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Chapter 107 Let’s split Yuquan Mountain


Yuding nodded slightly and agreed to Huanglong.

Nothing else, he simply wanted to teach this nonsense boy a lesson.

Then he looked at the direction where Taiyi and Lingzhuzi were leaving, his eyes gradually deepening.

Many people claim that all people are born equal, but the real situation is that there are always people who cheat before they are born.

This guy is Lingzhuzi.

A spiritual creature bred by heaven and earth can be called the biological son of God. It has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for countless years before it was born. How can other people compare to this?

This Lingzhu’s seemingly ridiculous background and background, coupled with the teachings of Master Taiyi, it doesn’t take much to think about it. Lingzhu’s cultivation will definitely make rapid progress, and it won’t take long to become a master.

However, how to educate has become a test for Taiyi.

Compared with the spirit beads, Yuding is more familiar with his reincarnation when he became a god, that is, Nezha, the pioneer of the merchant expedition.

However, his impression of Nezha was different from the little hero in many people's minds, because he remembered that this kid was a naturally evil kid from the Li family.

First, he killed the Yaksha of the Dragon Palace and cramped the dragon's tendon, and then shot the boy of Empress Shiji...

However, Lingzhuzi’s words are pretty good so far, except for his mouth being beaten.

Character education must start from the doll.

If Lingzhuzi's character is no longer good, he will send Yang Jian to military training to correct himself.

Yuding thought about it and made arrangements for the character of his nephew. He turned around and landed on the square of Yuxu Palace and walked towards the direction of Yuxu Palace.

"Yuding, where are you going?"

Huang Long, who was rubbing his chest, quickly followed up.

Yuding said: "You have already met the master, but I haven't gone to pay my respects yet."

Huang Long shook his head and said: "The great calamity is approaching. After explaining to all the brothers, Master has closed the palace door and will no longer preach. Let us each prepare for the calamity. Unless Master summons us, we will not be able to see Master.

"Have you finished explaining to the brothers?"

Yuding looked at Yuxu Palace and said in astonishment: "But I haven't heard Master's explanation yet. Master has missed me?"

"Actually, there is no explanation. Master just said that the fate has been doomed for a long time. Since we cannot avoid it, we can calm down and let nature take its course.

If we can get through it safely, then we will not be far from the realm of Daluo." Huang Long said.

So the master means to enjoy it if you can't resist... Yuding glanced at Yuxu Palace and started thinking again.

But it doesn’t matter. With his foresight and understanding of the God-Conferring Tribulation, to be honest, it’s not very difficult to survive the Tribulation alive.

Anyway, he is not threatened with murder now.

If there is a great calamity of gods, the most sensible thing to do is undoubtedly to stay at home, not go out, do nothing, not enter the calamity and let the calamity continue as it is.

If someone fights you to the death, what does that have to do with him?

Just in this way, the canonization of gods will be the same as before. The two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation are fighting each other, others benefit, and the master and other saints are imprisoned...

Is this the result he wants to see?

Yuding's heart sank.

After all, he is not a loner. He has a disciple, a master, brothers, and disciples...

It goes without saying how Master Yuanshi treated him.

Taiyi Huanglong was not only his senior brother, but also his best friend, as were Yang Jian and Yuan Hong. Although they caused him a lot of trouble, he still liked them very much.

What if he hides at home and doesn't come out of the mountain, and the two of them will inevitably fight each other for life and death as brothers?

Besides, is it really safe to hide at home?

Thinking of Empress Shiji who was beaten to death by Taiyi, Yuding silently erased the thought of being a house brother for hundreds of years and sighed in his heart:

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned!

This catastrophe was caused by the gods breaking the rules, and all the gods were targeted, and the immortals of their three religions were the top targets of this catastrophe.

Is it really safe to stay at home?

Not necessarily!

"It seems I still have to do something."

Yuding made a decision in his heart. Of course, as a Taoist who understands the law, he would not do anything against heaven by shouting the slogan of changing one's fate;

He will only make plans for him, his master, and the two religions to the greatest extent allowed by the rules of heaven.

