Chapter 54

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Although no one can explain the next scene, it is actually called slow motion - a slow motion caused by psychological factors. Bailang's right hand clearly grabbed the right hand of Lieutenant General Zuo Liangyu who was shouting.

Head - since it was a banquet, this person wore a headscarf. Everyone could see clearly that Bai Lang's five fingers were like digging into tofu, directly grabbing it with blood.

The skull, the hardest bone in the human body, is about the same as an eggshell. While blood and white liquid were dripping from the head, the head was pressed into the chest, so he couldn't say what he said next. The head was pressed

The people who entered danced for a few times before falling down.

Everyone's throats almost seemed to be stuck, and they were just watching all this blankly, and they couldn't tell whether Bailang's movements were fast or slow. It seemed that Bailang didn't turn around until the man shook a few times and fell.

He arrived in front of another general who almost jumped out in front of him to protect Zuo Liangyu.

Everyone could see the next movement clearly, but for some reason they couldn't move it - Bai Lang reached forward with his left hand. These generals were wearing chainmail even when attending banquets, but it seemed completely useless now.

.... Bai Lang's left hand reached into the general's chest in an ordinary way. When it protruded from the back, everyone saw that it was holding a human heart. Everyone present except Governor Deng and the dancing girls

Besides, who is not a murderous thing? You can easily recognize what this person's heart looks like - maybe someone has eaten it.

But this situation is too scary... Bai Lang pulled out his hand and threw away the heart in his hand. When he turned around, he was already facing Zuo Liangyu. Bai Lang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and everyone trembled.

For a moment, could it be that a ferocious tiger grinned? At this time, all the generals just woke up from a dream, and they all shouted loudly, and the soldiers behind them rushed over - but their movements were a little slow.

Zuo Liangyu pulled out the fire gun from his waist, and the two standing soldiers directly drew out their waist knives and stood in front of Zuo Liangyu, trying to block Bailang's attack route. Under Bailang's impact, the soldiers directly slashed with their swords.

Next - These are all close servants who were fed by Zuo Liangyu with money. They usually work hard to practice martial arts. If we just talk about the fighting skills in the battle formation, I am afraid they may not be as good as the Qing soldiers.


The long knife fell, and Bai Lang did not dodge. The knife struck Bai Lang on the shoulder. An ordinary person would be cut in half from the shoulder to the waist by this knife. But Bai Lang only tore the clothes on his shoulder, and the knife came out with a shock.

, but the soldier couldn't hold the tiger's mouth and broke apart. "Even the powerful weapons of Bagala and Gebu Xian of the Qing army can't break through a certain family's golden bell, so who do you think you are?"

Bailang crashed out, and the soldier in front of him flew out and hit Zuo Liangyu. He was flying in the air with broken bones and muscles, and blood spurting out of his mouth. Zuo Liangyu opened the gun in panic, but he was hit.

But the body of the soldier who flew over hit Zuo Liangyu, breaking his arm immediately.

Just when Zuo Liangyu was rolling around and about to run away, Bai Lang's hands were already on his neck...

The tent suddenly became quiet, and then Governor Deng reacted, "General Bai... stay... it seems there is no need to stop." There were three corpses in the tent with three different signs of death, bloody.

Anger permeated the tent. The dancers had already been so frightened that they shrank into a ball and did not dare to say anything. The generals and other soldiers did not know what to do when they saw Bai Lang putting a hand on Zuo Liangyu's neck.

"Commander Zuo? Are you going to save Xiangyang or not?" As he spoke, Bai Lang suddenly extended his legs and kicked back, directly kicking the remaining soldier on the neck, and shoveling the man's head directly from his neck -

- This soldier is really good at internal martial arts, because originally he was still in front of Zuo Liangyu, but now he suddenly used Qing Kung to silently pounce on Bai Lang from behind.

After all, this man's neck was not as powerful as the Golden Bell Glove, and he was kicked directly to pieces by Bai Lang. The Golden Bell Glove was thick and heavy, but the tiger shape could strike like lightning. Bai Lang was able to integrate the two, and he was quite talented.

Zuo Liangyu immediately straightened his face, "Xiangyang is an important place for the imperial court, so it must be saved!" Governor Deng also nodded, "Commander Zuo is indeed an important general of the country..."

Just as he said this, Bai Lang suddenly said, "No, what can I do if this person is released and his words don't count? Forget it, just kill him." Before Governor Deng could say anything to other people in the tent, he actually didn't respond.

Come over and shout. Bailang has already pulled out Zuo Liangyu's head, and the blood spurts directly to the top of the tent.

Governor Deng passed out immediately... With things like this, how could he survive without passing out?

Zuo Liangyu was simply killed, what about his army? Who would lead it? Anyway, Governor Deng "passed out", so Bai Lang simply said in the tent - of course he was kicked down before that

The headless corpse held Zuo Liangyu's head upside down in his hands. Anyway, there is a spine that can be taken. "Are you guys willing to go with Commander Zuo? Or go with Governor Deng?"

Bailang's face remained normal, and he asked the other generals in the tent nonchalantly. Visibly, large beads of sweat appeared on the faces of these people. Although the tent was neither ventilated nor hot, these people were sweating profusely on their foreheads.

, and I felt chills all over - this ferocious beast in front of me, which was basically humanoid, if it were to go with Marshal Zuo, I am afraid that it would actually go on a ghost tour with Zuo Liangyu today.

So they all said that of course they were going with Governor Deng, "Then why don't you wake up the Governor quickly and ask him to take his seat? Then gather their troops and invite the Governor to review the army?" Bailang continued. So those guys immediately started messing around.

Governor Deng helped him to the seat of honor, and carefully squeezed the governor's head while secretly looking at Bai Lang who was holding the head... He was afraid that this guy would have a nervous attack and kill someone suddenly.

Governor Deng woke up very quickly. As soon as he "woke up", Bai Lang immediately nailed Zuo Liangyu's head to his body, clasped his fists and knelt down and said, "Report to the Governor that Commander Zuo has died of a sudden illness. Please also ask the Governor to take command."

Commander Zuo sent his entire army to save Xiangyang! Do you think so?"

These generals said one after another, "Yes, I also ask the governor to allow the last general to reorganize the army, and wait for the governor to watch." After saying this, they all looked at Governor Deng longingly, hoping that he would say "yes!" and run out - at least now.

Come on, this human-shaped tiger seems to still listen to the governor's words... The generals here thought deeply about it, and even looked at Governor Deng with deep fear in their eyes.

Why did Bai Lang suddenly commit murder? Was there someone who instigated it? Commander Zuo was an important general? Could he have been killed by the supervisor like Commander Mao back then? Take a step back and think about it - what does the emperor think of Commander Zuo? This

The more I think about this thing, the more I am afraid...

This chapter has been completed!
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