Chapter 643 Breaking the Formation 2

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 Looks like an inhuman person, "The actual combat effectiveness is only that of the Northland rangers who have just joined my command." While Bai Lang was killing people, he still had time to comment on his own men. These people also abandoned their horses and fought on foot to break through the formation and swarmed up.

Use a big bow and heavy arrows to shoot at close range, aiming directly at the face.

"I've never taught them this. I didn't expect these guys to know how to fight on foot like straight women." Bai Lang was a little surprised, "The imperial army and horses in front of me seem to be quite elite. I killed hundreds of people and they still managed to survive."

Didn't it collapse?" Bailang defeated thousands of armies, and as the White Tiger Star Lord, he was very keen on sensing military spirit.

"Is this actually considered a surprise to me? Hahahaha, I never thought that overthrowing the army and killing the generals so fast would have such an effect." Bailang spread his arms and killed, clearing the entire row of soldiers in front of him and to the left and right.

The movement paused for a moment, and his subordinates also came in.

At this time, the imperial troops and horses in front of them began to collapse with a crash. Both soldiers and generals were running away. As they ran, they were still trying to drop their armor and weapons, and they were crying for father and mother because they had two legs. In short, they were getting farther and farther away.

The killing god is better.

Just like an avalanche, the main formation of the imperial court collapsed in front of them. The capital camp had not yet taken over the formation. When they saw Bailang's infantry fighting coming with the three hundred cavalry who had also switched to infantry fighting, they also shouted directly.

He ran away. The conscientious ones took the general with him and ran away, while the unconscionable ones just left the general and ran away.

Seeing this, Bai Lang immediately mounted his horse to attack the outflanking Liaodong cavalry. He watched as people on the opposite side kept pulling away from their horses and escaping. When the two sides were about to come into contact, the cavalry on the opposite side was no longer in the formation.

Just ran away.

Bailang just laughed. He already knew the incompetence of the imperial army and horses, so he said that the front was light and the back was heavy, the left was wide and the right was narrow. Sure enough, the enemy was defeated with one strike. The Shandong army that originally attacked Bailang's camp saw the imperial army's formation collapsed.

Go down, while the camp in front of you is shooting arrows continuously, the camp door is wide open, and the cavalry behind is already lined up and ready to charge out - so the Shandong Army also naturally collapsed.

On top of the Chinese military observation car, King Yan, the prince, the prince, and Wang Ziteng all saw the scene of Bailang trapped in front of them. Everyone took a breath of cold air, "Uncle Tianshui..." These guys also

I can only say this kind of thing. Bailang's bravery is probably comparable to that of only such brave generals as King Xiang, Guan and Zhang, Yang Xuangan, and the Thirteen Taibao in the history books.

"Indeed, he is not human! This is the white tiger that has become a spirit!" King Yan was also flustered. He got out of his chariot and rode away. All the princes and kings also ran away - the army in front of him was about to be defeated, and it was too late to run away.

Okay. As for what the court will do after defeat? Who cares about this?

Bai Lang led the cavalry in pursuit. The imperial camp in front of him was in such a panic that even the guards were gone. There was still a fire behind the camp head. Is it possible that the soldiers who escaped had robbed the food, grass and treasures? At this time, Bai Bao and the others also disobeyed.

Following Bailang's military order, they directly attacked with their entire army and killed the defeated army of the imperial court.

The city didn't even bother to defend itself. Instead, the defeated troops who rushed in robbed and set fire to it. It was Bai Biao who led his troops into the city and slaughtered the defeated soldiers and the local rogues who took advantage of the fire. The situation was brought under control by Bai Lang and Bai Bao.

Baiying and Baixiao pursued them for dozens of miles, surrendering more than 10,000 people and killing more than 10,000 people. Of the 50,000 imperial troops, only a few thousand people could escape at most.

They also killed a prince and captured dozens of princes below King Yan, including Wang Ziteng himself. Originally, they ran early, so the road was quite smooth. Unexpectedly, Bailang blocked the road from behind.

The soldiers on the road were killed, and they chased after him. With a roar of tigers and horses, King Yan and others immediately knocked off their horses - their horses' legs were too weak to move.

After taking these people, Bai Lang directly put them into the carriage and continued to move forward, approaching the capital. Bai Lang started a rebellion from the border pass, but in more than a month he had broken through the city and captured the pass. In the famous city of Hebei, he also defeated the troops of King Qin of the imperial court. Now his soldiers

Feng is only ten days' journey from the capital.

Now there is only one of the Eight Great Passes in front of Bailang. Once the Eight Great Passes are broken, there will be no obstacle to the capital. Next, the capital can only rely on its own city walls and capital camps to block Bailang's army. The defeated army has fled to

The capital, the capital, was also shocked three times a day. The emperor's edicts from King Qin were being issued non-stop, and the Rongguo Mansion and the Ningguo Mansion were also copied.

Because they were suspected of having an affair and rebelling against Bai Lang.

At the same time, a series of edicts were sent to Bailang, and the price offered was as high as the title of king and the envoy of the Tang Dynasty.

Well, it's still a real seal. I just don't know if there will be a tooth soldier inheritance..." Bai Lang laughed.

The commander-in-chief of the Eight Great Passes fled, and all the soldiers in the pass were scattered. The last key point outside the capital was handed over to others. It was too late to kill the commander-in-chief now, and they did not escape into the capital. Instead, a group of troops and horses were put together to go out to fight in the city.

? Bailang has long been described as a fierce general like a celestial being by the defeated soldiers and generals. Bailang's soldiers and horses are also said to be invincible if they can't be more than a thousand.

Bailang saw the city gate of the capital. There was no chaos outside the city, but it was true that the people outside the city were fleeing. They were all fleeing to the city or north, south or east. "Prepare the ladder, I'm going to do it today."

Enter the city!" Bailang was so arrogant that he thought the defenders on the city wall were all dead people.

There are cannons at the top of the capital city. When I saw Bailang's army, I didn't care if they just opened fire and started fighting randomly. "The founding of the country was only three generations old, but Wen Tian and Wu Xi have already reached this point. How can they fight randomly from such a long distance?

Do you want to embolden yourself?" Bailang chose fifty people to climb first, and rushed to the city with the ladder on his shoulders.

Bailang didn't need a ladder. He carried his big sword and mace on his back and climbed the wall with his bare hands - anyway, he punched a hole, and he could climb up with a few strokes of force. It was also much more flexible than a ladder and could move laterally at any time. It only took a few.

As soon as he took a breath, he climbed up to the top of the city, slashed three or four people to death with one swing of his sword, and then killed them head-to-head with a sword and an iron mace in each hand.

In this world, he wanted to perform, and even if he performed, he could achieve Meng Degong's achievements. He also did not let Emperor Wenxiang be more beautiful than him. Bailang killed more than a thousand people on the city wall by himself, and assisted the fifty people who climbed up to the city first.

Then open the city gate.

The emperor wanted to hunt east, but the problem was that he didn't seem to have time to run away. Someone in the city shouted, "The city is broken!" But Bailang was already leading the way, "Here comes King Qin! Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, I will help you, King Qin!"

It directly makes the people who hear it feel angry...

This chapter has been completed!
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