Chapter 566 Excavation

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 There is also the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in this world, and of course there is also the official history of the Three Kingdoms. However, in the eyes of later generations, the descriptions in them are just like "Cao Gong points out a million troops" and other exaggerated descriptions belonging to ancient literati. It is simply not exaggerated in history books.

It’s nothing, I haven’t seen Westerners simply take the legend of Troy as official history. The so-called one cavalry can be compared to a thousand during the Three Kingdoms era is probably a good saying by historians.

In today's world, firearms come first, and martial arts with bare hands and cold weapons have long been just a hobby for some people. If Bailang came here, he would definitely marvel at how the vitality of heaven and earth has leaked out of this ghost place - thousands of years have caused the spiritual energy to dissipate.

The tide of spiritual energy has ebbed, and I don’t know when the next high tide will come.

The excavation of ancient tombs in the country has always been like a mountain mover, uncovering layer by layer from top to bottom. "It's a bit strange, why is his tomb in Luoyang? Isn't this the territory of Cao Wei? Ji Han has never reached here.

"But - they can't even leave the border." A half-hearted person said, "Go and read the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Wei is also open to the public. In Cao Wei, there are also the former subordinates of this knight-errant prince. It's a rare opportunity for both sides to see each other."

We worked together to build this tomb in Beimang Mountain."

Many of Ji Han's soldiers and Zhuge Kongming may have set foot in Luoyang for the only time in their lives...

The mud mountain above was cleared first. "No wonder it has not been discovered by tomb robbers in the past. It turns out that the terrain changed and even the original tomb passages and tombstones were buried. If it hadn't been for heavy rains that caused the mountain to collapse, I'm afraid this ancient tomb would still be there."

It will continue to be hidden." said the professor of the Department of Archeology of Teito University who is responsible for the entire excavation work. The sealing soil above is just simple soil, and there will be no cultural relics in it, so it was cleaned very quickly.

What the changes in terrain have brought about is that there are actually more seals than when they were first completed, and the scope is also larger. The country is still rich now, especially for this kind of archaeological discovery that can be included in the top ten of the year or the top ten of the century.

The ancient tombs were even equipped with ground-penetrating radar for shock wave scanning - Luoyang could not be shoveled and it could not be driven down. In the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, when Bailang was buried, it was mentioned that the person responsible for this matter was Zhuge Kongming, the first military advisor throughout the ages.

, the first prime minister in ancient and modern times.

It took two weeks to clear out the earthwork, which was the result of multiple excavators working hard. The reason why we didn't start from the tomb passage was because it was too dangerous - according to the detection of ground-penetrating radar, there should be a large cavity underneath.

There seemed to be a lot of divisions. There was no news about the fourteen tomb robbers and the villagers who entered the tomb passage, and the two armed police soldiers who entered the tomb wearing fully enclosed protective clothing and carrying oxygen bottles never returned.

This is too dangerous. Legend has it that there are various mechanisms in the tomb of Qin Shihuang that can kill tomb robbers, but this is just a legend - this is how all archaeological experts see it. What kind of mechanism can last for thousands of years?

?Only the simplest kind of rolling stones or traps are possible. The more sophisticated the mechanism, the easier it is to be destroyed by the power of time. So this situation is extremely rare when the so-called "mechanism" in the tomb comes true.

a possibility.

If you think carefully about it, it is Zhuge Liang who is the producer. It is not impossible - up to now, there are different opinions on who Zhuge Liannu and Mu Niu Liuma are. Anyway, don't take risks. It is safest to uncover the layers directly from the top. First

The first layer is made of bricks, but the bricks are too hard. After careful inspection, experts found that they are not glued, but through exquisite design and construction, these bricks fit into each other by gravity to form a vault.

It can support thousands of tons of sand and soil above... This is too exaggerated. The steel drill is just a white spot. This hardness is probably equivalent to reinforced cement concrete, and don't consider Zhuge's time.

How did the Prime Minister make these bricks? Now it's time to conduct a stress analysis and use a computer to figure out what to do - don't let a brick fall and the whole vault collapse.

After force calculation, everyone carefully placed the explosive on a point. After a small explosion, a brick was blown to pieces. The next work was also very troublesome. First, nitrogen must be filled into the tomb to avoid oxidation.

, at the same time, the vault must be gradually dismantled in a certain order, and each brick must be numbered to prepare for future restoration. Before all these processes, a camera is directly inserted through the gap to see the situation.

Spotlights and cameras were put in, and everyone was quite pleased to find that the bottom of the vault was not a tomb, but a floor. The real tomb should still be below. A week later, the vault was cleaned, and the entire upper floor was completely exposed to the archaeological excavation team.

Within sight, TV reporters and leaders from above also came. This was a very important matter - the "hometowns" of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms and the tombs and memorial temples have always been important targets for tourism development.

Bailang's origin is unknown. There is no record of where he came from in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, so the various places cannot snatch the hometown of this fierce general. There is a clear record of his burial in Beimang Mountain, but the tomb has never been found and no sacrifice has been established.

The temple - Bailang's place of worship is still in the Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, the third place reserved for military commanders. Now that his tomb has been discovered, there is a lot to do in this place.

Because it has been buried underground, his tombstone is very well preserved, and the inscription is clearly visible. "The only eight-point official script of the Han Dynasty that has been seen." Everyone thinks that this stele alone is enough to be rated as a national treasure - because it is Ji's tombstone.

The authentic relic of Zhuge Kongming, Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, is the only authentic relic in the world. There are funerary objects on the first floor, and judging from the humidity in the air, it is dry and not flooded below. As for how deep it is, it is difficult to say.


The first floor is mainly composed of some bamboo slips, brocade books and volumes, which are relatively well preserved because they are isolated from the air. This is a very, very precious discovery for archaeologists and can greatly supplement the records in history books. The first floor

There was a ladder going down in a corner. The archaeological team first took air samples. To their surprise, the air below was toxic, mainly carbon monoxide.

Since the bottom is dry, it's easy to just pump out the gas and be careful not to create sparks and cause an explosion.

Soon, the poisonous gas inside was replaced, and the archaeological team carefully lowered the remote-controlled robot. Since they knew that there was a "mechanism" in the tomb and had swallowed more than a dozen people, it was natural to put safety first and use the robot to explore.

The road is the best. I'm afraid even Zhuge Kongming didn't think of this...

The robot has lights, sonar, and cameras. The archaeological team members outside have been remote-controlled for a whole day without finding a suitable path. It is like a three-dimensional maze. The professors from Peking University looked at it for a long time and said, "Switch to

Automatic mode, but let them come up to change the battery first. Then put a few more." They finally figured out that there was something strange about the stairs and walkways, which should create an illusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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