Chapter 893

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 Looking at Nurhachi, who has a simple and honest smile in front of him, who is not yet thirty years old, and his subordinates and children who are several years old - at this time, there are only a few hundred soldiers of the Jianzhou Jurchen Division, and although the territory is not small, the population is small.

Not much really. When Bai Lang looked at Nurhachi, his facial expression could be said to be a little distorted and disappointed.

"How dare you come to see me, how dare you surrender? Don't you know that I have already planned the location of your family's capital! Damn it!" Wanli didn't look like an emperor at all, and he cursed,

The smell of blood was also emanating from his body - at this time, the entire Jurchen tribe in Jianzhou only had a few thousand people, and Bailang had already killed thousands of Mongolians on the grassland, and didn't even care about a mere Jianzhou.

The wild boar skins lying down below were sweating visibly, and some were trembling. The king in front of him had no doubts about beheading them, and no one could stop him. Fortunately, after Bai Lang said a few words, he also

He issued his order, "All the clan members will move out, change their names and adopt customs - from now on your surname will be Jin."

After all, we cannot kill all the Jianzhou Department today, but we can drive the Jianzhou Department to clean up the entire Jurchen Department outside the Pass. Anyway, Bailang has decided to let these Jurchens be distributed all over the country. As a nation, they

will cease to exist.

The cleanup of the entire Jurchen tribe, including the Haixi Jurchen tribe, has begun. One by one, the leaders of each tribe ran as fast as they could to the starting base of Bailang, kowtowed to the Emperor of Heaven and begged for mercy. This time the Emperor of Heaven brought

The army of nearly ten thousand came with murderous intent, and it looked like what Emperor Chenghua wanted to do back then.

If it weren't for doing something even better

Bailang ordered them to live apart, and some of the young men will be brought to various places in the pass. What they must do immediately is to give them Chinese names, wear Han clothes, practice Chinese customs, speak Chinese, and have pigtails, money, and rat tails. "I want to keep them."

Don't want this hair and head!" Bai Lang also ordered the Jurchen leaders to gather their troops and advance to the north with him.

HLJ was crossed, and Bailang took the Jurchens all the way to the Lena River in later generations. "Well, this place is not bad. Let's set up a monument." After that, the emperor returned. He was not in a good mood because of a

He has killed less than a hundred people on the road. As for the Cossacks who can make him happily engage in various traps and killings, there is still no trace of them. Let him go out to Central Asia and travel thousands of kilometers to capture the Russians?

Sorry, Bai Lang is not a madman yet. If he comes in his true form, he can give it a try and kill all Central Asia and push it into Europe. What the Mongols did once, there is no reason why he can't do it again.

In the end, he returned to the capital with quite a few Jurchens. According to his order, these Jurchens were completely dispersed and sent directly to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Yunnan Guizhou - as for how many people would die on the way? This is not Bailang's concern.

Yes, he even gave these people money and food on the way, so he was considered a benevolent saint.

As for being acclimatized and dying, it has nothing to do with him as the emperor. All the Jurchens have Han surnames, are given clothes, and have their heads shaved. If they can really reach the place alive, they can be given money according to their personal skills.

They assigned work. It is hard to say whether those in the southeast and south will listen to the emperor's words. This can be regarded as an excuse used by Bai Lang.

After returning to Beijing, Bai Lang looked at the large garden that had been built for almost two years. More than two million taels of silver had been invested in it. This was because Bai Lang had said that there was no need to use big wood and that more spliced ​​wood and new cement and other materials should be used.

We also invited Western priests who came to preach to participate in the design and construction. "Without the skills of an architect, I will not allow you to build a church."

Bailang doesn't care about the preaching of these people. China has not been a country of religious extremism since ancient times - or in other words, extremist religions have already withstood the severe blows of the secular government. If these Western priests - or Christian priests dare to come

If there was any rejection, Bailang wouldn't mind expelling them all.

If these people are willing to translate Western works, Bailang doesn't mind allowing them to build churches in the capital or elsewhere, but the scope of preaching is limited to churches, and freedom of belief is required - exclusive beliefs are absolutely not allowed, so it has to be decreed

The Bible is the only one. When he thought of letting those civil servants change the Bible to polytheism, Bailang felt that they were the orthodox Catholics - who said that the Virgin Mary and the Son were not gods?

Those angels can definitely be gods, and then whoever is in the underworld can also be a god. In short, there are many gods in Semitic cults, and everyone has their own responsibility for the work. This matter is not

Is it easy to handle? Of course it will definitely become a heretic, but how many troops does the Pope have?

These days, all the Jesuits who come to East Asia to preach have a few skills, including architects and translators. Most of them have good mathematics skills. In fact, Bai Lang is the world's greatest mathematician. The next thing he wants to do is the imperial examination -

- It is necessary to add an additional subject named Mathematics and General Knowledge from the beginning of the Boy Examination to the Juren Examination, add mathematics and some very basic physics and chemistry, and delete some outdated poetry and other subjects.

It is also a one-paper system - if you fail the general knowledge of mathematics, you will be eliminated directly, while the Jinshi subject can be completely classified - the Ministry of Industry has an additional test of mathematics, the Ministry of Punishment has an additional test of Ming Dynasty Law, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household also have an additional test of mathematics, and the rest are originally a few

That's fine. In this case, you can also select professional bureaucrats. As for those who don't want to take the exam, just take it slowly - anyway, if you want to go outside, you still have to take the math and Ming law exams.

That's right, if you don't pass this exam, you can't even think about being an official outside the capital, and you can only hang out in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel. Even if you become a censor, you will probably make a fool of yourself - you can't even calculate the accounts. What are you impeaching?

Ah, especially now that the emperor doesn't like the need to provide evidence and data when hearing rumors. As for the selection of the Hanlin - the current Hanlin is really a poor Hanlin, since the cabinet and various ministers no longer select directly from the Hanlin.

Hanlin was really just a literary secretary, librarian, and historian. He didn't have much money and couldn't talk about his original noble status.

There are several Western-style buildings in the big garden, and Bai Lang even said that Chinese-style buildings are also mostly built in Western ways - at least they won't be completely burned down after being burned, and at least the walls can be used, right? And from his heart

, personally also likes the style of Western architecture - whether it is Gothic or neoclassical, Renaissance or Victorian, he likes them all. Since these missionaries have this ability, Bailang is also ready to set aside a piece of land for them.

They built churches - they had to raise the money themselves.


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