Chapter 630: Fame

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The next day, the carriage brought Daiyu, Baoyu and the three spring girls, who were staring at them, to the Tianshui uncle's house. It was always a good thing to exercise, so there was no harm in letting Baoyu, Daiyu and the others go away for a while.

Besides, Tianshui Bo Bailang was about the same age as Baoyu, while his concubines and concubines were even younger.

When they arrived at Tianshui Uncle's Mansion, Bai Lang ordered his disciples to open the middle door and let the carriage in, leading them directly to the school grounds for martial arts practice. The carriage stopped outside the school grounds, and everyone got out of the carriage with the help of the maid and the old lady. When they looked at it, they were shocked.

A jump.

Tianshui Uncle Bai Lang attacked the Duke Tianshui Uncle, and his concubine brother has two concubine sisters, one is seven and eight years old, and the two sisters are both six years old. At this time, they are all in the school grounds

Above, two little girls are also dressed in men's clothing. They are holding small bows and arrows as well as wooden swords and guns of the same reduced shape. They are practicing martial arts meticulously.

The two boys, with their upper bodies exposed, were carrying and dancing stone locks to exercise their strength. There were also weapon racks behind them, and what appeared to be their respective weapons were placed on them.

Bai Lang exposed half of his shoulders and arms, sitting upright on a chair and watching his "brother" practice martial arts. "Bai Bao, Bai Biao, why do you have to give this name?" He was also saying this casually, but he was aiming at it.

The old family members around me. "This is Bai Ying, Bai Xiao is the same. Why do you have to give it such a name? Are you planning to turn the Bai family into a zoo?"

Seeing Daiyu and the others coming, Bailang also stood up to greet them. Baoyu was stunned as he watched the two little sisters shooting short arrows into the center of the target twenty steps away. He never thought that such a young girl could do it.

He can shoot with a bow and he can shoot accurately.

"It's just breathing to gather strength. Brother Jia Shi came here today, but he also wants to practice martial arts and inherit the prestige of his ancestors?" Bai Lang asked knowingly. Of course Baoyu didn't come to endure hardship. He just felt sorry for Sister Lin and Daiyu practicing martial arts.

The level is not as good as that of two six-year-old girls, Bai Ying and Bai Xiao. Bai Lang can only say that he is completely clumsy.

After Bai Lang took action and adjusted Daiyu's erratic breathing a few times, the half-hour exercise was considered over. "If you haven't learned it yet, you can continue. If you have learned it, remember to practice it once every morning and evening. This way

If you do, your body will be much better in half a year. If you can persist for a year, the weakness caused by this pregnancy will be gone."

I never thought I wouldn't need the next day. Later that day, the Ministry of War announced an order, ordering Bailang to go to the northern border to lead officers and soldiers, because it was discovered that the Mongols in the north were going south to clear grass valleys again. Among the four princes and eight princes, the only one who had

The king with military power is in the south, and among the eight princes, Ning Guogong, the Duke of Rongguo, is no longer a general. Instead, it is Wang Ziteng, the admiral, who controls the Jia family's former military affairs.

In response to the order, Bai Lang took eight servants on horseback and rode out of the mansion that day, holding military orders and running towards the north.

Entering the border city, Bailang's troops were only two thousand, and he was one of the eight strong generals in the city. Although the Xijue was Tianshui Bo, the old Tianshui Bo's elite troops were originally divided into four divisions, and he only commanded one of them.

This department, together with the other three departments, is included in the Eight Great Generals.

Bai Lang is a super-ranked officer - all those with titles are super-ranked officers. He just said a word to the commander-in-chief, and then led a hundred cavalry out of the camp to look for traces of the Mongols. The commander-in-chief followed

The prefect wanted to stop him, but if he didn't obey the marching orders, the emperor had not yet appointed a governor, and the military commander-in-chief had no authority to deal with the generals without permission.

Bailang put on his mountain armor, and the war horse under his crotch had been replaced by a real Northland horse. He also brought two spare horses. The weapons in his hands were naturally a long spear and a long-handled knife, as well as a long-handled sword.

There is a one-handed iron mace on the saddle. Most of the cavalry behind them carry three-eyed blunderbuss and spears, and of course some people carry bows.

Bailang took a deep breath of cold air, "No matter how many years have passed, I am still running in the North. My opponents have changed one after another, but the result is still the nomadic Tatars from the Mongolian Plateau...

"He also smiled to himself, then roared directly and led the cavalry straight north.

The Mongols at this time were weaker than all the Tatars Bailang had encountered in the north. The few Mongolians Bailang met passed by without even bothering to kill him. He had only one target, and those Mongolians only dared to kill them.

The so-called Cossacks to the south are the sharp knives in the hands of the Tsar.

Bailang moved forward in silence, but none of the cavalry dared to disobey - when Bailang rode on horseback, it was like a tiger patrolling the mountains. Under the pressure of such momentum, no one dared to make a sound, and there was a violent and murderous spirit in his heart.

As he stood up, even the eyes of the war horse began to turn red.

The corpse of the Mongolian appeared in front of him. It was an entire small tribe. All the people in it must have been killed, the women may have been robbed, and all the livestock were snatched away. "Saber and spear wounds." Bailang rode past.

Just a quick glance revealed the murder weapon.

"I have never killed the so-called light cavalry Cossacks. These guys killed the Mongolians head after head. It's a pity that they can't beat the Polish Hussars." Bai Lang thought, how could he be blocked by the light cavalry? During the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, Bai Lang thought.

At that time, the Xiliang heavy cavalry, both men and horses wearing heavy armor, were not killed by him, just Cossacks?

The Cossacks had settlements, and the hoofs of Bailang's cavalry shook the earth. Soon, Cossacks wearing beautiful and brightly colored rags poured out of those houses one after another. "They are all bearded, damn." Bailang's face was tender at this moment.

, the beard has not yet grown, and seeing those Cossacks with big beards makes me feel unhappy.

The Cossacks were indeed excellent light cavalry and quickly formed a team. Bailang dismounted and ordered ten cavalrymen to make stakes to gather the horses. He and the other cavalrymen put on fresh horses. After finally checking their equipment, they

Charge and roar towards the Cossacks wielding sabers.

The three-eyed blunderbuss is indeed more effective at scaring horses. Unless you are very lucky, it is difficult to kill someone. The Cossack horses are well trained and are almost not frightened by the sound of gunfire. And although the Cossacks say

They were light cavalry, but their horses were larger and more majestic than those of Bai Lang's cavalry, who were wearing armor.

"The difference between horse breeds." Bai Lang straightened up his long sword and cut it to his left and right. In the blink of an eye, he killed five or six Cossacks who were riding in front of him. "So weak... In this era, like this

They can defeat the Mongols. The Xiongnu, Qiang, Xianbei and Wuheng are really unlucky. In this era, they would have been invincible." Of course Bailang didn't mention that there was another Turk.

This chapter has been completed!
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