Chapter 89: It turns out that he is the younger brother.

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 The dragon-like swordsmanship was something Bai Lang had never seen before, and there was something inexplicable about it. Now the sword did not touch Bai Lang's body, but the golden bell on his body had been activated, "There is something

Cutting?" Bailanghu roared and punched, but it couldn't touch Mu Ronghua's body at all - before that, the sword was like a blooming flower, using the flower to catch Bailang's punch.

"The mud cow enters the water..." The power of this punch was empty, there was no feeling of impact at all, and there was no feedback at all. Bailang's true energy suddenly seemed to go astray, and his chest felt like it was being beaten.

He hammered himself. "The punching power is good, but as for this move...Bailang, haven't you learned the real fisting skills yet?" Mu Ronghuaxing had enough power to comment on Bailang's attacks.

Bai Lang gave a wry smile, and then stepped up his attacks, striking with fists, claws, and legs - now he knew that Mu Ronghua was trying to challenge him, so there was no need to worry about hurting anyone. To be honest, Bai Lang was not qualified to do so.

"Let me tell you, this is not suitable for you. I have already said it before. It seems that dressing up as a soldier in armor suits your style better." Mu Ronghua talked a lot of nonsense. It seems that Bailang's tricks are not putting pressure on him.


It was true that the pressure was not great. Mu Ronghua only attacked for a while at the beginning, and then started to defend against Bai Lang's attacks. The more Bai Lang fought, the more uncomfortable he felt, "Are the moves really that rough?" he muttered, and then the white tiger's evil energy exploded in full force.

Mu Ronghua, who was on the opposite side, looked serious for a moment, and then he extended his sword, killing the evil spirit of the white tiger like the setting sun over a long river. At the same time, he tapped three points on Bailang's chest very easily.

The skin was slightly broken at three points, but Bailang knew that his golden bell was actually completely broken... Although his skin was still tough, if Mu Ronghua was serious about this sword, he would

It must be a serious injury.

Bai Lang stopped his hand and let out a long breath. "My martial arts skills are good, especially my internal strength, which is pretty good at your level. But if you are a member of the Changle Gang and it depends on the situation, brothers have no future..."

..You practice Henglian Kung Fu, right? It seems to be the kind from the outside in, and judging from the evil spirit on your body, it seems that you have killed many people in 'that' to develop this evil spirit...

...If possible, I suggest you exchange some martial arts skills such as fists and palms. Your fist and kick skills... are a bit rough and you can't use your inner strength."

Mu Ronghua seriously commented on the shortcomings of Bailang's martial arts - now we are all on the same boat, and it would be good for him if his companion's martial arts were stronger, not to mention that Bailang's relationship with him is not competitive, so that would be even better. Bailang caught

He scratched his hair and said, "In Brother Mu's view, my martial arts..." Mu Ronghua's face was still very serious, "If you look at it from the martial arts world, it should be regarded as a third- or fourth-rate martial arts practice."

Or...don't be discouraged, the Huanhua Xijian Sect where I belong is already quite a famous sect, and I am considered a master of the younger generation in the sect..."

"Third or fourth rate... Sigh." Bai Lang sighed, "Listen to me, finding some suitable boxing and kicking skills is the fastest way to improve right now. Unfortunately, I don't have this kind of martial arts...

.... Well, next time I will help you bring some things in this area. Don't refuse, your martial arts training will also be beneficial to our affairs 'over there', and the fist and kick skills I can give you will be useful.

It’s common in the world of martial arts. If you can get out of this small branch, you can actually collect it yourself..."

After Mu Ronghua said this, he said hello to Bai Lang and used Qinggong to float away... Bai Lang also shook his head, "Humph, Bai Shaobao? Hahahahaha, Bai Shaobao." Originally Bailang was inflated.

He made a lot of mistakes, became a little arrogant, and reached several levels of domineering. Now he just hit the bottom with a hammer... "You are just a younger brother!" Bai Lang said to himself.

The younger brother, Bai Shaobao, stood on the hill for a while, blowing in the cold wind, and then used the light skill of flying on grass to go back. The arrogance and arrogance he developed in the world that Yuyu sent him to,

Now it's gone, Bai Lang is awake - when he first came back, he was just shrinking out of habit. If Mu Ronghua hadn't come, this person would probably show his original inflated demeanor soon. It's a good thing that it has been dispelled now.

Bai Lang was still acting as a thug humbly, but this time sincerely. He was a good player in this small town, but if he looked more closely, he would just be a street slave. This time, Bai Lang was very serious about going to the place where he sells books in the city.

He looked for various books, but he was disappointed that there were very few introductions to geography, but he found what he needed in another place. "I really didn't expect to find these things in the various archives accumulated by the government.


This was because of his request, but they didn't take it seriously and just let him go to the warehouse to check the old files - those with money, grain, criminal names were definitely not allowed to read, but the court's announcements and other things were fine. Only then did Bai Lang know this

How big the world is, how small the place I am in is actually just a sub-city below the county seat. This Dayan actually Dayan? I don’t know whether the royal surname is Ji or Murong? Dayan

The dynasty covers thousands of miles, but it is still only one of the seven kingdoms." Bai Lang thought, could these be the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period?

Sure enough, there are names of seven countries in the file, and they are indeed the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, because there is also the nominal emperor Zhou Tianzi on it. Although Emperor Zhou has already gone to the streets and only has a territory of more than a hundred miles around Haojing, it is finally

The emperor is the higher-level emperor in the name of the Seven Kingdoms. Even if it is a county or a sub-city, the official in charge here is just one of the county magistrates under the county magistrate, but the document room here still has seven large warehouses.

Bailang rummaged around inside, and there were so many announcements issued over the years. Although there was a rule to destroy the announcements regularly, he had been too lazy to implement it many years ago... After three days and three nights, Bailang finally

I have a preliminary understanding of the world I live in. These seven countries occupy a large area. However, there are sea areas and other countries outside the seven countries, but they do not occupy the central continent. The bells are beautiful and the wisdom between heaven and earth is exclusive.

, masters emerge in endlessly.

The continent it occupies also has a name, and Bailang is quite familiar with it. " the most populated continent. Dongsheng Shenzhou is a continent of islands, while Xiniu, Hezhou and Beizhou are both

There is no news about Luzhou? Could it be that it doesn’t exist?” This is something that the gods and Buddhas in the sky should pay attention to. In terms of martial arts, at least only the highest-level or lower-level masters have the ability to pay attention to it. Now Bailang

It can only be said that he is a martial arts brother. He also confirmed that Mu Ronghua was right. His cultivation level was changed to one of the gangs in the larger places that were arrested by the court for committing evil acts in the announcement, that is, he was an ordinary gang.

There are so many people in the martial arts world with his level of cultivation.

This chapter has been completed!
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