After Yuding bowed in the direction of Yuxu Palace, he turned around and rode the clouds towards Yuquan Mountain.

Since Yuanshi Tianzun could not be seen, the three-headed dragon was also worn on his body. After Yuding said goodbye to Huanglong, he used his golden light to head towards Yuquan Mountain.


East China Sea, Biyou Palace.

At this moment, the main hall is filled with Biyou disciples.

"Master, all the disciples on the island are basically here."

Taoist Duobao said after hesitating for a moment and added: "Except for the junior brothers Dingguangxian who were suppressed by you in the back mountain, Master, do you think... let them out?"

"Don't worry about them."

Tongtian said calmly that those disciples had bad conduct, and as a master, he knew something about it. If they were in trouble, there was a high possibility that they would be on the list.

This time he just took the opportunity to discipline him properly.

In addition, being pressed under the mountain so that they cannot move freely can also prevent them from falling into this divine tribulation.


Duobao was silent for a while and had to say.

"You already know the matter. The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao committed a crime and were stained in the world of mortals. The luck and misfortune are unknown. There is also the matter of the list of gods being conferred by heavenly court officials."

Tongtian glanced at the disciples and said: "Master, I will give you special instructions once again. Remember:

The names on the list of gods are all sealed in the three religions, and they will only be revealed after death. When the great tribulation begins, the twelve immortals of Yuxu will go down the mountain to complete the tribulation, and you cannot stop them.

At that time, all my disciples will stay behind closed doors and will not be allowed to go down the mountain. Anyone who comes down the mountain must be someone on the list. Did you all hear this clearly?"

"Follow the law!"

Everyone leaned forward and bowed to the sky.

Duobao, Jin Ling, Sanxiao and others looked thoughtful and began to think, but the expressions on the faces of some disciples were still relaxed, and even a little gloating.

The imminent disaster and the uncertainty of good or bad times must have made the Twelve Golden Immortals very distressed and worried.

But this man’s joys and sorrows are not the same.

They were not worried, and were even a little happy.

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It's not them who are about to be killed, right?

Seeing the disciple Tongtian who didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, he frowned slightly, but he could only sigh in his heart.

"Okay, let's go back to the mountains!"

His words have reached this point, and it will be of no use to say more. Then it depends on these disciples.

All the disciples bowed to Tongtian and then all left the Biyou Palace.



After the Heavenly Palace was restored by the three golden immortals, the aftermath of Yang Jian's havoc in the Heavenly Palace seemed to have slowly passed.

But in fact, no!

Lingxiao Palace.

The auspicious clouds are filling the air, and the auspiciousness is abundant.

The civil and military immortals were lined up on both sides of the hall, with the Emperor of Heaven sitting at the top.

But this time, the Emperor of Heaven was not forced to open business.

In front of him were two volumes of jade books.

If the two volumes have anything in common, it is probably that the author is the same person.

Beihe layman!

One volume—The Legend of the Fox Fairy.

One volume - A story that moved heaven and earth to save my mother.

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven."

A god general bravely reported, "The person who wrote these two books is too mysterious. The generals are incompetent. What they caught are all fake. The real identity of this person has not been found yet."

One of the jade books was found from Yunhua's belongings after she was arrested, and the second volume was found from the human world when they were searching for the author of the Legend of the Fox Immortal.

"Humph, you are quite incompetent."

Haotian glanced at the two volumes on the table.

Although it is said that my sister married a mortal privately due to love disaster, but look at what the Legend of the Fox Fairy describes?

Fox fairy falls in love with mortals?

It sounds nice, but in reality, isn’t it just advocating love between shemales?

Who can guarantee that Yunhua has not been affected by this book at all?

"What do you think of these two volumes of books?" Haotian asked lightly.

The gods looked at each other silently.

They have all read the book. The writing is good, and the story is novel and interesting. It is based on the mother and son of Dayu and Yang Jian, who are also acquaintances that everyone knows.

