Chapter 774 Such little thieves

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 After Bailang, I never set foot on the mainland again. Instead, I playfully hit gophers a few times on the sea - those big black fish swimming around in the ocean. The water body that is difficult to compress with a palm directly transmits the force to the hollow black fish.

It turned into a wreck on the seabed amidst the twisting and cracking sounds of steel plates or titanium alloy plates, and the screams of the crew. As for whether there will be a nuclear leak? It's just a small firecracker of human beings, right?

The earth is nothing at all.

Penglai Island disappeared without any news one morning, and together with the Immortal and the Martial Saint, there has been no trace of the world since. But the situation in the entire world has already inevitably turned, and Angsa's destiny in the west has ended.

History has returned to its original inertia.

"Then I'll leave first, and we'll work together again if we have the chance in the future." Zhou Xianda also said goodbye to Bai Lang. The two of them had their own places to go. It's not interesting for men and old dogs to mix together, right? Bai Lang sat cross-legged in the void, relying on a breath of true energy

He steadied his body. He looked at the stars in front of him. Each starlight was like a whole world. Bai Lang let out a long breath, and his joints cracked loudly.

The next moment, a star suddenly enlarged in front of him and hit the white waves, causing a black and white wave in front of him. If he can't enter and exit the tavern very freely now, then he will not be in the void for long.

"Now he is a young man again." When he entered, all his white hair and beard were swept away, and his figure was compressed again, making him look like a young man. With his martial arts training to this level, it is not difficult to rejuvenate his youth, but this

This kind of thing can only be done by borrowing a helping hand after entering the new world. "I didn't expect that the clothes in these rags have not passed through time." You don't need to look at the white waves by yourself to know that you must look like a beggar now.

"I was a beggar when I first traveled through time, and now I'm a beggar again. It's really a reincarnation in heaven." Bailang didn't care at all. He looked around, but found that he was beside the official road. The hard rammed earth was definitely not the same.

Modern society, I guess. Ancient society was really good, which made Bai Lang feel more comfortable. Moreover, the vitality of the world was so lively. Although the upper limit was limited, I'm afraid Tao, magic and magic could all appear in the world.

The beggar Bailang strode along the road. Not long after, he saw a stall with a "tea" flag flying beside a forest. A shed was built with wood and thatch, and there were several benches and two

There was a table deeper, and there was an old man boiling water and making tea, and an old woman was waiting for the guests with a selection of snacks. There were already two customers in the tea stall, both middle-aged and poor, dressed no better than him, a beggar.

Look better.

Although Bai Lang looks about thirteen or fourteen years old at the moment, he is still five feet tall despite his short stature, and his aura is as fast as that of a dragon or a tiger. However, others would only say that this beggar is really tough. With a glance, Bai Lang knew that this was probably the Empress of the Tang Dynasty.

——You can tell by looking at the buns on these people's heads. Bai Lang's own head is now bare and prickles to the touch. His eyebrows are short and he has no beard, which actually makes him look tall and handsome.

Seeing that his clothes were in tatters, Bai Lang simply didn't bother to go in and make people feel uncomfortable. After digging around in his pockets for a long time, he found that he only had the modern imitation Chongning Tongbao that he had carried with him when he left - this thing was made of brass using modern craftsmanship.

It's just a brass disc that is carved out using a machining center. The quality is definitely much better than cast copper coins. "I'm a little reluctant to give it up. This thing can definitely be made for hundreds of dollars now. By the way, can this money be used?


Bailang was still squatting outside and thinking about something, but he saw the old man inside bringing him a bowl of water, "Young official, please have a bowl of water." Bailang took it, "Thank you, father-in-law." Bailang drank up the water in a few mouthfuls.

, "May I ask my father-in-law what year it is now? Where is this place?" The old man looked Bailang up and down. Although Bailang's clothes were tattered, the material was actually very good. It was made of high-count cotton.

, not at all these days.

"Now is the year of Zhao Guan's housekeeping." The old man said, "Eighty miles away is Kaifeng Mansion." Bai Lang knew as soon as he heard that this was the dynasty of Zhao and Song. It didn't matter which emperor it was.

Anyway, no emperor during the Northern Song Dynasty was worthy of Bai Lang's sacrifice. All the emperors of the Zhao and Song dynasties were famous for being useless, and Shenzong was probably the only one who was better. As for Taizu, that was another person not included among them.

Starting from Taizong, the Chariot God of Gaoliang River, one "but incompetence" has clung to the personality of every Zhao official. Besides, Zhao Song's way of treating warriors, only a ghost wants to do things for them - Tianri Zhaozhao has no reason to do so.

Only Wanyan Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, could do it. How could Bai Lang, such a good man, be used by such people? Then he thanked him, took out a copper plate and gave it to his father-in-law, "Can I buy a piece of cake with this money?"

"That's enough, that's enough." The old man looked at the golden money in his hand. The iron paintings and silver hooks on it were clearly written. It was really good money that he had never seen before. The old man took out five large cakes from the old woman's pick and stuffed them into Bailang.

Bailang cupped his hand and walked along the road with the cake. When he got to the corner, he used Qinggong and drove twenty or thirty miles. After that, he couldn't go any further - because the road was bustling with cars, horses and pedestrians, all of whom were preparing to enter the city.

At this time, Bianjing City is probably the largest city in the world, with a population of nearly 1.5 million. Naturally, with such a population, there are a lot of people coming in and out every day. It is not unusual for a beggar like Bai Lang to dress up. He takes care of himself.

Bai Lang was walking on the road when he saw dozens of men, women, and children turning from the road and walking into the woods on one side. "It's none of your business to cheat on friends in the world." Bai Lang saw at a glance that these people all had martial arts skills.

What else can a group of people with martial arts do for group activities besides hacking friends' clubs?

Sure enough, not far away, Bailang heard the faint sound of metal banging and screams coming from the woods, and a large-scale fight began. After entering the city, Bailang also looked around at this first city in the world, "The real Qingming Festival"

"A Picture of the River" stretches for more than ten miles from the city gate and is bustling with various stores, water and land transportation, and bustling passers-by. Bai Lang also took a deep breath, and felt that the bustling atmosphere of the city was really a good place.

It is a human tragedy that this good place was invaded and plundered by the Jin people. Of course, this is entirely due to Zhao Song's eggless official family and the same eggless husbands and Zhao Song's foster scholars, who raised a bunch of shameless and cowardly people. Bailang

Thinking about this, he first needs to find a job to make a living - Bai Lang's idea is to take advantage of others. There is a criminal network formed by underground ditches in Bianjing City, and there are many criminal thieves in it. Bai Lang thinks he can go in and do it.

How many votes.


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