Chapter 283 Confirmed that Mu Wanwan’s fiery eyes were on her

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The smile on Muchuan's lips disappeared completely. His face was not pretty, and he looked at the doctor stiffly: "What do you mean?"

The doctor said in embarrassment: "Looking at the bruises on Ms. Chen's neck, someone probably pinched her neck, causing her to suffocate. Her brain was deprived of oxygen for more than ten minutes before and after this, which could very well lead to brain death!"
Muchuan couldn't react for a moment. His body was trembling and he said in disbelief: "You mean, she became a vegetable?"

"This... is just our guess at the moment. Next, we will conduct specific examinations. However, from the light reflection of Ms. Chen's eyeball just now, it can be proved that my guess is 80% correct." After the doctor finished speaking, he carefully said

Observing Muchuan's reaction.

Muchuan's face turned extremely ugly. He was so angry that he roared and asked: "How did you take care of her? Why would someone come to strangle her! This is deliberate murder!"

"Mr. Mu, I can guarantee that it is absolutely impossible for the medical staff in our hospital to harm patients. This matter is indeed murder. We can call the police first, and then invite the police to investigate." The doctor said quickly.

"Check the monitoring system for me. I want to see who is so brave!" Muchuan roared, scaring all the medical staff and leaving the ward.

Soon, Muchuan called the police. After comparing the injuries, the police determined that someone wanted to deliberately murder Chen Xiaoyu, and established the case as a criminal case and began investigation.

The first step in the investigation is to look at the surveillance.

Mu Xiaoxue was very careful. She avoided all the cameras in the hospital along the way. Even when she passed by, she always lowered her head and could only see her figure but not her face.

The last thing that captured Mu Xiaoxue was the camera located in the corridor of the ward. The camera captured that Mu Xiaoxue was the only one who entered the ward before Muchuan came over, and she stayed for a full ten minutes, which was enough.

A murder was committed. After Muchuan entered the room, he immediately called the doctors and nurses. He did not have time to commit the crime, so the suspicion was naturally cleared.

For the purpose of investigation, all the cleaners who were on duty and resting in the hospital that day were handed over to the hospital for questioning.

It's just the cleaners on duty. Everyone has an alibi. They were cleaning in each ward when the crime occurred. The patients in the ward can prove their innocence for them, and then cooperate with the surveillance and compare their body shapes.

All cleaners have been cleared of suspicion.

In desperation, the police had to separate the cleaners and show them the video respectively, asking them to identify the murderer.

The cleaners wear the same clothes to work every day, and they are very familiar with the movements of the people around them. In many cases, they can recognize who they are without looking at their faces.

Therefore, after watching the surveillance, they all unanimously affirmed that the cleaner who tried to murder Chen Xiaoyu was not someone they knew.

Muchuan didn't want to believe it. He was very dissatisfied with the results of the investigation: "If it's not these cleaners, who else can it be?"

"The person who committed the crime deliberately avoided the surveillance cameras. It can be seen that the prisoner has a certain understanding of the hospital. It is not difficult to get a set of cleaners' clothes. Besides, the cleaners have no motive for committing the crime. Mr. Mu

, think about it carefully, is it someone you know who wants to get rid of Ms. Chen?" The policeman stared at Muchuan and asked.

PS: After seeing this, some babies should feel that Mu Xiaoxue is a little mentally disturbed~

This chapter has been completed!
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