And compared to the first part, the sincere description of the mother-child relationship in the second part is quite good and can easily resonate, but...

The Emperor of Heaven is certainly not asking this at this moment.

There is a row of military generals, and two heavenly generals stand at the back. They are Mo Youqian and Yunyangzi who guard Nantianmen.

"Old Mo, this book is a bit dangerous."

Yunyangzi thought deeply and then spoke.

Mo Youqian looked at his nose and heart: "Whatever, we are responsible for guarding the Nantian Gate."

Yunyangzi hesitated for a moment, then stepped out and said in a deep voice: "The evil words confuse the people, and their intentions are worthy of death!"

"Lao Yun..."

Mo Youqian was startled for a moment and then shook his head.

Haotian frowned: "Tell me in detail."

Yunyangzi said in a deep voice:

"Talents are yin and yang, the six paths are orderly, and humans and demons have different paths. However, the legend of the fox fairy promotes the theory that demons are good, and it is clearly suspected of encouraging the love between humans and demons. If humans and demons compete to imitate, wouldn't the order of the two races be disrupted?"


At this time, the general who made the first report coughed dryly, took out a jade book and said with a bitter smile: "Your Majesty, this is the document written by the Dragon King of the East China Sea against the person who wrote the Legend of the Fox Immortal.

Ao Guang said that a dragon girl was abducted by a scholar after reading "The Legend of the Fox Fairy". The key point is that the scholar also wrote another volume of "The Legend of the Dragon Girl of True Love" in the name of Bei He!"

Haotian was startled: "When did the Legend of the Dragon Girl come out again?"

The god turned his palm silently, and with a flash of golden light, a pile of jade books appeared in his hand, and the spirit officer sent them to the table in front of Haotian.

Haotian glanced at them, and without exception, they all bore the name of the Beihe layman.

When he opened it and glanced at it, he was slightly startled.

The story is novel and tells the story of the mortal dragon girl.

It tells the story of a dragon girl who was forced by the Dragon King to marry a dragon from another place. As a result, she was mistreated by her husband's family after the marriage. A mortal helped to send a letter to her mother's family to escape the sea of ​​misery. In the end, the two fell in love and achieved a happy ending.

But the writing style and writing style are too immature compared to the previous two films.

At first glance, he is a fake. He only has the name of Beihe layman, but he kidnapped the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea to make a living...

Haotian's face darkened, and this reminded him of a very unhappy thing. Although the ending was satisfactory, the feeling of being raped by a pig was still deeply in his memory.

"Your Majesty, if this person is not caught, he will bring disaster to the three realms, and the order of the three realms will be in chaos."

The gods saw the direction of the wind and immediately spoke.

"By the way, who are you and what is your position?"

Haotian looked at Yunyangzi, looking a little unfamiliar.

The middle stage of true wonderland!

This strength is already pretty good.

This guy is very lucky. Mo Yougan blinked, but then shook his head. Who knows that there is a saying in the world: Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger!

Yunyangzi was immediately overjoyed and knelt down and said: "The last general, Yunyangzi, is responsible for guarding Nantianmen. Today is my day off..."

"Well, it depends on how good your magic power is."

Haotian said: "I will make you the general of the rolling curtain. This time I will lead people to the lower world to arrest people. Beihe layman will catch one by one. From now on, he will follow me for guidance."

Although there are thirty-six gods in heaven who will be the face of heaven, there are still many heavenly generals who are not weaker than them, but they just lack an opportunity.

"Thank you, Emperor Tian, ​​for your kindness!"

Yunyangzi was overjoyed and knelt down to thank him.

When the gods and generals on the side saw this scene, their faces showed envy.

Being with the Emperor of Heaven is almost like being a confidant.

In fact, they had thought about that, but they couldn't guess what the Emperor of Heaven was thinking, so they took a slightly steady hand. Unexpectedly, they hesitated so much, and the opportunity to reach the sky in one step slipped away from their eyes.

