Chapter 557 The First Battle

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 Cao Cao was the world's greatest military master, Meng De's new book left his name in history, Bai Lang was the world's most brave warrior, but this political soldier can be said to be one of the worst people in the late Han Dynasty. But he led people into battle

It doesn't require much commanding ability. You just need to be the first one and let everyone see your bravery. Bailang shouted and took the lead. This time he still held the Yunshui Gun. This long gun has been renewed again.

Create a workout,

In the past, due to too many killings, the blade of the long sword was quite worn, so it was necessary to add new iron materials and re-forge it. However, even after high-temperature forging, the green light on the long sword blade could no longer be removed.

This is like a murderous hemp. After being stained with unknown amounts of blood, the color of blood and light cannot be removed even if it is wiped. Bailang's green pheasant horse still wears a face curtain, a chicken neck, a chest, and a body armor.

Didn't wear it.

After all, with Bai Lang's bravery, he would never face the enemy with his back. And he himself did not have heavy armor covered with fish scales. Instead, he had a pair of leather armor to save horsepower for long-distance raids, so this protection was not necessary.

Serious. In fact, it was Bailang who knew his level. Organizing thousands of people with complete logistical support to travel thousands of miles was something he was completely unable to do. The reason why he had so much fun beating the barbarians in the past few times was because the barbarians were small.

The tribes are scattered all over the place, and it's no problem to plunder them all the way.

Moreover, the Hu people also gathered into an army, and their command level was actually about the same as him. Everyone was riding around with light cavalry, so of course Bailang Zhiyong was unmatched. Every time he defeated the Hu people, he only led a thousand cavalry or even only one.

Hundreds of cavalry charge into the formation... In fact, in the past, the Dabai Shaobao did the same thing. When dealing with the Jianzhou guys, they took the lead in attacking and tearing apart the opponent's formation, then killed the warriors among them and finally caused the opponent's formation to collapse.

Since Cao Cao entered Bingzhou, he also sent his exploration cavalry far away, and he never took advantage of the opportunity to advance. He marched no more than forty miles a day before setting up camp. However, the counties and counties in Bingzhou were undefended, so Cao Cao was able to capture almost three points of the army in a short period of time.

However, he did not care about areas such as Hu Di and Liaodong, which were also under the control of Mu Bailang in Bingzhou. Anyway, the Hu people there had already been killed and driven away by Bai Lang, so there was no need to worry.

Cao Cao had not yet set up camp at this time, but the news of the arrival of Bai Lang's army had been sent to Cao Cao by the rangers, so Cao Cao's army immediately formed a formation. The two generals Xu Chu and Dian Wei did not go out to the formation, but asked Cao Xiu, Cao Hong and Xiahou's brother Li

Dian Yujin and others set up a formation. Xu Chu and Dianwei were preparing to see where Bai Lang was attacking, so they asked the two men to resist Bai Lang. Lang led his cavalry to appear in front of Cao Cao's army, but Bai Lang didn't bother to call for formation and directly rode his horse to kill him.


Bai Lang secretly screamed, his figure was like carrying a huge white tiger, and he was heading directly towards Cao Cao's central army. Cao Cao looked around and said, "Lang's bravery is even better than Lu Bu's!" Cao Cao also shouted at that moment:

"Zhongkang! Here comes the evil!" At that moment, the two generals rushed out, one on horseback and one on foot, and rushed directly towards Bailang. Although Dianwei did not ride a horse, he was not slower than the horse when running, and the two generals rushed towards Bailang at the same time.


As soon as these two men came up, they had already burst into fighting spirit. Dian Wei brandished two large iron halberds each weighing eighty kilograms, while Xu Chu brandished his sword and ran directly into them. There was another general in Cao Cao's formation who also rode up with an axe. This person

But it was Xu Huang and Xu Gongming. Bailang Changshan also stabbed twice directly, as if there was no sequence. Both of them hit Dian Wei Xu Chu's attack, and even the Qing Pheasant's attack was stopped.

Xu Chudianwei was also stunned. Bai Lang's physical strength was still superior to them. Of course, this blow also made the two men's hands a little sore. At this time, they grabbed Xu Huang and chopped it down with an axe, but Bai Lang shot him with a long shot.

One point blocked again. The four of them fought like a revolving lantern, and the cavalry led by Bai Lang were also blocked from advancing. They could only wander around and watch the battle on the outside. It was almost impossible to intervene. The battle between Bai Lang and the three Cao Generals was fierce.

The storm of fighting spirit caused by this attack cannot be invaded by ordinary soldiers.

Anyone who steps into it will immediately die.

The four of them fought fiercely for dozens of rounds, but Bailang didn't reveal any defeat. Instead, he suppressed the three Cao Ying warriors in front of him. Bailang used the long spear with one hand, and the usage of the long spear on the left and right was actually a trap if it wasn't to charge into the formation.

, one hand can move freely. Bailang's other hand sometimes holds a hand, and sometimes his fists, palms and claws are used to slap and tear. With his martial arts, these attacks are no worse than weapons.

Sure enough, Dian Wei was robbed of an iron halberd, and Xu Chu's sword was swung away, with a long scratch on his arm. As for Xu Huang, he was punched and his breastplate was smashed to pieces. Cao Cao saw it.

Rushing to withdraw their troops, the three of them burst out with fighting spirit and fled with a feint. Bailang did not pursue him. Even with Bailang's courage, he was still a little tired after fighting three times. What's more, these three people still have special moves to fight for their lives.

If it breaks out, Bailang may not be able to escape unscathed.

The green pheasant snorted heavily. The war horse was already tired from driving forward and backward in the previous battle. Bailang turned his horse back, preparing to retreat thirty miles to the stronghold. "Return without success!" He had no intention of following.

Cao Cao talked and took his cavalry to the river to set up camp. The Bailang camp was also set up along the river, and the horses relied on the river for drinking water and food. He sat down in the main camp, took off his leather armor, and placed his long spear on the river.

On the weapons rack, someone was cleaning it all for him.

Bailang, on the other hand, simply walked into the river to clean himself. After running thousands of miles and fighting all day long, he was covered in stinky sweat, so he had to wash himself up quickly. After washing, Bailang put on his robe directly and went to bed after dinner.

This guy always doesn't care about patrolling the camp. He manages the army like a flying general.

That night Cao Cao robbed the camp...

Bailang's cavalry camp is very wide, far more dispersed than the general army, and they also bring mastiffs like barbarians. Among Bailang's cavalry, there are surrendered Xianbei, Xiongnu and Wuhengqi, so they are also

They brought the domesticated mastiff dogs from their respective tribes. This is indeed a mastiff dog. Bai Lang has seen this kind of dog whose head has begun to become wider and square. This should be a relatively primitive mastiff dog breed. This dog is very ferocious, and it is still half


Cao Cao's night attack was seen through by the mastiffs, and the vast camp not only dispersed the troops, but also made it difficult for Cao Cao's night attack army to defeat Bailang's entire camp in one go. A dog barked and a group of dogs responded, and Bailang was directly awakened by the dog's bark.

, after putting on his robe, the messenger from outside also came, "Cao's army attacked at night!" Bai Lang snorted, "But he was taken advantage of by Cao! No problem, wait until I defeat him. By the way, who led the troops in the night attack?"

As a result, they heard that Xu Chu and Xu Huang led their troops to attack at night. Bai Lang didn't even mount his horse, "Look at a certain horse and come as soon as he goes!" After saying this, he ran directly to Cao Jun with a long spear in hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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