local governor ran away. It can't be said that he ran away. When he saw Bailang coming, he sent people to ask who was coming.


Bailang assassinated Dong and did not want to be known to the world. He did not want to be famous in the world, but just felt that it was appropriate to kill Dong Zhuo. However, he failed to attack Hangu Pass and was repulsed by Niu Fu. Niu Fu therefore reported victory in Chang'an, but was killed by Dong Zhuo.

After a pause, he scolded, "This is to increase other people's ambitions!" Bailang failed to win the level alone and killed hundreds of people, but he still escaped unscathed. This victory was famous all over the world as soon as the victory document came out...

Seeing that the person who came was Bai Lang, the prefect of Xihe, who had been favored by both the late emperor and Dong Zhuo, was immediately overjoyed. He directly gave the post of prefect to Bai Lang and sent it to the Chang'an court. He himself returned the seal to his hometown.

Went. It turned out that this person was from Yingchuan and had a bright future after returning to his hometown...

This form will most likely be approved by Dong Xiangguo. Although Xihe hangs above Luoyang, it doesn't matter. Xihe faces the Huns directly, and it would be a good thing for Dong Zhuo to let Bailang be the prefect of Xihe, so as to avoid him thinking about entering the Pass to help the Han Dynasty all day long.

When Bailang entered Lishi, he saw that there were only about ten thousand people in this county, and the place where the Huns herded horses was just outside Lishi.

Bailang entered the city and settled the soldiers. There were only five hundred local soldiers. Bailang took his hundred cavalry directly out of the city and killed the Huns. At least the Huns should be driven out of Xihe County, and if possible, they should go west.

Expelling from the north, we cannot allow them to drive straight to the foot of Lishi City in one day.

The local civil servants were just like that. Bailang also followed Xiao Gui and Cao Cao, and he had no advisers around him. Bailang led hundreds of horses to gallop across the Xihe River. In front of him, there was no formation of Huns. There were mostly dozens of people grazing cattle and horses. It seemed that they were all herdsmen.

Wherever Bailang went, the herdsmen fled or were captured. Bailang gathered the cattle, horses and sheep and returned to Lishi triumphantly.

He went out of the city and collected dozens of horses, more than a hundred sheep, and more than ten cows. He returned with a full load. Similarly, the returning herdsmen would attract the Xiongnu army. The Xiongnu at this time were completely different from those in the Han Dynasty.

Well, it can be said that they were Sinicized Xiongnu. The Chinese culture of the upper-class nobles was no different from that of Han scholars. However, the backward tribal system still allowed them to plunder secretly.

The Xiongnu gathered thousands of troops, and Bailang also heard the news, so he took the initiative to lead two hundred cavalry to attack - this was the result of collecting soldiers who were good at riding and shooting from Xihe County and matching them with horses.

Although the arsenal of Xihe County was almost empty, Bailang still worked hard to equip them with armor.

Bailang took the initiative to attack and saw the Xiongnu Chanyu rolling in with thousands of horses. He immediately shouted out his official position as the governor of Xihe, "I will be a prisoner today! You can follow me!" He took the lead and killed the Xiongnu with a long spear in his hand.

Warriors also came on horseback, firing bows and arrows at Bailang.

The white-waved iron spear shook, and flew away all the arrows fired from the front. He stabbed the Hun warrior down with a single thrust from his horse, then extended his arm, pinched and pulled the long spear that was stabbed by another Hun soldier.

Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed the man from the saddle and threw him back. The man who weighed more than 100 kilograms was thrown out by Bailang with one hand like a lamp grass. When he fell to the ground, he was followed by Bailang.

The Han cavalry cuts off the owl's head with a sword.

Bailang rushed directly into the oncoming Hun cavalry. His long spears flew left and right and slashed in arcs from time to time. The Hun cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and sometimes even men and horses were cut away by Bailang's blow.

As if Bailang was in an uninhabited land, he fought his way through a bloody alley and was approaching the Xiongnu Chanyu. The noble man hit his horse and fled, but Bailang directly threw a long spear and pinned him together with his horse.

Those cavalrymen didn't have time to see their Shanyu being killed. Seeing Bailang empty-handed, they thought they had found an opportunity, so they stabbed four or five long spears directly at them. Bailang grabbed them with both hands and grabbed the spear directly. Bailang was very powerful and grabbed the spear.

They couldn't hold it at all. After Chang Shan let go, Bai Lang took advantage of the situation and threw several people in succession.

Bailang was not even angry at this time. These Xiongnu soldiers were only wearing leather robes, and their martial prowess was far inferior to that of the Xiliang soldiers. Bailang tiger entered the flock, ran directly to Shanyu who fell on the ground, and pulled out his bloody long spear.

, and with one blow of his hand, he chopped down Shan Yu's big sword.

Thousands of Xiongnu cavalry immediately broke up and fled with all their might. At this time, Bailang led his own cavalry to cover up the enemy in a hurry, focusing on the large group of cavalry and those who seemed to be led by nobles.

The cavalry attack. This pursuit lasted for three days and three nights. The Huns tried to counterattack after gathering, but they were defeated by Bailang every time. In the end, the entire Huns army collapsed completely after the fierce pursuit, and many people asked to surrender.

Thousands, probably at least this number of people killed.

The Xiongnu in the west of Hexi were wiped out, and they even retreated further north. They didn't even dare to take Meiji City, a place granted to the southern Xiongnu. Bailang returned to the army to argue, but he only lost more than ten of his horses. He led

What came back were tens of thousands of captured Xiongnu men, women, and children, as well as tens of thousands of Qiang people and Han people who had been plundered by the Xiongnu. At this point, Xihe was pacified.

He did not go to the court because, firstly, Bailang did not take credit for it, and secondly, the court seemed to be in chaos.

It had been half a year since Bailang arrived at Xihe to attack the Xiongnu. I heard rumors that Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, and Liu Shijun had passed away. It turned out that it was the Yellow Turban Army from Qingzhou that entered Yanzhou. Liu Dai ignored Bao Xin's advice and took the initiative to attack, and was defeated by the Yellow Turbans.

He and Bao Xin both died in the army. Bai Lang was silent when he heard this. Although Liu Dai was not really a wise man, and he even attacked Qiao Mao when he challenged Dong, he was Bai Lang's leader after all. So Bai Lang also set up the incense case.

Just pay homage and that's it.

Now that the Xiongnu has taken Bailang to occupy the entire territory of Xihe County, the left and right of the Xiongnu have surrendered. His sphere of influence directly covers half of Taiyuan County, and his troops can reach Jinyang. If he annexes the central part of the Xiongnu, then the Xiongnu Zhonglang

I'm afraid it will fall on him. Half of Bingzhou, especially the elite Taiyuan County, may have already returned to Bailang.

He was stationed in Lishi, and his administration could be said to be very rough. It was just that the original county officials had changed their appearance and listened to his orders. Since Bailang occupied Xihe, naturally there were people who liked him and some came to look for him. There were many envoys on this day.

Coming a long way...

This chapter has been completed!
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