Mo Youqian is not very envious. After all, how can he feel free to guard Nantianmen after following the Emperor of Heaven?

Not long after, Yun, no, General Shulian led a group of heavenly soldiers through the boundary between heaven and earth and descended to the human world, and began a vigorous operation to capture the lay people of Beihe.


In a restaurant within the Great Shang Dynasty.

A figure in white looked at a group of officials below pushing a scholar away, then looked up at the sky, with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"Master, this is already the thirty-eighth one."

Hong Yu said silently beside him: "Those people are not officials of Dashang at all."

"He is from heaven."

Mr. Bai rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

Even he did not expect that after his reputation as Beihe layman became famous, so many people would write books under his name.

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The key is also written a lot of stories.

There are good and bad contents, and some stories even he thought were really good after reading them. The human race has a rich imagination, but this has also led to several cross-race love affairs.

The most outrageous thing is that a mortal really abducted the Dragon Girl.

This is not the most risqué thing, the most outstanding thing is that the boy got an advantage and behaved well. He used this experience to write a story about True Love and the Dragon Girl in his own name.

This led him to inexplicably end up with some sort of Sea Clan manhunt throughout the world.

Now even heaven is looking for him.


This scapegoat is a real injustice.

Mr. Bai stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with a touch of sadness in his expression, and he was speechless and choked.

"Then Master...won't write anymore?"

Hong Yu tentatively said, it would be fine if the master didn’t write it.

Otherwise, she would be busiest every time before publishing a book.

Because the books are distributed for free, a lot of jade books are needed, and the production of jade books requires a lot of jade raw materials, so she has to go underground day and night to dig a lot of jade mines for the master to write the book.

She hates mining!

"No, I have expected this situation a long time ago."

Mr. Bai turned his head and smiled: "I have already prepared."

Hong Yu was startled: "What preparations?"

"Change your pen name!"

Mr. Bai looked up at the sky and said with some pride: "What they want to arrest is the layman Beihe. It's none of my business... What's the matter with Tianyi Fuchen?"

Kureha:へ( ̄ ̄;へ)

After submission, the master is still the master.



A dragon shuttled between the sea of ​​clouds, and a jade tripod sat cross-legged on his head.

"Master, I never expected that you are actually the legendary Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu."

The three-headed dragon smiled flatteringly: "If you had told me earlier, wouldn't I have been obedient?"

He finally knew the true identity of Yuding, so it was no wonder that he could emit such powerful sword energy.

Yuding smiled, without comment, and warned: "There is a female disciple in my dojo. Let me tell you, if you dare to look at her twice, I will gouge out your eyeballs.

If you dare to touch her, I will chop off your claws. If you dare to react, I will cut off your right and wrong..."

Hiss... The three-headed dragon laughed dryly and said: "Master, can we not use this as an excuse from now on?"

Yuding glanced at him: "Okay, I'll get rid of you."

Three-headed dragon: "..."

We can’t talk today.

Yuquan Mountain.

Two streams of light came to the front of the mountain in a moment. The light flashed and turned into Yang Jian and Yun Hua.

"Mother, here we are!"

Yang Jian said: "This is Yuquan Mountain, the dojo of my master Yuding Zhenren."

Yunhua looked at Yuquan Mountain: "So, Xiaochan is here?"

Before Yang Jian could speak, a light flashed in front of him, and an ax appeared, "sizing up" Yuquan Mountain.

Soon it became excited and came to Yang Jian eager to try:

"Hey, this mountain is not bad. It's worth hacking. Guys, catch me and let's open it?"

When Yang Jian heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and his face turned dark.

This guy's old habit is back again.

"This is my master's home."

Yang Jian said speechlessly: "Believe it or not, if we can open this mountain, my master can also open it?"

"I don't believe it!"

Kaishan Ax hummed.


A Taoist priest as rich as jade appeared with a smile.

PS: It’s over, I can’t adjust my schedule, ahhh!

This chapter has been completed!
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