Chapter 159 What is there to talk about between us?

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Muchuan rarely comes to visit Chen Xiaoyu, but he hires a special nurse to take care of her.

Because he didn't take the initiative to show up all year round, he was never discovered by Diya Jun.

Chen Xiaoyu's attending physician knew that Muchuan was responsible for everything that happened to Chen Xiaoyu, so Mu Wanwan easily met Chen Xiaoyu in the name of Muchuan.

After several years of treatment, Chen Xiaoyu’s condition has become relatively stable.

In the past month, Chen Xiaoyu has not gotten sick again.

The Fifth Psychiatric Hospital is not a government institution, but a private one, but whether it is the environment, medical facilities, or other aspects, they are all first-class.

Chen Xiaoyu lives in a high-end VIP ward, and nurses take care of her daily life. In addition to being unable to leave here, her quality of life is also extremely high.

Mu Wanwan arrived at Chen Xiaoyu's ward and immediately saw the woman sitting on the bay window.

The woman was wearing a clean hospital gown, and her long black hair was spread behind her like satin. Because she did not see the sun often, her skin showed an unhealthy paleness.

The eyebrows are picturesque and the face is exquisite.

The woman in front of me has the delicate beauty of a Jiangnan woman. She is sitting quietly on the bay window, with a faint smile on her lips, and is carefully helping the little rag doll inside comb her hair.

This woman is none other than Chen Xiaoyu.

Just looking at her appearance, it is hard to believe that she has killed someone before.

She personally killed her stepfather who had raped her, chopped his body into many pieces, cooked it and fed it to her pet dog.

However, the French Open was thorough and meticulous, and the police eventually discovered the fact that she had committed murder.

But when she committed the murder, Chen Xiaoyu's spirit was already in an abnormal state, so her fate was to be sent here to receive forced treatment.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't notice anyone coming in, she was still immersed in her own world.

"Little darling, little darling, mommy will help you comb your hair..." Chen Xiaoyu looked at the little rag doll in her hand with gentle eyes and spoke softly.

Mu Wanwan did not disturb Chen Xiaoyu. She took out her mobile phone and took a photo of Chen Xiaoyu.

Then, he turned around and left the ward.


When we left the mental hospital, it was already dark.

Mu Wanwan had just arrived at the door of Mu's house when she saw Bo Yunze smoking under the streetlight not far from their door.

The light casts his shadow on the ground, making him look a little lonely.

His eyes only stayed on Bo Yunze for a second, and Mu Wanwan calmly moved his eyes elsewhere, pretending not to see him, and walked straight towards the carved iron door of Mu's house.

Bo Yunze watched Mu Wanwan pass by him without looking away, and quickly put out the cigarette in his hand and threw it into the trash can, then he caught up with Mu Wanwan in two steps.

Mu Wanwan saw a group of people blocking her way, her steps suddenly stopped, she frowned and looked at Bo Yunze.

She said nothing, but the impatience in her expression still stung Bo Yunze severely.

"Wanwan, can we have a peaceful talk?" Bo Yunze took a deep breath, suppressed the sourness in his heart, and looked at Mu Wanwan with complicated eyes.

Mu Wanwan looked at Bo Yunze indifferently and curled her lips sarcastically: "What is there to talk about between us?"

Why hadn't she discovered before that Bo Yunze, a man, had the potential to make dog-skin plasters?

This chapter has been completed!
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